The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

MORNING LEADER. R. C0WLE8 1. 144 Wrlraa Bullillnce, Swwwrtwr I'OWIEI, 1 rim B.ltar' WATI RtXy MI'liMMJ, MAY It, 1S3l. AND OBfcAMKNTAL PRINT1NU.

Jtf" PI. in i.4 ni-nBmnntikl firlnliii of eeel Vf perl plum the I'rtiillnt Klelihaelitol the Leer-ae ithc, om latent improteu eutl urnst rapid rvut in th lxt ntvlf.oii short nutu-e, and 1 leFU.l tntee. PartH-ulur atlWltloll SO UwK w.irfc.- hvery uf Ulnilits: duue, illank iluote, L.IKI Juiiruete. Mm U.oeiviu Hooks, 4o. Rebellion in Missouri.

One hopes for Missouri ire being aheuer- 4 bj the report which we have trom SU Louis. We' have great 'confidence in the good tense and the lovalty of the people large in the Stale, and especially In St. Lonia, and the most intelUgr-nt-'-tfie Northern' portion ot the Slate, but unfortunately the people ad the Cuion, Got. Jackson ia One of the most unscrupulous of secessionists, and he has gathered about him a Legis lature ho are too rticly to follow his bid ding. We lent a that it is leared that the resolution which has already passed the Senate, to devote Jhe money raised for school fund loataiing the State against the Government, trill puss the House.

Could any thing ba more despicable more out-rageous? But this is not all. The itaitor-ous and repudiating leg Ulalors, not satisfied with robbing their children for the Sake of putting the Sute in hostility to the Government, are expected to. passanothei act, devoting 'the money which Should go to the payment of the July interest aen the State debt, to the same purpose. If this design is consummated, Missouri can hereafter share the jonenvisMe Mississippi, and be disgraced forever in the financial world. But even this is not the limit of Missouri's degradation.

Cor. Jack, sou knows he personally and politically detested by every deeenl "citizen of the State. lie has winced many a time rider the ludignant lashings of the independent press of St. Lojts, bot now that he baa a Legislature weak wicked enough to obey his com amis, he seek ta pntau lad to all opposition by an act of potism and absolutism which few ia the world can The substance of this is that any person who dares speak disrespectfully of the Governor or the Legisla ture shall be subject tc a court ia martial law with vengeance An espionage, is to be established on both the pnss and the tongue. and whoever utters the opinions of an honest and honorable man regarding the traitorous Executive, shall suffer -pains and penalties therefor.

And thii desuolic act will proba bly become a law, it having already passed the SenAte. The same net also provides thai citizens of the State shall take the oath pi alleguuKW to tbe State only. This is but a tep removed from open secession, and we must reluctantly conclude that Missouri will yet paaj 'the ordinance declaring herself no longer a member of the Federal Union. Southern Plans. It is reported tnat verv important infhrma- tion of the condition, destination and plans of ibs Southern army have come into tha possession of the Government A general march to the northward seems to be one great settled fact.

Virgin'a troops intend to make a descent inw Pennsylvania to divide the defrnfive forces of the Government, and draw a part away from ashsngton, where- upon an attack would be made upon the CapitaL" The events of the past few days in- dicate that the. danger of an atoick npon Washinlon is by no means over. There is no doutt of large bodies of Southern troops being cence'jated near Bichmond and other Virginia tewns, all of whli are designed for the attack, We have been too to im agine that becaise we have not heard of the i i -i enemy for a few days, therefore they wenj disbanding, or, at the least, inactive. Brt every day's events will confirm the ocinion we have repeatedly expressed, that they were aibold as they, were defperate, and woulie -Heard ot in good forces have already occupied commanding positions upon me Maryland side ot the -Potomac, and will contest their ground. The coming week will witness stirring' td' decisive actions, and blood must flow before many days.

The Heroes of Fort Sumter. The Jrish American, whose editor ha? per- aonally visited Fort Hamilton, and obtained some interesting details of the bouvjardment ot Sumter, publishes a full list of the garrison, as obtained from Major Anderson. I The following statement will be read' with interest; "The men. however, do not believe that no one was killed on the side of the Secessionists. iney say that ort Monltne--rhe-Cummings Point and floating batteries were so terriblv uaiierea mai, crowaea tm tfiejj were, with men, noi protected casemates, as the irar- naon were, it wag impossible thy could escaoa withont Inas.

The statements of oor- infnrm.nt. atTn I Mr. Irishwake" Wio-fall halo of romance I brown aouod his escanade hv th a f-'t''- vuiiccuuuucuia woo must I likely had the account from l. of Wigfall himself. That a man whose brain I Is inflamed with habitual I TT bwV OU 8 j301' FoTt Sumter jrhtn ie fawtbe white fWtruao- Wit and tbe eositro at half m.i i.

1 i to doubtles. the valiantSeionistthoSght ITr6 TiyiaS the -j. luf rwi I But however that was, he quickly found the situation too hot to be agreeable, and suddenly emerging from tbe smoke, nnderone of th embrasures, he begged for God's sake to be takan in before be was killed by the balls which ha Southern friends continued to shower upon the flag of truce. The Irish gunner insioe told him he could not be admitted antil hefJret turrend red his sword The crest fallen Wigfail Instantly complied with this requisition, and wns forthwith hauled out of danger by some of the men against whom he had so; cUWy. tinned wretched sneers a few weeks urevionslv in hi.

place in the United Sta geate. hen bromrht M.t. a niinfDnn .1. Mreinnliire A u. "t.cvu, liumu Ul lUfl 1 ') Aadbcfn i h4 already.

None of the garrison bd snrTered, ftp to this; so that it is probable ft Wig-da was badly scared," or else he seen somebody hurt" on his own side. OB Annual Session of the Legislature. As it wiU be seen by tbe following extract from the report of Legislative proceedings on Thursday, the Senate rcaolvei'npon annual assions hereafter: Kr. Monroe reported back the Senate Joint Resolution for amendment of tbe Conmi. tntion so to provide for annual seseioni of the General Assembly, and reccomended its Mf.

Monroe Enid if provides that the whole number of Senators hall be next year, when lots shall be drawn, oiie-balf to erve one year, aed oue-half two years ndlT" H0US a11 10 66 cbosn The reeolotion was adopted. Mes3rs. Eason, Orr, aad WilM voting B0. Teas 27, nays are hood son 6-gar. ture.

Annual Session of the Legislature. The Dust of Equanimity in the Present Struggle. Through tbe lnatrumentallty of a portion Of tbe Eastern prats," and "especially of New York city, doubts have -been raised In the public mind ol certain ectpin as to tlio pur pose of the Government to prosecute the war with tfes- tijw thxcfslcra "ealli much is being said among those who are too thoughtless to weigh the Tesponiiblllttf and difficulties atteadtnt on the preparations for a conflict which must rail put all tbe resour ce of the tolferiimenV about "inactivity," "inefficiency." "waul of eneriry," aud so on. oh lue" "of TLb Ailmrnlsirallon. WC1C nothiug could be taftbef roru.lbw fact than these i iipressions, the injury ttu-y Ojust in-fiiut on the oause, nnd tue tl; ijlvaatage.

a( which they must put the Government per mitted to grow and strengthen, will be apparent to all who can understand the dangers of a divided public sentiment In a crisis like the present Some very Who4eUBaaai pertinent advice is given to those who are disposed to distrust, in a vsry able sermon on "The Peaceful Duties of War," preached at Roi-bury, by Rev. Dr. Putnaim-' Atusr speaking ot the necessity tor self-possession, calmness and tranquility in the pursuit of our various public and private duties in the pres ent that tbe wanted tordter off so ciety aud industiy may be maiutained undii turbed through it, the learned Doctor con cludes as follows Another branch ot the duty of equanimity, in the present circ*mstances, ia to observe with calmness the progress of events in the struggle, and await with such patience as is possible tbe next tbiugs that occur, and the final issue. There will be need of much self-discipllne ra this respect' The aspect of pub-liq affairs will be liable to continual changes, from good to bad, and back again from bad to good. Any day may bring lorth great and unforeseen results either way; and yet long periods may pass in which we shall see hardly any thiug appears to be done, and precious time will seem to be thrown away.

