The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)

FRIDAY, JANUARY 21.1977 ACE TLN DAMVOil ADVOCATE-MESSENGER. DANVILLE, KENTlCKi PostedNotices Only $20.00 Per Year In The AM 12 MOBILE HOMES AUTOMOTIVE B)UIt Material WANT AD CHARGES 13-A SAM DEXTER ASSOCIATES Wl Main SI 236-6686 For Sale For Rale IJ-A Carson Realty Associates 171 MADISON Tok a took tht nice hom*o. Ho big family kitchen with flroplac. 1 bedroom. 1 bam.

laundry room, attached garage, go furaeco, tenced back yard. 81X508 kitchen. layrOfV room, attached garage wfnOlorag attic. Thai backyard has a nlc garden mot andlottof fruit tree. UrMlU Mil I l-l tlMlH 1.

bedroom brick hom*o, lv, boms. large living room. me. are all extra targe, Combination kitaht with French dodo leeTafhg to petk). gfs ffAi'tjl room hat befi oddfTfiyoximanjtT XyxH', WOnt V4M0 fr don or hobby.

LaufdrY room, large carport. Thhome has beautiful rri8fiV but covered with carpet, new drape will stay. Forced air go fumec and central air. 838V500 IN THB COUNTY 5 Bedroom Kentucky marble hom*o, 1 larg and beautiful bath, living room, extra largo dan, lot of cabinets kltchn, laundry room, and a fallout shelter. Only S41.500 5 ACRES NEAR DANVILLE With a new 3 bedroom brick hom*o, big den with woodburning fireplace, larg family kitchen, entrance hall, living room, Vi basem*nt with garage.

147,500 OLDER HOME On Hustonville Road with over acr of land. Inld ha beautiful woodwork and In good condition. Could be used tor large family or a dupllx. 835,000 We may hav lust what you or looking for. hav 7 new homes to enow you.

Ranch, 2 itory. Cap Cod, pllt lvel, aom hav basem*nt. Building lot for sal too. Member Danville Board of Realtors. Anna Laura Carton 234-5051 Fan Dtshman, 214-4345 R.C.Willson, 234-4041 Deb Carter, 234-5254 ACRE (more or Ion) about 5 mile from Danville on Burg In Road.

Road frontage, 1 outbuilding, city water at front, has well. Phone 332-7418 after 5:00 p.m. FOR sale: 3-bedroom brick with full basem*nt on White Road, Junction City. Phone 8544457. -v For Rent 13-B FOR rant: apartment, 5 large room and bath with yard, 1 private entrances, appliances and water furnished, $125 month or $30 per week.

Call 234-3547. 1 4-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. $115 Per month plus electric and ga. No pets or children. 214-2001.

The Vest is Tops! Dm CSSMIS. Viol den ELECTROLUX has a few repossessed vacuum cleaner guaranteed ttt hum as brand new Can 734-4110 for free ham WORTHINGTON't Used Furniture Bam. Whit Oak fd Junction City Buy. tl or trad. Phone 854 LOST bright carpet co reel ac mam with BKj Lustre.

Rent electric shampooer $1. Durham Hardware. NEW Rinse Vac tm clean carpet cleaner and keep mom cleaner longer. Rent at Durham Hardware. PIANOS.

Baldwin. Kohler and Campbell, new and used. Sharp 1 Music Shopp. Ill t. Main, Harrodsburg, 734 7211.

BUY and etl new and used fur nitur. Hinkle's Furniture, 111 Walnut Denvllle, 117771 Miscellaneous t-C Boy'i Pa nUli Jeans (2.50 to $6.00 Bean Bag Chain $9.00 to $18.00 Ice Skates Rink Skates Skate Boards Storm Doors Insulation File Cabinets Desks Wicker Love Seats 48, Outlet Vj Mile north of 150 4 27 intersection Slanf ord, Ky. Phone 365-9727 FOR sal: tap recorder enswtrfng service machine. Alto old player piano. Phone 234-2394.

