The Capital Times from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

18 THE CAPITAL TIMES, Monday, March 6, 1978 Sliitlslifj iwivrmrs urmK King Features Syndicate $100 REWARD For information leading to Ihe Arrest and Conviction of Persons) Stealing, Damaging or Impairing daily and Sunday Newspapers published by Madison Newspapers, Vending Machines and Racks; or ony Distribution Vehicle and Conveyance including Home, RFD, and Motor Route Facilities. NOTIFY: Your local Police Department or Sheriffs Office andor Circulation Phone 252-6363. Another CLASSIFIED SUCCESS STORY jijn Professional, uoU Technical PHOTOGRAPHY Black ond whit dork room per son. Proficient in printing and processing of same. Hourly wage commensurate with skill and ex perience.

In Fort Atkinson, Wl. 000-0000000 'The response was tremendous'. The ad did its iob in only TWO DAYS at a cost of only $16.80, 7 lines, 2 days. WANT ADS WORK FAST 252-6321 point in talking no estate until you are old enough to get a good income from a lifetime annuity that would leave no estate. Q.

I want to switch to bonds. Must I report the change to the government? A. Report it? Only the government can make the switch. You lent money to the government via bond purchases. You now want to change the loan to bonds (in order to receive current income).

You can hardly make that change without the borrower (the government) knowing it. What you probably meant to ask was: Do you now have to pay income taxes on the interest earned by the Es? The answer is no. You may elect to have that tax liability transferred to the Hs and pay it when (and if) you redeem the Hs. Shulsky welcomes written questions but he will be able to provide answers only through the column. Address your requests to Sam Shulsky in care of The Capital Times, P.O.

Box 8060, Madison, Wis. 53708. ft Madison Newspapers, inc Puhh shpr ol The Capital hmr im onun itatr loumal 1K) 1 1 ish Hitch Road Bos 805b Madison Wisconsin 5)708 Phone 606) 252-6200 MONDAY SPECIAL PRIME RIB $59S TUESDAY SPECIAL KANSAS CITY CUT from dipping into your modest income in order to pay premiums. You do have alternatives. Q.

I am a retired woman of 56, alone, with $20,000 in savings and $20,000 in bonds. Should I move the savings into preferred stocks? I certainly could use more income. I dont have to leave an estate. A. Part of your savings could be earning up to 7 percent from time deposits or even a bit more from good quality preferreds.

What I dont understand is asking about the savings, but skipping any discussion of that $20,000 in bonds. If you could use an extra $1,200 (or more) a year, how about putting those to work for you by cashing in 6 percent of them a year, or by switching all to bonds, or by cashing in the entire amount (income tax bracket permitting) and putting the proceeds into current yield securities bonds, preferreds and commons? As to leaving an estate: Right now, and for the next 10, 20, 30 years you are your own heiress. So there's no Oier-the-Coimter tTTfl kTtlfS) Industrials Utilities Quotations from the NASD ore reoresentofive mter-oeoier prices Inter-deoier morkets chonge throttgh the oov Prices do not include retail markup morkdown, or commission i't Hedth Studio 1 5 SEAUTIFUl PLAYMATES TO SERVE YOU IN PLUSH STEREOPHONIC ELECANCE Adult Only For further information call 274-5910 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. Thru Sat. From 1 1 A.M.

1 1 330 Midvale Blvd 274-50)0 Sun. From 2 P.M. Bank stocks mm FEATURING: Mandarin, Szechuan, Cantonese, Plus Madison's Only Hunan Cuisine I Carry Outs eco*cktails Tap Beer for more information call 257-1 079 I 1 256 So. Park (Next to Kohls) Come up and see me sometime I Open 7 days week: Mon. thru Sof.

ftom II n.m.; Sundays from 2 p.m. ADULTS ONLY Female Counselors Wolk in Sauna All credit cords honored COUNSELING CLINIC 11 7 W. MAIN FOR MORI INFORMATION, CAU 251-7333 Young. sure of yourself, thats you. And you like being sure of other things as well.