We shall be liable to grow impatient of delay, and unreasonable in our demands, ready to throw blame and denunciation, now here, now there, for mistakes and inefficiencies, and sometime rashnesses. -i When things ULV a bad turn, we shall wonder it was not lore-seen and provided against, it is sa easy to be wise after the event, and to prophesy backwards, and it locks so easy to have done this or that, to who are not in a position to see the difficulties and impossibilities. iOur rulers, civil and military in a most trying position, with all tbe responsibilities of the time upon them, and watched and advised and wondered at and censured by twenty millions of people, each one wiser in his of ercs than veteran- generals or selected cabinets. We must try to discipline ourselves to a reasonable degree of confidence in the men whem Providence has called to tbe head1 Of affairs. They bave the best inform tin, know best where to seek advice, know best whit they can do and what they cannot It would save us a great deal of useless worry and wearing irritation to trust them, to gie them our sympathy in time of disaster, ai(d our good cheer in time of their success, and a liberal and kintrry appreciation in all titnes.and instead of indulging too promptly id harsh judgments, wait contidingly till we kcow more, and see all the puepmstances.

Strive to be patient Urett movements, unforeseen and unprepared for, require time: tbe progress of things epnnct keep up with th eigerness of oor desires and expectations. 1 is wiser to accord a cheerful support and ca-operation to the government, than to sit parting and criticaiDg. It ia easy -to ask the most ignorant of us is competent to ask why )t not mis wing done, ana wny tnat It is I wiser to presume, eiliitr that it is doing, or I tnat then nMTeasonS why it should not wur province is not to uirerx, out 10 uo what we are called. to do, abide by the decision of authority1, and await the results. A fever of impatience, if it get the mastery of I ok and, continue' for months and years, is enouga to wear out any or us; it is demoral- I i Kl uuuu UUimild UCTBUliatiT.

i it become general, weakens the public I cause. "Maryland Guards." Among the most blood-thirsty of the mob which caused the streets of Baltimore to run with Massachusetts blood, were, it is said, the "Maryland Guards," a local military or: ganization. Since the establishmen of Federal power in and about Baltimore, these nni-! formed rebels have inco*ktraelnHiy -'flti from the wrath to come. Some have been ar rested in Baltimore and held for trial, and our dispel ba morning report pickets, as they were attempting to escape to Virginia to join the secession army, vrhti Will- probably be dealt as all traitor should be bung. Many of them are represented as being connected with the wealthy and aristocratic families ot Maryland, but it ia to be hoped that no considerations of this kind win lave ike ifroa traitor's Jodia.

A letter to the ew Jprir. Times says matter Arrests or treason of some of the aruiltv parties in the raid of the 16th of April, have already been made, but as yet none of the ringleadeig have been touched. Manv oT them- cieaxed hot noagh" of Uem are left to make bright examples of. 4 perfect -stamped of toe minor trffendrs has followed tb first movements of the offi cers of the law. 9 Tributes to Maj.

Gen McClellan. In the official reports of Mexican war we find tnr 'lowing' 'testimonial to' the oravery man laill or the distinguished officer io forces, and Maji General of the West- TV il eTn 0 tlje One of the com- meniations reters to the battle of Los An- mloa. ni1 tha ntK Lieutenant McCleUao, JrequenUy detached r. oM i bcvcaiu fcimcs iu commana oi me enpineei engineer hbnVldthi action IrCh'he lJi praise iir occa vno-Muum-gr ooio iae im ana 20th. Verv resDt-ctfulIv.

vonrnh't GUS. W. SMITH. Lieut, Engineers, commanding company, Lieut. W.

T. H. Bbooes, A. A. Genera), td diviaionVO.St'A.

I have every reason to be more than satis. 6ed wirBUbe -oaring gallantry and highly important services- oi lieutenants U. B. an. Clelian and G.

and am reach la- utoiea to tnem lor 1M efficient nlanner if which they performed. Uiei arduous duties tbe 19th and 20th of August. In the ac 40 of to number were wounded. On-1 D. V.

i 9 w.wt ia- BEUDfl aL LQDrDmKQ one or my company was tombed. -V ery resrectfnll-- tnnr.t 41 i Ueat. Engineara, eomm-wdiBr eftmpanr. ueat. w.

t. AcUpgAse't Adjutant i 2d DivismmJot Ilegukrs. The Mawaukee Sentinel pubishe a New York letter in which, mention ia llethodist clergyman' Vistf to Til-son' The cIcfmabVfhade'a very muddy ailnsiaii to 'it iaaee 'spoken-of bv Par Brownlow, when the wbflU-rilwnt Ifwith one voice gave threa" ckeer and i Th parson eipressed huj jnttex as-lonistment to the ColoneK-wio Mplaiafd r- Oh, the boys don't knowncfc about Script They thirJtHeUisioMWaera between Montgomery aad- New Orleans, -and they anxious to get down io that neighbor iiui me bas Used he the ll WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. WASHINGTON CITY, May 7, 1861. THE JERSEY BLUES.

The New1. Jersey troops, comprising four entire Tegimentt of as fine soldiers as there are In the serviee, arrived here yestenWy. I hay swevaUu stroatf, hailiomely uniiortu- ed and efTicieutly drilled. They are under coiuiuaiii ot t5rigauiex Geoicral Kunyonj and are armed with the Minnie muskets. The Twenty-eight hre((imeut of New Vork (Brooklyn), arrived day before' JUry They are about 1,000 strong, well armed and GONE INTO CAMP.

the Seventh, Sixty-ninth, uud other New York Regiments, and Regiment from other Slates, either have gone into camp or. are hp ranging to do so. Their camp grounds are daily visited by thousand of -citizens and strangers; but as the novelty wears off, the crowds grow thinner, of course. ELLSWORTH'S NEW YORK ZOUAVES. This fine Regiment, remarkable for the "muscle" of itf.

members, continue to at tract an unusual share of publio attention They are all men of great muscular development in a hand-to-hand fight with any ene my, they would perform prodigions feats of valor: Their actions here have been charac terized by a careless gpocl.pature and rough sort of nonchalance, which bava made.them hoets ot friends although some of them, unrol feiloas, have' done divers devilish things. Aatang these latter exploit, was that of a dozen of them going into a whole sale grocery, on Pnusylvauia uud frightening tbe worthy, proprietor and bis clerk they ingloriously fled; one of them stepped behind -the counter, sold soma $30 worth of goods' to his' comrades totk 'lTuk noUi in pinhunt, the 'salesman sajing' that he had known them in New York as honorable gentlemen, and had no doubt they would jxty, after which they left with, theif Several performances of thi- character hare determined the Department of War to tend back to New York those members who bare been (bus guilty. Generally, however, they are well-behaved fellows, although inclined to rogaery. WAR MOVEMENTS. There is no doubt ta he Government will speedily Inaugurate a series of' military movements which stall' check the! aggressive preparations1 of insorrectionisiS.

Of course, hewspaper' corresp6ndents have no knowledge of wbaf they are wise'taik' ou the part of sensation journals to tbe contrary; 'notwithstanding. the. Administration keep it own counsel, bnt is none the leas vigorous and energetic Yoa may expect Btlrrihg tinies fight speedily, GOSSIP ABOUT CONGRESS. The approach of the Extra 3ession of Congress' Opens the question of the Speakership and other subjects connected with tbe organi lotion. Among the probable candidates for Speaker promincntly-nentloned are Grow of Pennsylvania Coifax, 6 and Frank.

Blair, of Missouri. John Hickman is also mentioned. Forney will unquestionably continued as Clerti while the matter ol Doorkeeper, Postwaster, will be left lor arrangement It urged even by prominent Republicans that there snail Tie no distinctive party nominations for these places nt that a well-kno wn de votion to tb cause of the Union shall alone the political qualification for placesj I think it highly probable that waila ssme-well-known Rfcpabliffiul will: aw chosen Speaker, the pa-uiauo people ol opposition parties will nave no causa of complaint in the distribution of offices. While npon this subject, I may say that within the past two days the Pos (office De partment has peremptorily refused to remove -Normern roslmasters unless proof was brought that they sympathize with the enemies of th country. Whether this will be syiliiua tit ally -pursued, xf coarse Tio not know; I only state a fact, and hve no com plaint to make ol it PROVISIONS.

thatevfffrscaree) any to Thai at even Vaahington has in great measBre, depend- ed ppoa Virginia lor cutter, ega. potatoes. and, indeed, for vegetables of all Gov. Letcher having stopped the Virginians ffom sopplying ns, we are now paying starvation price? for soch things, while they are absolutely rotting, on the hands of, the Vir- ISuibu. -inus, we PTiJSiputatOtl per pmnieii mmwciM eggs pOc for but- nsuch exborbitant prices.

