Awakening the Buddha within: eight steps to enlightenment: Tibetan wisdom for the Western world (2024)

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Awakening the Buddha within: eight steps to enlightenment: Tibetan wisdom for the Western world (1)

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Awakening the Buddha within: eight steps to enlightenment: Tibetan wisdom for the Western world 🔍

Crown Publishing Group;Broadway Books, 2009

Das, Lama Surya 🔍


Lama Surya Das, the most highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition, presents the definitive book on Western Buddhism for the modern-day spiritual seeker. The radical and compelling message of Buddhism tells us that each of us has the wisdom, awareness, love, and power of the Buddha within; yet most of us are too often like sleeping Buddhas. In Awakening the Buddha Within, Surya Das shows how we can awaken to who we really are in order to lead a more compassionate, enlightened, and balanced life. It illuminates the guidelines and key principles embodied in the noble Eight-Fold Path and the traditional Three Enlightenment Trainings common to all schools of Buddhism: Wisdom Training: Developing clear vision, insight, and inner understanding -- seeing reality and ourselves as we really are. Ethics Training: Cultivating virtue, self-discipline, and compassion in what we say and do. Meditation Training: Practicing mindfulness, concentration, and awareness of the present moment. With lively stories, meditations, and spiritual practices, Awakening the Buddha Within is an invaluable text for the novice and experienced student of Buddhism alike. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Awakening the Buddha within : eight steps to enlightenment : Tibetan wisdom for the Western world

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Surya Das, Lama; OverDrive, Inc

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Surya Das Lama, Lama Surya Das

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The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group

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Place of publication not identified, 2009

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New York, New York (State), 2009

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New York, c1997

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New York, 1998

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Reprint, 2009

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Lama Surya Das, the most highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition, presents the definitive book on Western Buddhism for the modern-day spiritual seeker.The radical and compelling message of Buddhism tells us that each of us has the wisdom, awareness, love, and power of the Buddha within; yet most of us are too often like sleeping Buddhas. In Awakening the Buddha Within, Surya Das shows how we can awaken to who we really are in order to lead a more compassionate, enlightened, and balanced life. It illuminates the guidelines and key principles embodied in the noble Eight-Fold Path and the traditional Three Enlightenment Trainings common to all schools of Buddhism:Wisdom Training: Developing clear vision, insight, and inner understanding -- seeing reality and ourselves as we really are.Ethics Training: Cultivating virtue, self-discipline, and compassion in what we say and do.Meditation Training: Practicing mindfulness, concentration, and awareness of the present moment.With lively stories, meditations, and spiritual practices, Awakening the Buddha Within is an invaluable text for the novice and experienced student of Buddhism alike.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Lama Surya Das, the most highly trained American lama in the Tibetan tradition, presents the definitive book on Western Buddhism for the modern-day spiritual seeker. The radical and compelling message of Buddhism tells us that each of us has the wisdom, awareness, love, and power of the Buddha within; yet most of us are too often like sleeping Buddhas. In Awakening the Buddha Within, Surya Das shows how we can awaken to who we really are in order to lead a more compassionate, enlightened, and balanced life. It illuminates the guidelines and key principles embodied in the noble Eight-Fold Path and the traditional Three Enlightenment Trainings common to all schools of Buddhism: Wisdom Training: Developing clear vision, insight, and inner understanding—seeing reality and ourselves as we really are. Ethics Training: Cultivating virtue, self-discipline, and compassion in what we say and do. Meditation Training: Practicing mindfulness, concentration, and awareness of the present moment. With lively stories, meditations, and spiritual practices, Awakening the Buddha Within is an invaluable text for the novice and experienced student of Buddhism alike.

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Awakening the Buddha within: eight steps to enlightenment: Tibetan wisdom for the Western world (2024)


What are the 8 steps to enlightenment in Buddhism? ›

The Noble Eightfold Path
  • Right understanding (Samma ditthi)
  • Right thought (Samma sankappa)
  • Right speech (Samma vaca)
  • Right action (Samma kammanta)
  • Right livelihood (Samma ajiva)
  • Right effort (Samma vayama)
  • Right mindfulness (Samma sati)
  • Right concentration (Samma samadhi)

What is the awakening enlightenment of the Buddha? ›

What exactly constituted the Buddha's awakening is unknown. It may have involved the knowledge that liberation was attained by the combination of mindfulness and dhyāna, applied to the understanding of the arising and ceasing of craving.