That's why, when the search is serious for you for any of the things you want in your life, you have no doubt in your mind about where to look. You turn to the Classified columns of your newspaper knowing you'll find the selection which lets you choose what's exactly right for you. rail Clieri 111 AArinOnfy Open Mon. Hvu Sot It to 3 o.m., Sun. 3 p.m.

lo 3 o.m. AU. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTS) 25S-3S64 allcredit cards Call for information oil creJit cotds sttepled Phone 249-2636 COME ON WE JUST LOOK BUSY CHARCOAL STEAKS co*ckTAILS so much morel SPACIOUS, PLUSH ATMOSPHERE Female Counselors Adults Only Open foyi Moq Hire Set Iron II See Iren 1 103 N. Hamilton St. MAGIC Counseling GENIE'S TOUCIH Clinic F0R INFORMATION, CALL V256-2660 co*cktail Lounge Sizzling Charcoaled Steaks All Garden Vegetoble Salad Bar Noon Lunches Dinner from 5 p.m.

Open 7 days a week Sitffl Q. I am a widower, 68, who is managing just to get by on Social Security and a small pension from an employer for whom I worked 27 years. Other than a few thousand in savings my only "investment is a long-term insurance policy, which has a cash surrender value of about $12,500. My family consists of two sons, both married and doing well. Id like to leave something for the grandchildren, but could use more income now.

A. Seems to me you have at least three courses open to you starting with the premise that although life insurance is a must when you have someone to protect, it should be treated the same as any other asset when ones insurance requirements change or no longer exist. Translation: That $12,500 must be put to work foi you. you cash it in, $12,500 today can bring in about $1,000 a year from high quality corporate or from U.S. Treasury bonds.

At the same time, you would halt the outgo of premiums. So your net budget improvement would be more than $1,000 a year. 'If you switch the funds into a lifetime annuity you could get, at your age, somewhere around $100 a month. (This would leave no estate for the grandchildren.) Or you could accept a bit less in monthly benefits via a refund-type annuity that would leave in your estate any portion of the $12,500 you did not collect in benefits in your lifetime. There is no way anyone but you can decide whether to take the highest annuity payout and leave no estate; or a slightly smaller payout with the chance of leaving the grandchildren whatever you dont collect; or to preserve the entire $12,500 for your heirs by putting the money into Treasuries or top quality corporate bonds.

But it is a cinch you should do something currently productive with this investment that no longer is needed for the purpose it was purchased. By all means, talk this over with your insurance adviser. He may have other ideas. But keep in mind that you want income now from the money accumulated in this policy and relief MARKET Coal strike action fails to buoy stocks NEW YORK (LTI) Although President Carter took steps to get striking coal miners back to work, Wall Street traders sold because there was little chance the United Mine Workers would heed government orders. The Dow Jones industrial average, which added 0.86 point Friday, was off 4.24 points to 743.07 shortly before 1:15 p.m.

EST. The closely watched average lost 8.93 points overall last week. Carter announced he had ordered Attorney General Griffin Bell to initiate steps to invoke the Taft-Hartley Law that would force the UMW which last weekened rejected a pact with a 37 percent wage hike back to work for 80 days while negotiations continued to end the three-month-old strike. But militant union leaders, angered by mine operators refusals to accept their demands for medical benefits, have vowed to remain out of the mines regardless of what Washington does. The dollar, meanwhile, fluctuated on foreign exchanges as a result of the coal mining activities and because of general uncertainty over American policies and priorities.

Against this background, the New York Stc ftaOnnge common stock index was off 0.30 to 48.37 and the average pnce of a share was down 16 cents. Declines far outnumbered advances, 828 to 269, among the 1,688 issues crossing the tape. The three-hour NYSE turnover amounted to about 10,160,000 shares, down from the 11,760,000 traded during the corresponding period Friday. Coal-mining issues generally were weak following the UMW contract rejection. North American Coal was off 1, Pittston, the largest producer, was down and Occidental Petroleum, which has coal interests, was off ex-dividend.