APPOINTED. i Ho'nT 'William Helmlck, late meraber of UOBgTess trom tBe 15th Ohio District has been appointed Chief Clerk in the Pension Bureau; an appointment eminently fit to be A DEARTH. There ia a general dearth of aewB this morning, and in the absence of any excite ment, 1 write you, I fear," an uninterestjug letter: 'We have probably less than you have GLIDDON. "Great Cry and Little Wool." TheTeported negro encampment on' Beaver river by oBd Urowri; tarns out to he considerable of a boax. Tbe latest lnlormatioa.

redcee the four bnndred darkies to eight individuals The cargo ui jiruviBious leit ror inem consisted ot a barrel of a bag of potatoes and a bait of w. uiuu. a Dwaii uani oi negroes, sup posed to be fugitives from are KDuung anout me vicinity ol tke alleged encampment, but that there is anything formidable or dangerous in their preaeoce thene, believerJ. Tha Brown' aart of story probably of a piece with Uue, rest. IVNiaysfeam Tpi, i Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, writes his brother in Washington, expressing opinio that Kentucky wiK go out.

of the ITnion, and1 asserts his determination to die in his tracks before he will surrender his position as a Union maa or desert hU busi- I JL BilUtary company, eomposeffentirely of PrintCTS, la erganiaed tCnmbv Tliey will do good service with their "shooU Wg JoVow the' Vanity and lead" tha traitors. A 'dTspafch; to tbe Pittsborrh Chronicle that the Ohio froopa did not go on to ashipgton, as was'eapected, Irith the Pena. syhranta ntfs The Norfolk Herald, says tbe blocfcaJa Af iaiparoor laciuaes every conceivable av enue of approach to it fruoi tbe Ryaad-f Dosomea, ana jta noble, river to creea aad cove which form their triba- taries. Tbe Baltimore and' James river boats nave oeen oa, nq sttaoirr is per. Bsiued torua Utween Norfolk and Hamriuin.

'Herald 1s very desirous that some plan should ba advised to wavlav and sink the aa a. DlBTTNGDIBBBO Aaaif JLL.Jnhn 6'. ceniciai aoy, arrivea ia tne -city tins moriiiaj, Dy- tne iiouisviue mail-boat. lie been down South. It is said tbe traitors were exceedingly anxious to- procure tbe services of the Boy," but he politely in-fbrmefflbem tbat lis muscle eould only be In detanae ot those mlnm nnilar shixh walloped the Champion' of The Boy" is wanted in New Vnrk- H.

Captain mCoL Wilson' regiment Gen. Pillow has anliatad in tk. '-Li-Li Southern Confederacy and he blows about proditrouslv. It mav ba nuil Iordaid tbe wind he bloweth where he uuwuj. xyenacv.

i 0 1 -ed Sbe Jeff Davis and His New Coin. Brownlow, of tlio Knon-ille Whig, who has not a rject sion bon in bis body, battliug inostfaUhlully for the Union. In a U'P number he says: Mr. Jcffrrsou Davis earned his first finan- as a repudiator. He sheared the cntdf" from HetbdntQ-aa UMira.

bodys, with the uncqualleil dexterity witn which he fiueced the Slate of Mississippi, that Slato, through him, invulnerable under the National Government, pocketed tbe proceeds in perlect salety. Uhe qualities whiph hrfrsldbiJ in this.performunae, have, since abode rtirili ta sandry notable scheme of soiieczing rich tncu, nnd of plundering Banks, Under blS forro loan system, vj vneimw ot which be hopes to get least a start in his Southern crusade. But be has now struck Uion anew idea, more brlllant than that of repudiation, and likely to give him a fume' more enduring than that which he derived from earlier exports. lie is econ-ntnitint: till bullion by coining quarters and bull' dollars -of basor motals, such as copper and sine, which are stamped, not only with tha devil-as of the United States, but the char acteristic letter which distinguished the New Urlenns coin is omitted, io order to mtike the fraud more difficult ot detection. Jiow nat ural is it that a counterfeit President should i6sue.

counterfeit coin 1 When President Davis threatened the Nmlh with- au avalanche of Southern lead, it did not occur to him that lie would want it to make money ot to pay off his hoards of soldiers! MARRIED. 1 April, by Hev. J. U. Mr.

J'iBN CRAW-IrMltOanu iliu AlAKUAKKf itlliMQl.lj. 'April Kb. bv the UU AS. C. t'OW DKKV au4 EL.1ZA t.r tbe wain.

t. A and. EM MA U. April THtti. lir ttio 4AMKS CAKPINTkII sua s.iisaaxn vunn April Mfh, 1-r the mne, WM.

DAMOXSaad KM- A lIUflMJUK. April h. b7BellK, BAMTJKL OOOPBOBN April ath, by the (BfglA MUSEUM. TOMLlHUUMaad 'Stajr WM, PKINUSTOOMPSON ana ANSA MT 7tb, by tb-5 iuiio BUKT. rnuiio.

tlENItT H. HAMLkS lut Wnr "Hit, l.TttiammcCU ALES B. SuTIBE an) SAB DIED. On the HU Wl 1.L1AM IV atLL, child of Vllliani l.awion and Jauk Bull Cuter, seed two yeeY and DHMtnAtttha; 1 1 be Irleede of tho family are reeaeotfellT invited to attend tbe luaereltbte (Saturday) afternoon ate e'olock, from toe reatdauce ol bte ktber, US Laaa at. In thi citir, ridy mmufnir, War loth, of Lhnf FeiTM-, AlUa MAHy.Bleeeldrf Alouio M.

ai.d Vliz M. aged i eee aud 6 oioutbe. funeral th i But urday at tf moon at 2 o'clock from 0. ISC'Haton etTret, Went Hide. Triende or the liiiUyareiuvlted SUMMER HOSIERY Foa La'dibs, i -3 I j'i v.

ivz.l i AlTD CmtDREK. Tbe greateet variety la the Oity now opening i Lailieg' Hoavy While Himwi," Ladiee Vine While lloee, i Ladiee' Lisle Thread Hoie, liaoieA unniearnea German, JKiiflisb- i And Fieuch Uoe, Mates' Want Miss' Ijoavy Kreurh ffulu, at uMOa. fancy STnactiUc Hie, I -Ueuto Brit sb Half Hoae, -i-i. siaatt1 Brown Half Hose, Vint JUaU JUoee. Every variety of Bizet at the loweet prlcee.

tR18WOLD A VO.i Irf4toadeBd Oareet store. tupyrior alio llenk tt. RAVELLING JBASKETSt-New A fK-ii. UKTTBKKHA HAISMANH. rrilR BEST ARTIFICIAL HELP oi lnvnritl i i I 4j.

il- OUJUaUUOUi u'ItetiCal ''and Scientific, Opticvxr Kp thUrffrtH4nrtmerit oi (he in oat imnroTrd ktn.1. of SPi-UXACaeJCH. Jkilhia ww, wbtber far near or lkr ifbti, im gruiiotl yutler liieown Inspect ion, br machid tke liretvtfst cure, no to suit tt.eyta iu all carina Wenlrm, lhiecloess or inflammation of tbe By en, aad iiumrtiiigurtigth lor long nftUiuf or fa, fcoioinonaon wookl hare In fin itb thepoMrc riftt nt? nfTor eotpioyB muy one in lti sale oi nit benties, A lo, a 8 ptemJ irt awwrrmrnt of 3 ASS JS, A HTl aTICI A KYKS innorlwJ withoot pain, aa MTtfictaa naturaJ. lOvicw No. 130 Supetior itreet.

nnJor An.fricaD ,1 mniuw EATH TO TfiAJTORS all traitors dwell niton our land. Tliia land of libwrty-- SbrtU troauifla bow to traittn bow, And no more froeuiea im 1 traitor place the atars fnd atripw Houmfh their rebel boots Andabail the tree of liberty k-a i silt uowufti um (uu )H i SIihI) Wanhingtou. our eapitnl, t. I Be given to vaiidal bDds, I And mII the preclonn store ofyoro Jiacedin lam traitor' naiidV i BhtLirth opprem4 frofB of her lands Wow nutl uo shtilter hrw 1 -A -j And hail the arm once inroug to aave, Mowpalaied be with iVar t' Shnfl drpot of fhe old World e.1 1 Our tmplepa-htd teartb( And in tiivir xite laDHb beruly 1 And aniit thou vidua wUu niltih i'MJKoifthad rriMntiwfcatlt. hear his fret-nieu about.

wain i oeatn to trHitortall tlwy cry, ii udcmjACbellioa oml anMot-aiMa, toarmal 1' l'o aruiai to arm I ye brave I And traitors wlconia, wlih bloody hands, To hoapitanl griv. tear'olda Hko Uamah's, hich in air, i. itaiM now IhfougD all oar laud, 15 Afial hunx tbe traitors onaa ali Jul! ivnaud bia baud. Neck ties we havofor traitor, wade 1' (t faMiip, one and all, Which wa will giv to bang them At ISAACS (JMON BALL. BasIJo H.