Complete Mobile Home Supplies Storm Tie Downs I Hoof Coating Furnace Parts Doors RANKIN MOBILE HOME SUPPLIES 365-7192 RECORDS, tapes, tereo, guitar, sheet music, amplifiers, drum, everything musical. The Music Shoppi, Harrodburg734 7211. SALE ON Chain Link Fence Split Rail Fence Specializing In Dog Runs-Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Residential Commercial Free Estimates Day 236-539 Night 236-7286 Boyd Catalog Agency FIREWOOD for sal. Seasoned and split. Phone 234-944.

FIREWOOD seasoned and split, free delivery. Pick up load, $20 00. Phone 236 TON. ROYAL typewriter. Cash 10 electronic calculators.

Sale and service facilities. Danville Office Equipment, phone 236-4411. PAUL Sawyler prints for sal. Most print available. Call Pam at 234 2527.

Amen Corner Thrift Shop Will Remain Closed Until Further Notice due to gas shortage and cold weather. Building Materials S-D Whitley County Concrete Supply Co. Ready-Mix Concrete Deliveries made in Boyle, Mercer and Garrard Counties. Phone 236-9660 "We Can Supply your Concrete Needs" ALUMINUM siding, storm door and window, gutter, rooting. Free estimate.

Talbert Turner, Kings Mill Road. Danville Phon 234 439S. Cherry Hard Board ftnei $199 Save On Insulation Storm Windows HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 495 Dillehay Phone 6-B 8 0 5:00 Wkdayt 8 012:00 Saturday Master-charge Benkamerlcerd HeaseMd Gexaat -D STORM measure and Install. Priced right. Caiman' Paint Store, tout Fourth.

Pet t-E co*ckER Spaniel pwoploe. AKC registered, mate and female. 4 Week Somerset, 4S447 Stud service available. GERMAN thepnerd pupple for tat. Week M.

that, wormed Phon n7 after 0 ft WANTED TO BIT. FOX CROW South Fourth St. Fast money. Will loan money on anything of value) TV's, tape players, guns, rings, diamonds, watches. Phone 236-2507 7 HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA 1.

Exclusive territory 1 No capital required S. Make extra money add ISO to tlOO to your family income per week 4. Free sales kit samples 5. People-oriented 6. Sale to non-profit organizatiorst Call Mr.

Brock, toll free 1-800-241-2208 Monday-Friday 8 AM 5 PAA Saturday 8AM- 12N $100.00 AND more weekly possible working part-time at home. Age and education no barrier. Send slf addressed, (tamped envtlop. King, Box 233 UK, Mantua, N.J. 0SOS1 WANTED Industrious adult or high school student to deliver the Sunday and daily Courier-Journal in Lancaster, route takes approximately 2 hours each morning and 3 hours on Sunday with approximate earnings of $70.00 per week.

This would be ideal for a retired person or to supplement your present income. If interested please call toll free 1-800-292-6568. Cash bond required. PIGGYBANK LOW? FILL'ER UP as an AVON Representative in your spare time. (This is the big season of the Year!) Call: Miss Alma Catlett, 236-4746.

SITUATIONS WANTED HIGH school diploma, 1 year secretarial work. Experience In filing, typing, bookkeeping. Secretarial work not necessarily a mint. Phon 234-4297, ak for Debbi Mllbv. 19 SERVICES OFFERED iBstructloas 10-A LEARN to play guitar and drums.

Instruments furnished free. Melody Music School 8, Shop. 234-7V8 ASTROLOGY charts and readings! Information on Parapsychology (ESP) and the Psychic World. Telephone 334 4330. Miscellaneous 16-B DROP-A-TOT DAY CARE CENTER SO Lisa Ave.

Openings Available Hours: 6:30 a.m. p.m. Phone 236-7176 WILL do maid work I day a week. Phone 234-407 anytime before 3:30 p.m. SEPTIC tank and basem*nts pumped.

Call Jack Campbell anytime, 854 340 or 234-4341 or 854 3585. Belchers Upholstery Jan. -Feb. Special 25 Percent Discount. On sU Fabrics Fro estimate and pickup and delivery SO mile of Danville.

Large setecOon of fabric. Call collect 234-450 days or 234 WIS night. SANDBLASTING: brick. Iron and etc. No toe too large or too small.