What are the stages of awakening Buddhism? ›

The four stages of awakening in Early Buddhism and Theravada are four progressive stages culminating in full awakening (Bodhi) as an Arahant. These four stages are Sotāpanna (stream-enterer), Sakadāgāmi (once-returner), Anāgāmi (non-returner), and Arahant.

What are the 7 steps to awakening in Buddhism? ›

  1. Mindfulness: The Balancing Factor. Mindfulness is always skillful. ...
  2. Investigation of Dhammas (dhamma-vicāya) ...
  3. Energy (viriya) ...
  4. Rapture (pīti) ...
  5. Tranquility (passaddhi) ...
  6. Concentration (samādhi) ...
  7. Equanimity (upekkhā)

What are the 8 Enlightenment of Buddha? ›

The Eightfold Path of Buddhism deals with eight moral and philosophical concepts that one needs to practice in order to attain enlightenment. The eight parts refer to the correct application of thought, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration.

What are the 8 stages of the life of the Buddha? ›

The Eight Great Events are: the Birth of the Buddha, the Enlightenment, the First Sermon, the Monkey's offering of honey, the Taming of Nalagiri the elephant, the Descent from Tavatimsa Heaven, the Miracle at Sravasti and his death or Parinirvana.

What is the meaning of the awakening in Buddhism? ›

With the awakening (sambodhi) the Buddha attained, first, a knowledge of the nature of the human condition that would lead to salvation and, second, the certainty that he himself had attained liberation from the sorrows of that condition.

What is the meaning of awakening and enlightenment? ›

In Hinduism and Buddhism, enlightenment is also sometimes called "awakening" — after all, the name "Buddha" means "the awakened one." Not all enlightenments are spiritual: your enlightenment about environmental issues, for example, can awaken you to new ways of conserving resources like water and electricity.

What did Buddha say when he awakened? ›

3) As the Buddha says at one point in describing his Awakening, "Ignorance was destroyed; knowledge arose; darkness was destroyed; light arose — as happens in one who is heedful, ardent, and resolute." In other words, he gained liberating knowledge through qualities that we can all develop: heedfulness, ardency, ...

What is the significance of the eightfold path? ›

The Noble Eightfold Path, in the Buddhist traditions, is the direct means to nirvana and brings a release from the cycle of life and death in the realms of samsara.

What is the difference between Buddhism awakening and enlightenment? ›

The translation “enlightenment” is normally reserved for bodhi or sambodhi, but it is somewhat misleading in that the root budh– which underlies these words has no direct connection with “light.” The root means literally “to wake up,” or metaphorically “to wake up (to a fact), to know it,” and “awakening” would be a ...

What happens when you reach enlightenment in Buddhism? ›

Enlightened beings have escaped the cyclic existence, known as samsara, and attained nirvana, where there is no more birth and death and no more suffering. Upon enlightenment, beings escape the three fires, or poisons, of anger, greed, and delusion.

What is the 8 step path to enlightenment? ›

The Noble Eightfold Path. According to the Buddha, this consists of Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. The first seven are taught to be pillars that support Right Concentration.

What is the awakening of Buddha? ›

In sum, the Buddha's “awakening” described in the early textual sources can be understood to converge on the experience of Nirvana, equaling the cessation of dukkha/duḥkha together with the cessation of all links of dependent arising leading to dukkha/duḥkha.

What are the 8 ways of Buddhism? ›

In brief, the eight elements of the path are: (1) correct view, an accurate understanding of the nature of things, specifically the Four Noble Truths, (2) correct intention, avoiding thoughts of attachment, hatred, and harmful intent, (3) correct speech, refraining from verbal misdeeds such as lying, divisive speech, ...

What are the 8 means to enlightenment? ›

The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness).

What are the 8 principles of Buddhism? ›

According to the Buddha, this consists of Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.

What are the 8 guidelines of Buddhism? ›

Eight Guidelines are a useful series of reflections, designed to help you reflect on your Dharma practice and your relationship to ordination into the Tiratana Buddhist Order. They aim to enable you to enter into a deeper dialogue with your kalyana mitras, study leaders and potential preceptors.

What is the 8th path of the enlightenment? ›

In brief, the eight elements of the path are: (1) correct view, an accurate understanding of the nature of things, specifically the Four Noble Truths, (2) correct intention, avoiding thoughts of attachment, hatred, and harmful intent, (3) correct speech, refraining from verbal misdeeds such as lying, divisive speech, ...

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.