'jArtTft 1knA 'nntn'rtA mtjwmr nt Van Rnrinf yjiuiume wrinnaa Jktovsi wnicn i am bj in a a oKtremeiy low uricei. i have lr aale Army Blank hih goocvior arnp Julltary uiouini laauo uj oruor onvnort notjoa at 1. ISAAC. A. MAGNIFICENT UNIOHA.LU sole Asaacy for the uiof Siaser't (Meteated.

SSWJ2TG MACHINES, iasn STORR'S ADTOJtAXOH PRESSMAN. Comer of Cuion and ttnperiar LOOK OUT FOB TBS i li oj REPAltE FOB, WAK lot of fKiT.T'fl and nlhpr R.vnlvspi in.t'HMt.1 hicm. fh flAllNHCtbftl Vi niayx linn stnrp CCtUtufeibtte" 60 BBLS FKESH JLjl ui3 pacaea in oM end cut straw. For tmarif A krivxtt a r.n tbom Bay, fcrtaiftbv r- 1 F. CARRY CO.

il ESS PollK. I L. r. 1- a. niiy3 f.vnu niw VIE UII UT DTTEK and CHEESE.

SO'toE ry Doe Yellow Boll Bmter arid prime W. for tale fay maji3J B. T. LYON. SEEI POTATOES.

A Choice varistrvf aeed PoMtmM la ttoreand foraaltiiy mar2 42 union etraet. BUCK-WHEAT FLOUKZf-oB ale cheap, to cloae Mneltniinent, ty aprll uakiimb a 00. 7AA BUSH. TmOTLl SEED. aVVV A prima lot juat nceiTd and for at wiuu kowe af LOUBI FLO UK 1 1 FLOUKM ior aca pea Deaiert, Bakere, Urooerynen.

nee and othen. who are In ol While aed B4 Wheat Flour, will i.k. doe that we have Ibe largeMt and Im.hI etock ol rreHh BOUND FLOUR to loon In Uie market. Aim aeveral eli known brand ol low raUe and HXJt liUU-liUUKIII CXI aprll 3M. 41, 3 a MtiTer it.

MAGNOLIA MILLS FLOUit. Jaet reeeived and Torale by WM. H. JABOO a on a jTorwin et. piLOVER and TIMOTHTSEEIX i A spar an naif of Prima Clorev ana Tin.u thia day received by W.iiKLHlNCH.

eprW Merwlietret.t. WHITE FlSIf, -TfioUT AN5 PIUKEBXL, All orders fnr Titu filled at loweet pricee. W. MSLHIN'CH. atrw Miliaria 1 In Tk A P.

Oculist, of 14 fMaciuaivtlr trmta IMi oTtfivv Kytt, and IkIumi, At No. 157 FfHHtMrv-t Rtreot. 4vtt1him1. (. rt, 4 lvl 9W Ahttntlitiit tMtinionlrilii prrmni retitornt to Btu'it or llNkrihg in lurk, tue WtMturu HtalM, fctid i '(''" ArttficUi .1.

4 U-rtf4 riiif wove, arvi Ih- h4 qiiahlr. I'r. facu taikAfik Dlplom In fimittltlun with all othftr OrultiiU, at the iSw Yurk Hut aalr, tmc tatmnaipirti kr. atf" No chargw for iam(nallniw. ayrMyimkit Huattrmi IMaari ivmuun.

I 8KMINAJ WKAKNESS, OS SpsaaATOBKHOff, asd IMPOTKNOY CURED, lifter all other Treatment FaQsll DL A. GIBSON, i- wi'iainrif ui A.irjw a mi si vmj. win par vuv nuu drad dollars tr tba proof that ae htpt lalls to car tha aixy aaMsed Uideaaaa, Ua will Buy tha aaiae an at lor the prooi iut any other I'Dvstcian in tiia iiattad Hsjtm tmf. 14a aaiM itijmaii. with auaaJ ucoeaa.

After rni ot laboriooa itnily and export ut. uiBBun it) imppy in oeing aoie loan ttounoe to tha anlurtuuate, that ha hai perlaclad a awteiii trtatruat lor the gpKKDY AN PIKrfANtUT CTJRI af the twTTnj oi eith all btwt erlecu arnnii; tnrorrim. iiiciikiii.c DIBlbll UK StSVUllD rKOeTKATlOM. hp haa anecetwieti curiuft caaaa in this city, acme of whom had expended hundrttl of dot Lira with aslf-itylad phyiluaiui. who profew to treatall prirate malaiitM wif.i an'juia aiwl witYinitt ranurina ri Uwit jurtlcle ut attuwit IB Willi BUlAejnfl.

Dr. iil 1 B8')K dotj not boMt that he In a inmnbr of pLmi iJo.kTe ia UocitoB FarU, fwraapt mow otaon do tor tae purpoa of DnariQK the iunoceut. and who ho.ttout rmt ex tat ions never to be r. all ted. Bat wbat- Dr.

(UiWN nihhl homt ol it thin, that lit able to Na entire latistaction to thoM wbo repoM onideue ia bit abihtr and intfK- nty, aDd tnat he ha Pructtl an American yntem Of traatnettt wblcbcnaiMDiManf Phraioiau of Lon don or Paru. or any D.tnt D.eucine toeunal tr tli radical enre ot eininal wkDeifi, and alt eHtteaM or dniiffemenUi, both pjentiU aod pbjaici.i ariaifig from or secret abase. Dr. GIBBON ftiao clinn tor his dv treatment tba Ibtlowing advantaffM ovr ait others et diacovernd; and flntt. tbe agent ned are in bo r.

a poet dtaaKrer. able; he naea do relics of the dark atfea. nucb an Mtrenry, nor any etber deletoriona dnig; Secondly aorestricuoni in diet or Dusineat ia luird ly lii treatment pomtiTo and certain in all casea, Be atauoji prepared to aa iuto any paMic or pnvMe MMpftat In the Cnlted Htatoa and damonatrHie the uiitHi.ieanperiority of at aew tnatiui oar au other now known to the world In point of Druiupt pertnaneacn, aildanaa, aaiety aod oouTeU lj tne pntiont. i Dr. 61 HSL-N la prtiianinTly located In OloTetann ana Da aartnn tue pnat aloe uotuu privriUM aiau: ourea of diaaa which had for veara rueiattHl al othr inorta of treatineat.

aVefertmeecaa arirpsn to individual of the flntt reaptctability In (Jitveiaiid, Boatoa. Hear and other cltiea in nfrrd to kill and iutecrity in all proiV.Aonai tranftActionn. Pyapepaiw, iihmmafTieai, -Wcrortila and ail chronic diitnoj truatod witbanperior MiKjinntyannt to any part ot the country on Mi.ialr,t txan aiaallam Dr. U1BS02TS hew "Work on fhyalology for aaia atntsuc -ProfejtMr of Httrrmatiiu and MOIHne No. HTOntarioatreet, trp itaiini a few wn iiuiu tun ruuiav CMuwro Orflce honra trom 9 to 12 and from 2 to o'clock dallr.

Himnve CP, U1AL AMD CAKiiUi UlL Cxb I klDila of ramllv Metifeinea cent lowef inai. ever otierea Deluxe in 'Um Uiy at 3a rub. ogoare I'iUs at H)c-ntw per Wuiim (audy 'J OvDU perbox. f' Uontrh Candy, 25 cent for 6 Jial Wind- 4oa Ut oente per Aw Tooth Soap ldceuta rxT (laae. AU kinds of Drua.

llediciofri, Perrnmery, Gvooo uf u. eeir UbUDauarov Botanic-and Jhlertic Mcdki4Mait.wholeal&aQd re- MMl, lilW, (Ul VACU, at, TJ. J. SSCbCB'B. mays 32 Public Square.