Detaney' Sandblasting. Danville. 134-144, 118-5451. I will keep chlMron In my home wiokdey. Parkavllle aro.

Phon 234-S427. la-R LOCK and sate service, any kind of lock. Trouble call Locksmith Harden Mc Cowan. 145 ft IS. BLOWN INSULATION For Free Estimates Call 854-6761 PICTURE framing, custom made.

Affordable prices. Devoe Paint Star. I2S South Fourth St. WATER hauling enywher within mil ot Oenvtll. Phon 234-4713.

PIANO tuning, factory trained technician. Melody Music Shop. 234-799 13 N. Third. GUARANTEED RENEWABLE Hospital Insurance, family and group or disability income.

RAYMOND WATTS MFA AGENCY Harrodsburg, Ky. Ph. 734-4516 Day or night Repair 1-C SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED All make and model. Pickup and delivery. 3-Day service.

Work fully guaranteed. Leroy Davis Lancaster, Ky. Phon 72-314 VACUUM repair: all make and model, all work guaranteed. Call Danville Vacuum 234-700. Located 459 w.

Main aero from Burger Queen. IF that washer or dryer needs fixing call the Flxlt Man, Holt's Appliance and Lawn Mower Shop," 101 Hustonville 234-1743 or 854 4238, 3327831. T. V. SERVICE Montgomery's TV Home calls, reasonable rates.

PHONE 236-1722 256 Gose Pike REPAIR: electric razors, camera, protectors. Gen Store, 211 W. Main. Phon 234-3945. LIGHT fixtures, lamps, old or new rewired.

Licensed electrician. Work guaranteed. Call Ken Leathers, 234-4408. ROOFING AND GUTTERING New and estimatesCalldayr night. William Johnson, 236-9268.

ROOFING, guttering, Interior-exterior painting. Free estimate. All work guaranteed. Call Eugene Montgomery, 344-2493 or Ray Emerson, 234-4114. FIREPLACES Built and Repaired Experienced and work guaranteed.

Silas Smith Phone 236-1964 CARPENTER repair work wanted ot any kind, no job to small. Call 734 8306. ROOFING Built-up. duplex, shingle, all work guaranteed. We've reduced our prices.

Call tor our new prices. Fully Insured. JOHN BODNER SONS Phon 234-8308 234-5324 or 854-4951 Collect Calls Accepted Building Trades 19-D FOR the best In interior or exterior painting, call Frank Phillips, day 234 2625, nights 234-4172. BULLDOZER Robert L. Webb Construction Formerly Harvy Webb Son Hlgh-llft, dump truck, hauling.

Mm spreading, crush rock, field dirt. 234-7755 J34-7929 11 FARM Services 11-B RIDING lessons. Complete Instruction in English saddle seat by qualified teacher. Inquiries call 734-3781. HORSES boarded.

Heated barn with complete care. S115 Monthly. Call 734-3781. Feeds. Seeds, Supplies 11-C 2,000 BALES of alfalfa for sal.

Call Cleo Smith, 344-244 or 344-2142 after 5:00. 145 TON com silage. Also 1,000 bales hay. Phone 234 4181, nights 234-2543. SPLIT tobacco stick tor sale.

Firewood, 115 rick. Take order now, deliver later. Call 332-7038. FOR sal: tone post, locust and cedar, square or round. Call 234-451 or 234-2440.

Equipment I l-D FOR Ml: silo, unloaders, Auger and chain feeder. Call night, Chert Hockley 155-7437, Rout 1, Stanford, Kentucky. 174 SATOH tractor, belly mower. Pnon 214-1527. DAVID Brown tractor model 8(5, Ilk now, and bush hog.

Phono 234-2527. 12 MOBILE HOMES TAKE over payment on 17 ft tol electric mobile horn. Call 854 424. MtscrlUoeeo FOR SALE DouMewidt mobile home and Vt acr comer tot. 1 Bedroom, 1 full bath, living room, dining room, targe family room, utility room, and kitchen wttti all appliances Including 03hwehr.