Chessie System, a major coal carrier, was off Vi- Duke Power was the most active NYSE issue, unchanged at 20 in trading that included a block of 100,000 shares at 20. Marshall Field, which gained 2 points last week in bargain hunting, was the second most active issue, off 1 to 22' The stock plunged recently aftPr. Carter Hawley Hale terminated a fotieover bid for the Chicago firm. 449 GRAND CANYON RD. NEAR WEST TOWNE 1 00-1 50 higher; heifers 50-1 OO higher; choice and prime steers -18 25-4900, choice 47 00-48 25; choice and prime heifers 45 50-46 OO, choice 44 75-45 50, no canner or cutter cows Hogs 1,400, 1.00-1 25 lower; No 1-2 210-240 lb 47.75-48 00, No 1 -3 200-250 lb 47 00-47 75 COLD PRICES NEW YORK (UPI) Foreign and domestic gold prices Monday London: Morning fixing 184 10 up 065.

Afternoon fixing 184 40 up 095 Paris: (free market) 190 97 down 188 Frankfurt: 184 59 up 54 Zurich: 184 375 up 1 25 New York: Handy and Harman, 184 75 up 0 95. Engelhard, base price for refining settling and unfabricated gold 184 90 up 095 per troy ounce. Selling price, fabricated gold 189 52 up 0 97 per iroy ounce. WISCONSIN HOGS Wisconsin direct hog market (federal-state reporting service): Barrows and gilts 1.00-1.50 lower; demand moderate. Country points No 1-3 200-240 lb 45 50 46 00, mostly 4600; No 1-3 240250 lb 45 25- 45 75; No 2-3 250 270 lb 44 5045.00; sows 50 to 1 50 lower No 1-3 200600 lb 39003950; No 1-3 3006001b 380039 50; barrows and gilts 200210 lb 45 00.

Packing plants No 1-3 200240 lb 46 00 46 50. down to 45 50; No 1-3 240250 lb 45 75-4625, No 2-3 250270 lb 44.75-46 00; sows No 1-3 300600 lb 39 5 041.50. Brager, McVey get posts at Mayer An increase in the number of common shares of stock in Oscar Mayer from 16 million to 20 million, was authorized at a recent meeting of the companys stockholders. The par value of the stock remains unchanged at $5 per share. The company's board of directors also recommended stockholder approval of a means of providing additional shares for future acquisitions and other corporate purposes.

Two new group vice presidents were named by the board of directors. They are Walter S. Brager, group vice president of regional management and operations, and James W. McVey, vice president of marketing, provisions and procurement. Stockholders also re-elected 13 members of the board of directors.

They are P. Goff Beach, chairman; Robert M. Bolz, vice chairman; Harold M. Mayer, chairman of the executive committee; A. Paul Bowman; Charles H.

Fenske; Francis E. Ferguson; Jerry M. Hiegel; Harold T. Jaeke; Allan C. Mayer; Oscar G.

Mayer; Gustave H. Moede William F. Shaffer Jr. and Richard L. Tolleson.

Scales named president of state Savings League Harold E. Scales, president of Anchor Savings Loan in Madison, has been named president of the Savings League of Wisconsin. Former league president Gerald J. Levy, president of Guaranty Savings 4 Loan of Milwaukee, becomes secretary. Other officers named include Robert S.