GOOD 'ASiSOKTMENTOF choiee- PerfnnHri-y, Toilet Hoapu, Hair BrrMhea Tooth i lUhefi. Uratuiitii? Lumm. rocket aiutul nazonr, rucnei doobh. jnonpy mrsps, lor aalfbv ai. A.

PALMaii. Urvesiat. i Corner rie and Frotipoc. ata. I' BCBNBTT'SiXKloAINE.

For the Growth and Preservation of tlie Tlaff. tiold br t. K. A PALMkK. i JpiJner.EriJid rospect eta For aale maj'6 A.

PALM KB, Cor. Krieand Proapect its. ltUdSES. Tax Timi; op Yab JL nan come tor getting a nrw tit S3 by all those BMiiiug aaa moi Ltia mb( aprlw WM. FI8KrS.

TTUOil, LEVI AlAi'ETi 1" VBOLtSAte'DBAttaa m'- I'f! aL KIKha Of BEADY MADE CLOTHING. Mo. 147 Water Btroet. Oloveland. rtaMTLF.MF.iNa (haiimvd Ufa, Wauraliuwaad jliiduK ibrttaUiaiiMoiit.

Vban KANcia Aaea. No. ly NtrAft. will nermner atrttj bia attrtrtxm to ctwnlng, renmra-Una and meodlnff,'tt etntblntr.

htm tacilitrea lor daug hit work iu. tha txwt mtiunpr. OvrBtlemen Will ftaS it for tlieiriutorMtdcring theae im uiup avw M. a imu -1 mar REMOVAL. A R.

REDING. MERCHANT mwrtuo to Pronpeot atrwt, lidhvr Brotk. a few duors wwat juua' Marble Yy irf, whtre It? will pleaded ta see and ami uts out cmtouiara, aa nwuai. and new onei in Tlw80iiJ1a i rr Gvtita wbo furulsh tbeir own mate iala wil it-ftdrMntftfiVMifl to call on ramcuiHTatcoaitDQ Mtd to uttfne BoyaT 100.0QO R0LLS WALLPAPES War haJ IVvB dolAra. ni a'tK of 1m day, and nw in tikiuB fur all tidr luMtae- acmpTO watHwue irom airry aiiu muoKy and corcQn them with a rmh.

lie WALL PAPKR Idtcay inarovlafl tairbotaea, aad aoet of 100,000 BOLLS NOW BEADY for aale at M. Caraon A Co.x Ls3, Superior 4tH and uw taat tit vou Ha lurUt. I TH COST 13 MERE NOTHING. Wftarotmw irady to H1 BnKff-h and Anarican wall vaDera from 90 7ft nar ivnL Iwkinw Hvioua priceft. and would muat rcip.ctfuliy an tu iooa iu upon uur aiocK ofiore DuyiiiK, lor IO qoallty ui noda and tti tBcta pifof.

can ajrvt ma ntatttsM aaiiaiaa.tioiv, ur gouaa e'imiiiT directly Iroin the factoriHa. we thert-bv lire on nruHt Alao a large ot bhadt of every Varta- GOLD BANDS, AC, AO, Alao just opaned a beautiful lot of CO Kil40E 8 with Baoa. Loot toratub. uds and Ta gU ia endLaw riety. Paper Hanging dooe at iuihi Douctj vreapenvuoea at reuou able raat AiaiQ, w- -tould tak Dice roba ot aiurititwr, '(Train Ingand varuiaatagat lair and remunei'itive rat.

B. Ta ww wnaid. tarita iair artesTtiata f4t nr urirM mar'AS T0 DEALEBS IN COAL AND a VAavauN HIUS an larcolart aua rricet UuxTeot. tend to B. S.

11(1 Bank lay If 1 Cleveland, Ohle. QIL OIL -OIL'J It. yjv ejs a CH A RX BSA A TSt HaaulcijiBrir Pr Casbow and Petroleum h'-. i' i I FUB ilDBriWQ AaB lCBKlCA.TUa. Warranted Eaoal to the slew York Kerosene, Which I offer to the Trade ai lews' nrlra rtt.n Ain be aarcbatedataaT other houae in tb.

trite, a. I nh- taia Oil trom my own Welle, and have not to pur-cower- crude oil from second handsf coner.ini-ntly ao tU at a low pnea. and la. ouahti -aaaruteed to ive eatiilactMn la every reeeeot. "wJ-ine Traue euppaea with rnide Fetrolenn.

Railroad Companlee furaithed with sore Sleccs Oil, frao -from aaad or water. LAJlPa, WICKS AT WHOLESALE. OS Water tt(B. B. Block.) Cleva.

land, Ohio. aanckdawai 11 fTLLINEBYi GOODS I -N J.TJL AKB1VAL. Mr, VV. 8. ntreet, In reenitt ol a lew and choice no.

ol MlliLINKBY GOODS, New Style Shhred kllont, Koara. ttoliare Velle, Alan, NEW uitJ iriki, Beeideaa mat Mrii, nf vumihi. i i I) it Uofl. I 1 1 Invito to oaii examine? the very beat manner. QPn5l: THIS DAT a -Lnak aatn fIm.

Ladies' Mrssts' JStraw Bovr ets, iipnit Aoocnee. art aupenux at, Under Benuet Bout'. 1831. i SPBINQSTOCKt 1861. I n-A A GV0, 5,000 Volumes NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS.

I 150 FA 111 LY BIBLEo, rlUnllnxa' Eilltion.) sjnwa-v VW And sereral1 Tseful, EcaJsUe anj 1 1 tit Jt' ia muu wiuca are id lOllowmg: mi tiareer otMJnr Arntn, Oariont ll.M LlHol Lockhurt Art KecrMlltma Oiild to Orniiiuoni Coaipll Uuule to (riiftiuetitl LiMtiber Work. Wl The Weyeof kite, (Rilif uiA Wnn Weaver. 60 Tim 8lle Cloud, buvK by 7 Aut-'hloifrenhy, of Mm. Pioue, (l'hrll. Harrd.

.1 l.i"' Twelfntnnom by Uomce Me Tli Attoruey, by John T. M1 jjj Harry Heeion, or tbe Bdoevoleut Becbelor. Irvine eilae Merner. tbe Wmvmt Kevetoft by the enthor of "Adam Bone, "Tbe Mill oo the Kim." 75 Dow to do Buniiioea Huw to BrbeTr Uow to i to Tellt Tli Uooee Tbe Gr-dt-n The Kerm-Tue Bern Yard Vruit Cul-' ture. l'rlce na'-h ga FOR Oharlpn aud Wary tttoriea from tbe Glormaii- S5c Men Who tamoue Boy and ilow th- Iwyme Grant Men.

omen of Worth a Book for Girls. The War Tiper, by the author nJ tha White Ilo-phaut. or the lluuttfii of Ava. i If in-hi. if 1'hiloaoahri of ramillart lUtka Ahnf wm.uion lainug.

I Story of a Pocket Bibla. Cbiidron'i fixture Htory Booka, 1 New Edition of Matnarb's Sabbath School Echo. INGHAM 191 Superior O. apr2a Jgg SUPEBIOB stbeetv 'I AND AFTRK THE FIRST OF UAX Ar 241 SaPERioa Street. J.

B. COBB dealers ra. books, e' ACCOUNT BOOKS, AND ALL JUKI OF- ATI ON School, r. MlfiCELX.OUSt Law. Theolooical, JtrVENILI 8 111 have en hand all the SCHOOL and COLL KG BOOKS in common ua.

ahicn we oftr I tue TradealNev York aat wboUMate yrlcee. One OUCK OI jt 1 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS la largi! and Taried. We are constantly racairlnii ioe new ui me lAaumti rnbtisatra. Any cook a not on band, furnished al abort notic. Koreign ''BLANKBOOKSI otm ASsoKtJnesf cohpbises 'LEPfJKBS-jCirb, Deiiyand Hediom, JOURNALS, 1,.