Oliv green -snag carpet throughout 814.500 Call 8544012 tor appointment. 140 BEDROOM trailer. Mutt be moved February. Needs work. tl.TOO.

Cash or trad. 234-4711. DCHJBLEWIDE and tot tor Ml. Owner will finance. Phon S5-717.

WE pay high dollar lor all used mobile hom*o. Pnon 145717. MOBILE hom*o lots tor sal No down payment. Low monthly payments. See or call Don Yadon at 145717 or 145 321.

ROGERS 1 Son Mobil hom*o Transit. Local, Insured, licensed. Ph. dy 23 5721, nights 234-2012. 13 REAL ESTATE Far Sale I CALDWELL MANOR 4-Bdroom horn with full basem*nt, top condition.

129,900 PAULA HEIGHTS 4-Bedroom hom*o, eat-In kitchen, dining room, (mall garden plot, ampit storage. 831,000 WE HAVE OTHER LISTINGS. PLEASE CALL. Guerrant Real Estate BETSY WILSON 234-7410 JANE FISTER 234-8471 DUDLEY GUERRANT 234-2515 MAR ION MINOR 214-2444 DALE WILSON 234-7410 WOODY GUERRANT 234-8853 For Sale BILL MCANLY REALTY 236-3064 LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! MORE LOTS! Build your own home on these priced-to-sell lots on Taylor Creek Road We have 4 lott aft'lpprftlHately 110x200 and priced at $2,300 each. Maria Schamp 236-3216 ROOM FOR YOUR ELBOWS If you are tired of cramped quarters, you should try this spacious 3-bedroorn, 2-bath home on for size.

Over 2,700 square feet, homey brick fireplace, U-shaped kitchen with all built-in appliances and located in Weisinger Woods, friendly neighbors, county schools, and don't let me forget the 21x14 family room or the 17x24 sun porch. You'll love it and the full price is only $56,000. Call today for easy appointment Maria Schamp 236-3216 ITS FOR REAL! Modular three-bedroom home on a lot 200x232. Nice eat-in kitchen with lots of cabinets, dishwasher. Also has formal dining area, full bath, city water, all in the county.

There is also a large 2-car concrete block garage and a swimming pool with all accessories. Call Shirley Hendricks 236-7096 BUILD A ROARING FIREPLACE In this large 24x12 family room. This home, located on Perryville also has three bedrooms, baths, dining room, U-shaped kitchen with eating area overlooking the countryside. Laundry room and ft bath located off the kitchen and room for a large garden on the one acre of land. Owner says sell! Maria Schamp 236-3216 BRING YOUR TOOTHBRUSH That's all you need to move Into this immaculate doll house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on Jefferson Ave.

This house is a must see; otherwise you'll miss the 13x16 den with woodburnmg fireplace, the large eat-in kitchen with built-in dishwasher, built-in range and oven, one-car garage and fenced-in backyard. We will help you arrange your financing so call today. Maria Schamp 236-3216 a.Mitiit ml Can-Truck 4-A 172 GMC Jimmy, same a Bieier. 4 wheat drive. I0 i spoke rim with good snow tire Very good con Oil ion Phone 23 4543 or 734 440 148 MERCURY door, power steering, automatic, factory air.

77.000 actual miles. 1575. Phone naatio 174 CHEVETTE. take over low monthly payment. Phone 054 04 IV7SPONTIAC Astre, 4 speed, radial tire.

71 7 miles per gallon. Phone 734 350 l6l PONTIAC Bonneville tor sale Extra clean S5S0 Phone 313 1973 CHEVY Pickup. 4 wheel drive Will trad tor Bronco or Blaier Phone 334 3650 1973 AUDI I00LS. 4 door, sun roof, low mileage Also I97J Fasiback Both excellent con dition Byron Crawford. 236 677 business, 234 7417 home 1970 CORVETTE.

454cublC Inch, 30 horse, new rebuilt engine. top, Cragars, L60 IS tires on rear, G60 15 on from, red, must sell, take over payments. Call 236 1471 194 INTERNATIONAL, new JO' pine flat with 4' sides Phone 365 2437. 1976 CHEVY Van for sale. Loaded with extras.