Brown, president of First Federal Savings 4 Loan Association of Milwaukee, president-elect, and Paul C. Kehrer, president of First State Savings 4 Loan Association of Water-town, vice president. Separate may be better If either you or your spouse had large medical or dental expenses in 1977, it may be to your advantage to file separate federal tax returns. The medical-dental expense deduction (except for half of the first $300 of medical insurance premiums) is reduced by 3 percent of adjusted gross income. MILWAUKEE (AP) Cattle- fully steady; good to choice steers 43 0 045 00, good to choice heifers 41 0043 00, good Holstein steers 38 0 042 00; standard to low good steers and heifers 34 0 037 00; dairy heifers 33 0035 00; utility cows 32.0033 00, canners and cutters 280032.00; commercial bulls 36 0041 00; common 33 0036 00; Calves- fully steady; choice calves 50 00 75 00, good 40 0050 00; Hogs .501 00 higher, lightweight butchers 46 25-48 75, heavy butchers 44 25-46 25, light sows 39 5 041 00, heavy sows 38 0039 50; boars 31 .00 and down.

Sheep- no market. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO (AP) Maor potato markets FOB shipping points S. 1A Friday in 100 lb sacks- Wisconsin Round Whites 2 Wisconsin russets 4 Colorado Russets 5 50-5 75; Colorado red McClures 4 25-4 50, Minnesota-North Dakota Round Reds 3 00-3 30, 50 lb cartons: Florida round reds 300, Missouri round whites Idaho russets 10 Washington russets 1000-10 50; Oregon russets 10 50-11 SO.molstly 11 00, few best 12.00 CHICAGO EGGS CHICAGO (AP) Midwest egg price report-wholesale buying prices Monday unchanged, Class 1 -large 50, Class 2-large 48, mediums 44; smalls 31, nest-run breaking stock 41, checks 33. SOUTH ST. PAUL LIVESTOCK SOUTH ST.

PAUL (AP) Cattle and calves 2,900 Monday; small supply slaughter steers and heifers, fairly active, fully 50 higher, instances 1 00 higher; slaughter cows active, firm, slaughter bulls steady, choice 2-4 1000-1275 lb slaughter steers 45 00-4b00; package near 1100 lb 46 50, mixed good and choice 2-3 900-1200 lb 44 00-45 50, good 41.50-4400; few choice 2-3 1150-1500 lb Holsteins 41.50-42 50; mixed good and choice 40 50-41 50, good 1050-1500 lb 38 50-40 50; choice 2-4 850-1050 lb slaughter heifers 43 00-44 50, mixed good and choice 2-3 800-1100 lb 41 50-43 50; good 38 utility and commercial 2-4 slaughter cows 31 00-34 50; high dressing 3500, cutler 1-3 29 50-33 00, canner and low cutter 2600-29 50; 1-2 1400 2100 lb slaughter bulls 38 5041.00, few at 42 00, 10001400 lb 36003900; vealers 400; steady; choice and prime 125-250 lb 4500 65 00; few 67 0077 00; good and choice 100 225 lb 30 0055 00, 70110 lb 20 0035.00. Hogs barrows and gilts slow, 2.00 2 50 lower, 1-3 200250 lb 46 5 047 50, mostly 46 5 047 00, 2-3 250260 lb 45 5046 50; 260 280 lb 44 5045 50; 2-4 280300 lb 43 5044 50; sows 1 001 50 lower, 1-3 300650 lb 4000 42 00, mostly 40 5041.50; boars over 300 lb 32 0 034 50 Sheep 300, all classes steady to firm; choice and prime 90120 lb wooled slaughter lambs 66007100, choice and prime 90120 lb shorn slaughter lambs No. 1-2 pelts 690072 00, cull through good slaughter ewes 80022 00; choice and fancy 5090 lb feeder lambs 63.0071.00; good and choice 60.0063.00. LUNCH SPECIAL: Moke your own Chef's Salod at Nate's (reg. or large size); at least 12 ingredients for your selection.

Also serving our regular luncheon menu Mon. thru Fri. Room available for business luncheon meetings. 4713 Dutch Mill ltd. Ph.222-1 303 NATOS 'v Open 7 days a week Mon -Sat from Horn Sun from 7pm THIS IS Zingy Woodworks From Baretraps Chunky wood that's great for skirts or pants.

These sandals really put a girl together. See the whole marvelous collection. Shoes HEAVEN executive leisure spa 1 1 7Vi E. Main St. I.

The Capital Times from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.