DAYBOOKd," 1 BKCOBDS, Bill Books, Becelpt Book-), Alnhabett, Drawing Books, Memorandiun Bookt. i fjom posit Ion Bookt. i-aet and i A'lll ai. STAT ION ER Our etock it large, and adapted to the wantt ot Banks, Bailroade, Conntvtnd Towfi-Omcart, Tnen ranee Companies, Corporations of aU kinds, Lawytrs aermattts and eianitlacturers, and also for Lauiea CAP rT uae I LETTER, liOTK, I BILLET, LKDUlw Jt RNAL and 'ENVELOPES Of all Hindi, PEN9, WAX, INK HUi itU BOKU. IA KLAL WA FlSBS.

LEGAL KKAL8. GUM LA- BKLS, pfeNCULS, PRESSES, fiii.PAPrn 1 BEUbuti. BLorrma- boab Ac. i-i i- a STAMPING! t'KITIAL are prepared to receive orders for STAMPING iniTlALBon note Paper and Work Veil and promptly executed. i stowegive special atteution lo onr Retail Stationery.

J)epajs1tiejjt', Onr telectloni of A Ptt. V. ELOPKS. Ae are in ueat iu ine marKei. Keepere will And a treeh tnppryot-frfToy W.

Faircbild UuLD PiNSal J. B. Cobh Co't. an 01 wryoy rairchild's Oold Pens told by 1. B.

Cobb A are warranted for one year. apr? 17LOWEB SEEDS. The Time 1 baa airtTrHt tooomnwnoesoarinB' and W4 have a lonre and choiCH collecfion orinnm aud parreoolal TOrfotien tbich -w have Hnported iDf preaeni aeaaon, atreci itom rrx? urowvrt. Prior llfnanerB for cent, rtr 9 rRtr-rn fnr If fWL Call and get a cataiogtiu coiUhuhd? a itl ol tba Ta- GLADIOLUS. TUBEROSES.

PI UK Kill A- Pavoniaand Maderia-Viae Hnltia. Ii. sitie ny roayoj J. atAttt dt ao. lahuji UNGABlAN GRASS SEi D.

Alao, JUmett bef'd. for sale at tbe Cleveland a Aitbat ctv TlHtNEiE SCGAK CANE 8EED and African Imphee A chetre lodntf wl KipnvHj eted fr aaln by J. bTAIR A SON. UWEET POTATOE PLANTS. Cj We shall have Potatoe Plants ready tribe mid- ale oi may, ana snail ne reaay uu all ordera Air any quantity through the season.

aye. otw j. a iai a eon, IO vataTtmt, EW DOUBLE ZINNIA-WE nave pianta for aale In pots of thta nv nui Jri owtr, introdnoed tn rarta the prut arauiuti. J. fT A I A BOH.

CMiOWb: FLOWER feEEDSw TomThnmb Aaaturtamea, ine juixea Anrirrninan, plea (ltd Kine Mixed CbinA Aater, i 'iae Mixed Paaay, Price of each tbealiofe lu cents tier paper. For ale br J. hi BON. Saw. s.

I.N, ft- r. a niFa aitvL sLint n.a. w. OB NTS' Ooata, PnU, Vwta, colored cleaiiad iu iiuibiivu isa who Lrrwt a By (p. Plttaaaa.

aocleruifd aiidrvtiniahed. a (etvu n. uikiaa, rraecn liyi-r. wW-r PImw TeokMnbar No. 14 beoaoa aa trim are three dyera on tbe aame street, febii HOME AGAIN.

G. S. vy ixLiAHa Hteani Drer and Shawl Cleaner, her leara aiiuoGBontobia frianda and tit aabttc, UiM aa home aain, and located at fin at. LI Air atrret, Lwr laatl. where be baa fitted ub a HtLK tbe beat machinery, reirardieaa of expanae, and flat ten htmaelt that by atrict attention to buaineM thai be will be able to nxrain that patronage and auppoc which for ao manj yean crowued bia enttoaTora, J.

B. JACKSON, SILK "ANL WOOLKN DIKIL No. Ill Pearl timet, Weo hide. OBice No. 70 Hant street.

Harris- Block, art dors north ol Ht. CUir street. bawls ol every variety cleaned or dyed. Uenft Gar aiuntj cleaned or tired enchant beta taker brt omot osoa irota weu ju wl. uu jt, ta, IttaU rTL' 1861; -r The Paeti ree of the mberlber i about a.ree in the tnyali.

ua tt tl valler, will he open on and atirr eat Pw. Siawa the llnita. T-rme-fliiy WMk ftnd onft pt VmX foe liifreee. Bava-bieewy Mnnflay, In ad7Ailce, unl are mull wlih tbe undersigned for tlie tmn Api-ly at my ollee trrt Merchant'. Vank, Superior or to lie Be worth, lifiM.m.n.

at th en. trance (atee, near Woolx.n, Hiluhoe-k tarter't or deelling houte on HelKhte. liiinflowe or other Aolmile, are nrel.y i hat they will be ahargc.1 the en-tire at.a.,n irom dat. of entrance-io Noveinbor hit. i'f "rrtini an earlier withdrawal, and a th.i th.

he re.pi,iMill. Ir anlmnl. that WawYM wna. I vremire. ClereleBd, Ayrll io, 11.

a. 8. BTO.N. TICE. The CamiTnita the Tulrtno Iron, Oompauy, are hereby notl-t pveei-nt rininia o.ln.

me at niy urate in Maeeilou, niai-k county, i.lno.'on ov the arettjr vt Uetouer anxt.ivr atluwaace and divulud. l(y ordt-r of the Conrt ot Common rvte of laid Btrk County. Ohio. tiEo. ilAHSll, Milun, Aprils, UtU, hecelver.

A K'S Neats Foot Oil Polishing Compound, la calinlated to take the ehlne off of every other artit leut Uie kind in the market In hard timet, whvn the beet can but rub and so, the blninic qualituje of tbie article oubt to he oy evry ei-onooiiiit of Time, Money ir f.h,e leather. Tea more than LOCO F1K0 brilliancy, It adoe iiualitiet of a hiKb order, but acorning Parly dinlnction, It aime at nothing lea than to folieh tbe of the Nation. Boid er-try whor*. Mauuia-Jtured by T. LABT1CR, marM 40 Hnperinr "tr t.

NLY A OUAKTEBI I bEv 07 mail, irae of pontaec In- alraCtlVeaOd DOWferflll Lieu from plant buuk lik lorzcHlab.0 iACMHra Worth mora tbaa a (juarcec for a ainaj aniQHvuw ol tba tui.y cucia. Aim oJ autereail aowt3u. Atidi-fBdH AARON BRAD8HAW, wiiu-lftTmi itncla 22. turn-on, nmt. A T.

THE UHD' KSIliN- ED baring learned a partufnihla tor the mao-reolMALT. aad'OavliuT mcxd am Mwhitaa a thia City, a iarKeandcomuiofiiotu baildmg for that purpoMt arc now nrpanad to Birppl the conmimcra ot aLalt at ail i iBiea apd oa tba BMMt xx FAlD rOR HO. ilARLBT M. M. 4 B.

L. hPANGLkli. 1 -JieTTjiana, reurnny 1 1JTJSSIAN STEAM ES- XV. TABLISHME.NT, JJT il. Ht.

Clair Not. 1T. ocnoeite the Antler OPKSf DAILY. Honra 0 Admkuioa For Larltei to 1J A. II eeptm tunthiy.

For Gentlemen Sunday from to 12 A. and all other dart from 1 to I a' clock P. M. decfeRM ir Alii DRKKSJiSQ- AND SHAV- IN USSTlTUTIo Jt. WM.

K. AMRHrtH. at kiri rooma, under tha American, ia arftparud ao ooruiDodjituall customer wit prom pt attn tion from abla worst nvtD. A rrKU) room for ladiw. noTiS TMPOBTANl TO HOUSEKEEP.

I 1 EK8. Varnish yonrown fumitnre. Call at tha Foreet OHr Varalah effic. No. IM Superior and seta neat little Vamiab Onp, Clid with tba beat of Copal Varnish, (which cup Laa a brash with It,) and thia do yonr-own vamlhiaf in a atyle juul to tLe bettt ofpaiQtra.

a-imirvra tour t3 twTes.iHiiBgB, orwFiu iwi a (ptjuuj nnvtHi mjuai vo iwo earntMi. Hi. W. tMLMKK, Atrt-nt. T7MBK01DEBIXO AND STAMP- I Itiii, done at y7 St.