Serious Inquiors only. Phone 717 6323. NEW 1977 Chevrolet pickup, long wide bed, 3, 500 See Frank Isaacs or Travis Henderson. Owen Chevrolet, 7)1 Main, Stanford. FOR sale: 1976 20 Series Chevy Pickup.

Automatic, power steering and power brakes. Phone 2361234 alter 5:00 m. 1973 VEGA for sale Good condition. $900 Phone 236 8217 1976 FORD stepside pick up, straight shift, -dual exhaust system. 13,695.

Phone 332 7592. 1960 CORVETTE tor sale. 53,200 00. Call 236 3527. 1966 MUSTANG, fair condition.

Call 346-4092 after 6 00. I960 BU1CK Special, good condition, $300. Phone 054 3892 or 236 2122 after 5 00 Service 4 MOTOR tune-ups. Brakes, disc and drum. Exhaust, muffler and pipe.

On the car wheel balancing. Water pumps. Safety Inspection. Wrecker service. Grjenleaf Ashland, 236 7775.

AUTO body, painting special on mat car. Acrylic enamel paint lob $124.95. Fast service. All work guaranteed. Call 236 5434.

Dealer welcomed. Kquipmrnt 4-C PIN stripe, murals, moldings to theraen up -your truck, camper, car. Owen Chevrolet, Stanford. ffl mnhile radios and antennas installed. Large stock.

Fiberglass antennas. Bumper mounts, waae Motor Co Inc. Phone 236 9561. 5 FOR SALE Sporting Goods 5-A FLOYDS' CYCLES, INC. Honda Kawasaki Sales Service U.S.

150 By-Pass Phone 236-1425 DANVILLE, KENTUCKY 40422 VAN'SCAMPER SALES Slocking Wilderness Travel Trailer and Classic truck campers, truck' toppers. $198.00 installed. Parts and accessories. 464 South Fourth. 236 1723 or 236 9964.

1972 HARLEY Davidson Sportster XLH1000. Electric start. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. Phone 365 7455.

HAWN'S MARINE Mercury Motors Sales Service Volkswagen Auto Parts Rt. ISO By pass, Danville Phone 236 2506 9a.m. Monday thru Saturday Household Goods 5-B FOR sale: cook stove, less than year old. Four 14" deep dish chrome reverse rims with tire. Metal wardrobe, good shape, one bunk bed, complete.

222 Savage boH action rifle. Excellent shape. Cal G.E. Appliances If I Can't Sell You A G.E. Ap pliance For Less Than My Competition, Then I Oon't Deserve Your Business.

Call Tommy 236-4898 FOR sale: 1972 cabinet style black and white good condition, will sell for $100 or will trade for stereo. Phone 854 4224. WILL buy new and used furniture, also antiques Bargain Barn, 498 Dillehay St Phone 236-931. NEW Kimball pianos from $474 95, organs from $549.00. No tricky gimmicks, just discount price.

Melody Music. 139 North Third, 2347998. KINGS Used Furniture, Stanford Rd. Buy and sell used furniture. Phone 234 6915.

RACINE dry shampoos new life into any carpet shag, kitchen or indoor outdoor. Rent machine. H. Coomer and Sons, South Fourth St. MORSO woodburning stoves, enjoy true, economical wood heat.

Binford Nursery and Garden Center, 2343696. WORTHING TON'S NEW Used Furniture, Mam Harrodsburg. Buy or sells only good used furniture. 734 5200. Effective October 1.

17 Retail are IS Mariner Cash Charge I day 0 1 45 2davs (140 tl.10 1 dart 81 40 82 IS 4devs U0 U40 Ecn iword ever the minimum IS tvords 4 canlt par word par da Ads running other man consecutive day will be charged at me I day rat Legais. Memorial. Special Notice. Cards Thank: I cant per word per day. Cain in advance.