Clair ttrnrt, or-poelte An. (S-r Hm. by Imarlil K. fcA SUKL. NICK rAlJN'flN(i, GO Tl 'A Anji 1 1 1 I i at French WH1T1C ZTNO hsui Jut tha Hht tH4Qirfp- Painters aad (Baide work oi cmtv dtwrriptioa.

Mo. 17 norTMAJi-S BLOCK. $300. FOB SALE A Notu and Al -rtae for l3.onn. Xirat Ilea oa actve on edar HirH't.

A I no, mortgage BOOSE JENNINGS, IfarpB i ill Bupenor St. XWAW MTTLE, i f. Dealer ii i A ESTATE, teppi a great TariVty ol Farma and City Proprt) for ntOo-jr, Kent. Alao, chotoa VariniiuE Laatia ir Mirnuiu, Illinois. Wisconsin.

Iowa and MiMiart -o-oa Atwaer.iliiiiUD,4;it'-laiid. febti: Rjfi ATTESTERN LAND.H. H. Ll. Tf TlK, tli- late flrai ot LfttTm Hm.

t- coaniaiHly on hnQii a Iojkp quantity ot ttitv artuia Land in Iowa, WiscntHn and Misnoari, toexchaDa for city of country reai ear a Us or personal pruptrt Qtce with- Koiibe Jeiminim. HarUe Klerk, rinratreoU may la Km N. KJfiXES, Vtbtturly ot the firm ot JLittW A Key, bna upload a Kal iktate uoe in Kouae'a Block, cor a fci.iiat.ri.ks- aj.rtM- mi Public i baa oonxtaotly aa bits Mt-veral acree ol brat analUr ot aaxniturf uanda in tb Stmm Uct'frrdB ani al iaaoo rt, to fx ch an for city ant onniry aiao lor all aiuda ul atni ent(ja rlrtrfa rprtarrr. rrx r-yvtr, jm0 TI ntvaiiarir. wtpr "ROjJSE JExVNINGS, ESTATE INSURANCE AGENTS, No.

211 Supertor Stn tip atetr,) MAKBLK BLOCK. for sale, Twenty Icrer, one irfle trom City liae good sandy loam soil. $125 liable Or.izina Villonbby 21 acre wHh hoiiajeB -rn. twuia Ac( per acre. J-'ifly-en Acrca dwIm) from i'itf.

gJ'i per acre. iProapMt iJHrtaaag'Tur aara ao4 with lot 9I54L HawaLunriUwjrwaodiLat 4. 1 FOR SALE' OS WiUWD. Aveoutv fionaaaod 4: acres, witb atruilv At. Kxctiantie U-r a vitrm.

toiuuiarvi4rM4 wttb anibsio; alao ftonae ana ne ncni, uhiBier, on Plank ttoad. Axbanga A Vaiiittbm Water Powtr, on tba Ohio Caua1. 9 uuitr irom ny. xi'naiiKf tor uuy property. arm of are in Jaiik'Hibbj, good Uodw, Hani, orchaid, Ac.

dlseli itie whole ut )Qu acree had Ukt bUAt a uJ, Ua. a or ikuvt tm city ia part pay. i- ive iuett aim! Lt, wnt of Krie street -a stood tniHiBt prTt-tovxi baacafor land oear tba CiLy asi a Tt-ncf in caan. cuviii Awnite tarra two-atory hooea aad iarra lot, brn, Ac. ibxehttuge lor laud 14 part; balance oa lug i- A baiul-oiiie nntry Bealdetica.

in Saodualiy, one and kktlf mi ea 'Him tbe depot. A larift, baub0'ti Mui well tiuithed atone bouat barn ana 4 acTt-f. oi iHu4y tib iieM anrty ot chot- trait ta exchsuxe lor iniuroTJ DrvDeriv jo thia iis. Farm oi li Aii, in anic fctuau, mika from 1ty large Uoitae, govd iiarua, and Orehar aoil aaniy loam and muck a Baprrior fat in. Will take pay uuebalf ia houaa and fcw acrea neMrrneciry; oaiance on time.

Kinsman tvo-aLm ntti. and lit. vxchanxe tor a tarm and a few acres Djr tbe City. lietiu0ol Mreet. iwo-atery UiOfe aad To haniTf for a ianu.

Brick Tavern Hlaiad-arid lOirtm. on nn nf Um princtpiti Plank Kada, 12 milm from tbe City; larue and cauaeaitfAt boua azd exoalieBt land. Toax- hmiK" part for houae aad lot. or a tew acres near thiol if. Ouv Imndred and aixiv Acres Land ia Lebanon coiuityj MtukrfM.

f4 pr itcre, let: IJdTHM. Barn and S-errwi IimH. mt FTnfMrl Bod, BJiltfiotnivjrLnmarionofdtreet Aii. jix Like nvf rraaie m.h Ilf fi-n Hup-jriort 3ttt. Wa.nut Ht- 1 12.

Pitubur Brick Hooae, in cood orUr-. ia. Hamilton near Wood Brick Hon. JKhmihG. maft Real EntAt and Ina.

AitcdU. JfAanCIPATIOIf IN THX Fkopitsi 8Teb tr-ITre Per ffent. ot (he Profit rrnrr.H In Policy Holdtrs. wtsboat intunutE any iaiability wtaieTrr. The VUawina Oo as panics hare Ibis poaw- lar plan, and the im authorise to isaae Policies at his office, 'o.

At water mft CoDtinefltal In. N. V. Home lna, New Haven. Lorriilard, Ins.

H. Y. 577, l.M ortb Anuirican las. Kepablic Ins. KeaoutXns.Co,,N.

Y. J7 1,709 a Sktcnrltjr Isa. N. ls8 ST" F1re and Marine km Ira taaiAta fn Ooni pan ua. Alao.

in mida of th? beat non-Far tic I paiua Jaujpaoea. by BRAXTON, Agent, N. a'tHlrf BiiildinsT. 1FTRE3Ej wj IN8URANCK COMPANY, OF VhXYKli0. OHIO.

"Capital A PPLICATIO.XS FOR INSUR- XjL AKC-B wUionly be received on property witbia FdCeOfty iiuitn. Frooa the dividends declared by tba Coapaar, ths Fire Departtnent and tba firemen's belief IuluJ jointly participata. Aneexpeuftca oi tne uomptny wtna; so cne rntcs ol Insurance can be Aktordud lower titan auy ftrtrifrn responsible Oonrpany. Tbe Com aanv are amikarad to taka aav amoaat ia gsm risk up lo DXBKCTOR8: WUllam Bart, A. 8.

ISanlord. James BUT, Vtiuaiu hJdd. pana P. Bhodoa, Jobs Ixwct Hiram Pier. W.

Maraeillea, O. h. I aVdataiiai--, J. M. Om, Uomh Caaur, J.

fi. Btepeusoa. omntitg: WILLIAM 11AKT, Preaidmtand Treasurer. J. N.

JV, KN, liooretary. Omot' No. Lyman 'a Block, veirt lo new OooTt ouae. K. P.

Bowler J. aad Andrew Bennett, hnrreyora. auw)4 ENGLAND FIRE AND Marine Insfbanc HAHiroBD, X)Kii. --Burplns 36,: '7. 'futklet lanwed aad renewwl.

and all Btnraeea ennnecU4 with the Company prunptl, attemiud to ueutscntsr, hcodv swinua siral. aorjMMO Boom Ho. I Pai lua Bttlioln ft gtit tx ll FOTT A EZru hu fm Ml. ailllH weeks old. The Cow 1.

an eiasllent milker, and STi? j1, "Wa now to site Mi 10 quarts of AaJ iain to aarrhttt a GOuD COW will please apply to i mcHAHry Torw: Jomins Aeeaae, UniTersity HHir'. D'W LL I Ni FOB BSNT That sleaeant houae. So. Ill i staymtEa t'lalr Street. Apply to -Ji atrlD Lj'OU SALE.

A Farm 24 r. JL with a tsnt-eeory Brlrk Twll(o Bo 1 tn. Jtaliaa atyt. of arthitettnre. ,1 with Barn, Well, Lutera end L-wt-houaee.

all new andjiut-ronipletedand rur tor oceupanry. In, Hiim it iMiiU with all milern improeenDts Hi. Iiv.l trout oo hiii.inan tonr.ofwMs. A brautilul Karlne and t) hrtt.j Brook ran. twrougn the rear end of the arrn are sernral spr-uiia of pnre wati-r mntilng ont rrom the hanks ol the fiaviee, whirh, with simple 1.

works c-n De Ooore. ed to any oart of twe I'-nsj. -i fur aCu'lcman'e Keeidenee, the whole xromido can be eluirtntly and tastefully arransed. or a Canlen. Vineyard, or Fruit Culture, it can he atado profitable, h-intt so near the City only about luv rods from the eoreorallon limits.