MoOile Home ale and yard iet are accepted only wim cath with order MONTHLY CONTRACT RATES Straight Want Ad (everyday) Per Month 19 10 tint IS ward 0 Cents per word par month over IS word Right Reserved To Edit Copy ot ah Advertisem*nt NOTICE WANT-AD ADVERTISING DEADLINES Monday thru Friday the day before publication. Sunday Friday afternoon. The Want-Ad page is now made up the day before the paper is published. I SPKCIAL NOTICES e. the undrignd, hereby give notice that all ot OUR LAND IS POSTED Hunting and trapaing on these farms is forbidden unlets you have written permllon from the owner.

To avoid posslbl prosecution, we ask your kind cooperation in helping carry out our right and privilege: L. HELM I SON FARM COULTER FARM Claunch Road, Perryvllla S. HANKLA FARMS Mackvllle Perryville, K.y Stanford Rd. CALDWELL S. COX Tract no Gose Pike 8.

Stanford Rd Tract no. 1. Lancaster a. Stanford Rd. FLOYD DIEVERi On all owned and leased land.

PRATHER HARMON FARM Junction City, Ky. DUNN'S ISLAND Snider, Inc. RIVERHILLS FARM Corner Perryville Road and Parksville Cross Pike. WINDSWEPT FARM Toombs Curve, Hustonvlllt Rd. G.

ELWOQD AVRON REVNOLOS Junction City and Parksvlll MOORE Harberson Lane Road, be tween Perryville and Parksvllle EVELYN AND GAYLE GIBSON FARM Scrubgrass Mitchellsburg, Ky. JERRY GERMANN All owned and rented land. CECIL CRAIN SON Gravel Switch, Craintown Road A A. PARKER FARM Quarry Road G. GRAY FARM In Perryville on Springfield Rd SOL CARNES FARM Between Lancaster Rd.

and East Main St. DANIEL JACKSON MEDICAL COMPLEX and property to Go Pike, on north side of Highway ISO Danville Bypass. RUSSELL YATES FARMS Hustonville Stewart's Lane, Junction City Parksvllle Rd ROBERT A. WILLIAMS FARMS All owned and rented farms. DUDLEY SPOONAMORE FARM Highway 137.

Behind Park Hills Subdivision. HENRY DOUGLAS Quarry Danville. Ky. HOGUE SMOCK BROTHERS DAIRY FARM Wells Landing Road. Danville, Ky.

JOE R. JOHNSON Burqer Knob Road. SILVER LINING STABLES Lexington Road. CHARLES BAKER FARM On Bowen Road. ROLLER BROS WESTERFIELD BROS PROPERTY On Highway 1100 CLYDE HARMON FARM Shortline Road and Chestnut Grove Property.

WARRENWOOD FARM On Hustonville Road, IVi miles beyond the By pass. THE MINOR FARM Rout Junction City. BILL A LARSON FARM (KriSlar Farms) Hwy 34 West of Parksvllle. FOSTER SIMS AND THOMAS ROBINSON Dry Fork Farm, Webster Road Farm. L.

B. EUBANK FARM Highway 1603, Willow Grove Rd. Boyle Lincoln Counties. CEDAR BROOK FARMS Clifton Road. FRANCES LOVETT FARM Hghway 300 between Junction tv and Parksvlll.

Ky. CECIL AND JUNE CROWE All property owned In the Mitchellsburg area. HUGUELY FARM Lexington Road and End of Main W. MARTIN Fourth St. how ground Hustonville Road and Tonnes Ridge Road.

JOHN WALKUP, JR. All farms owned or rntd Boyle, Marlon and Washington. MAC JACKSON FARM On Chrisman Lan. KARL A BENSON, HARRIS CREEK FARM Bowen Road, Lincoln County. DR.

CHARLES W. CALDWELL JR FARM Lexington Road. ORLESS KING Godbey Lan Farm TOM CRAWFORD Forkland Farm FRANK A. BRUCE FARM Located on Mitchellsburg and Prryvlli Roads hOlmmn farm Crawford Hollow. Highway 1(M SHOP THE WANT ADS DANVILLE'S ONLY MEMBER OF NATIONAL MULTI-LIST IT HAS CHARACTER.

Tastefully remodeled, main floor otter tors entrance halt with beautiful staircase, living room nth nroptoce, 1 targe separate dlnma roar kitchen. Upstair apartment and garage apartment wttti separata utilities. 430 N. Third M. RESORT PLEASURE right at horn I Full easem*nt, lovely don, 1 full bath, largo country kitchen, beautiful In-ground pool, foncod ysrd, lovely country Mttlng.

mile from town. 848,509. Indoor fishing, enclosed dock. 25' wid window overlooking lake from this unique home, 1 fireplace, separate workshop building, nke wooded tot. 840,0001 INDIAriULLS, paraT dlnjj flroplMTI ruV Cai beau(ltuafn1ailll87l PAMPERED, xcllnt condition, large utility room added In rear, storm collar, nit patio, matter both with half bath, fully carpeted, go furnace, no city tax, Lta Av.

Only 815,0001 COZY, YOU BET I En toy th fireplace, big kitchen overlooking tok, dp lot, Hugh Camp Rd. 821,8001 REMODELED, car pet In and paneling, larg bedroom, plnty closets, deep lot. $12,5901 Sam Dexter, 234 44M -Tim Dexter, 236 8313 Mark Dexter, 214-1414 Zeke Dexter. 214-2132 NEWLY remodeled 3 bedroom horn with flroplac, Hugh Camp Road, S22.8O0. Small down-payment with good credit.

City water. Call Sam Dxtr Associate. 234-444. VACANT s-bodroom brick, newly rmodld, now carpet, carport, fireplace. Paula Height area, 831,000.

Small down payment. Call oun Realtor, Sam Dtxtor fc 234-444. 4 ACRES fortdlo. Priced at 84,500. Lincoln County, Highway 17, loo or call Don Yadon at 35 1717 or 35323.

Qiick-Easy! Printed Pattern 9263 SIZES 8-20 Sundrsss or jumper, which-tver wax, you'll low its cool, crisp flars Strip it Inety, pick dainty flowtc print or sunny soud cottoa, seersucker. Printed Pattern 9263: Misses' Sim S. 10, 12. 14, 16. It, 20.

Sue 12 (bust 34) tikes 2 1g yards 60-inch fabric Send SITS for each pattern. Add 3Sf for tach pattern for first-class airmail, hendlni. lead is: MariM lUrtaa Pattan Dept. 527 Adeoeol Moaaeagar Watt IMa It, let York, NT 10B11. PrW NAME, A0-MESS.

DP. SUE sad fmi NUMBEl. Do whet the smartest women are doinf send now for our eraj laetawi Psftara CataWal lots of drama far few doi-lats-werdrobas, pants, jumps, free pattern coupon. Send eKaMoot $1 sieleat Meaay Crofts. $1 or4aMe) fFetffeiVv1 e)oe)4o 9e) NOTE: Do net mail to th Ad vocftte Messenger Mail to th above Now York address.

oulstV iTron, iftuf dtd. U'JiU Top skirts, pants, dresses with this vivid vest. Beginners' pride! Make fashionable vest easily all in single end double crochet. Choose bright or basic color of knitting worsted. Pattern 7039: Misses' Sizes 10-18 incl.

$1.25 for each pattern. Add 35d tech pattern for first-class airmail and handling. Send ta: Alice Brooke Neatllticrah Dtps. 231 Alvote-Meen ger Virt. NT 10011.

Prist Ha.8. Patters uaier. Value! 225 designs to choose torn in NEW 1977 NEEDLE-CRAFT. CATALOG! 3 free patterns inside. Send 75 now! Strtee 'a' Patch laltta IUJ CrwHhSatares J3l.M Crecaet Werireh pa NlfrynttjOiHltjZllje Rlpele Crechet $1.00 Sew-f Knit leek SUS Needlepoint leek Jijo newer Crechet leek $1.90 Hairaie Crechet leek $1.00 lartaet Crochet 00 kutaat ItBcrasN leek $1JW iBstaat Money leak ilM CwHrirte Sift leak lM filets Afgaaes 14 J1.00 II Prtoe Afihaas 1 2 50 laekef II tairts 1 So; Mateasi lairt look 50 lSOtofrTedsv nZxt "if llflftllegs.

50 NOTE: Da not mail to th Ad- abov New York address..

The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.