Thia Farta can be intoloU ol 1 to or ttor I acree, and meke elegant residences, at a leree ad ranee ol tie rire at whieh it can now pnrtnaead. There are aUmt ftTe or six acrat ol wood land, apart of which Is a beautlral i ne il ninian Hwt Kallroad jMeot thraneh (ho -roe ahove yroperty can be pareoaeed at the eroeent time et a treat baa gala. For lnrther lutormatton enquire of B. isabkkr; e'leveland. April 111:33 A ic Small I DwellttK, on AU tbeoonvunii-nc on llranser.

near Prospect tt. i uniiniM anil l.ouirrt at Grants Mr.t tpr13: Rt I JOR 8 BLK Vi udsoa itraa SALE VEJtY DE6LUA. nTT" acant Lota on Prtipect atreec. near atru- kifL.4a a ton rat? ill b)uarior at re. "0 LET A TWO tsTOBY ronse and rlre acres of Land on Aioa.

1 1 sul Street, UMI Oounty Unrtin.H. t.u). -e- i atria 11 Superior street. KENT THE BOOMS SOW I poonpied by I. W.

Tlbbtts, Jsttleoef th Pearo, are lor rent COLw KLit A 1-13 Ontario tueet. TOR SALE A P. A xl A-: GiilM i-UUP, im acta Ui mauniactarf i oi dew in (7 Machine baa Iv-ea carried oa for years. Ofintainiiia a nomtNT nf Latbea, Vioea, Ti aan ur parti, j-Ian aiuua at tiua 4ai I Jj I 8 PBINTISO 01! TOU iAt. For Sale lot ot Brorier and Montanel Type.

ImpeeiDs Blanea, Caaet, Chasee, and everythia com piens for arinuoH a laily and we-klr newspaaer.i (with the exception in a pne-t) wajco will to told at as extraordinary atsriTor pwrucniara eel. -f the "Leader" Count. Inn Boom. Iet.21:kll i.a SALE. i AND -ON THE HOUSE SI fit'shnrKh street, known as tbe hcoci property, brin lot On Case's a.Mlcioa land nd Uit in Kelicy and walworth tisio-j.

Said properly huvioit one hundred on 4Srf.t Mteniliiis back ton rout to an ally. The huuc is larva, well built and coot. If Of terms apply BACKUS AKOBttV SALE. 0n Sxcosd-Haxi. Steam Holler epr.arM so called, laoSy a4f the iade- flica.

baid iwir ia-U Inches ia it- ametar. twuieda, ami a iea fariiaoa part 4 ftaia i I in diameter, aud 5 teat hu'B. Baid Boiler oriifiaally tost f4fift; taiiow flnrtrmUf order, artrl wrtb grait.saif-ty-Taiva wlUU Old fnrf2. -W -ftsfFor further partiraliu-a enouiirat 'Is office or at T.J. Alotiarry's 8teaat Bite bop on Centra trmt.

rt ''ri TtTAWTED VVantj to RskV. Two BILLIASU) I.1BLt)S. Gied -ctiralj firen. Ipply to WiL. AM Bl Btl, WANTED- POTATOES.

-banhela wkita KtsbaubKk Potatoes wialtid mmediaiely. by ma9 i Merarin iTrt' TVTAiN TKL. Ac a capital 910 to a day on a article that AOTIVI WiXj can ctear rron. X' elusive territory to sell In. This is an article oJ it ceTr-omptiOQ, and it ad iiv every koaae is unl.

uau-no. ovur uovar a iAiMAwe a Store, 237 Superior alxoaO. Clevdiand. Oftio, SCEOPTJLA. OK KlNG'8 EVIL, rS A CONSTITUTIONAL DL: If, 3- IAE, acorrnation of tha blood, bv wfcfrh thi- Utd beCfHJiM TUliit-d.

Wfk. nA rnir the crrrolfuinB, it perrai.eB tbewnolf ana ii-; burst oat in diue ua mat unrt of it. ho oran is free from iweaacarkjt, Doris dwiv ant bleb n.y not dediroy. T-ha norvtulou taint -ta- varlowsiy caoaed by mercariai dtvHsae, tow hvms, diora a- or unhealthy tv-txJ. Impure air, rilth and flit hy bab-iu, tbe dr-proat-jicii vtoa.

and, aJve aU, by th vt-oe-rval intection. baiever be its eiij- it Is beredt-tary in tba ooastitiition, deact-uiiiQa; -oa paeaa ts to children nnto the third and lourt ineratjoo," Indeed, it seenu to be the rvwi of ii im who aays, "1 will visit tba tfiiyUJties of tha tatbars upon tbeir child nra. Its etlects commence by deposition from the blooai of corrupt or nioerous uiaiier, wtuch, in the lungs, liver, and internal orsms, ia tHTThrJ tuo-rclej; ia tbe glands, awoiiiDo; and an the surface, erupuoas (j or sores. This tbuicorruption, which grader in tu blood, depresHes tba enennfe of hie, so that -ious coutttitunous not only strifer from scrilubia ouBipiain-, buttbey bavt law leas powtac a witt taiui sbe vf diseaaes; noaqttaftta Tast Quaibers s-ariab by liisordrra which. a.ikuii tk doc acnifuloas a tlieir naiure, ar still renueres) av tal bv taia taint io the ayHtem.

Most of tbe coawu uurpreHrB uicb dec! mates the snntB family aaa tta origin directly iu this tcrofuloue atd ffiany desrractlve diseases of the hhr. kidnoiy, braiii, and, iadtd, of ali tne oraans, arisa CruSa are afTavatt-l iy the same oe tjiiart-r of all our pople are scroftilow, fDeir a ar tnf by ibia iurkinij iuiectiou, tlieir bPHUh ta undetrmiuwi by It. To cleaie it Jrui 'r ine we mudt novatt tbe blood i.y au live WtHTiciQ, and iiiriorate it by altity food aaaarctaa. bucb a mt-dKitie we aupply 't A it 6 (JokPocND Extract or SaapaiuiXa, rjn th BMt effc-atnal mnedy wblcb law xawdicai atittw our tiuies can lor this everywhere aaojswsal Jt is onnibinni troin tbe-aax a tive iv tueuiaiB that have beea lor tb- tXm-parpratiouof tbitbui diaoruer trotn tne u'Ood, and tue r-cue of fbe systrm froa its qirafi, hence it should empky-d for cijs of not only Scrofula, but tboe othr a(l which arise froai it, such as JiftDPTtniil St. A Nt host's Fi ilk, Hoe or s.a..j'S-Las, PiMPLaa, Pi5TULa, utth km, Blain.

ajoO I Mots, laVTTta aad Ha far "na. HhA, KHHtwowwr Xhrtmatim, iLitio -WCDtlAI, DiBtAiaM, tHOSy, iJTSPSr-SjA. DCtiU Itv, and indeed, all Coar iNTg AfttusiJia raoa Vitiatkd oa iMPtas Bloou. The popular ufltt 4tim purity of tbe blood" is founded ui truth, tor aroiuia ta aiJe(we ration of blood. Tha parts, ntar purpose and virtue ul tins Snrsaparllla is to pa-rify and rt-enerat this vital fluid, without vriin sound health is uupoaaiblw ra con laminated ootutti tououa.

R1S CTJ K. TUB TtlC bPkKDT Of HlermttlaU Fever, or lever and Apue, JLemu--tent Fever, ChM Agvt, If riocUeal BeaJacht, or BMitmt Bead'-' 1j' ovAf, and Bdlioat inert, indeed, for the whole doit of JHt- ttuet origmatmg 4t- Mary derangemrnL 'ii'i-jr eawsed by the Malaria SfuMmati c*ntoitn. a We ar enabled here to otfrr the community a remedy which, while it cares tbe above compiaiota with certainty, is still periectly bars iu aai ijuaotity. bucb a r-inedy ta invaluable rt distrkts where these afflictina; disorders prevnit. Tbts "t'uni" expels tba miaenaatic potixm ot t'Kvta ana Aoct from the system, and r.nta that ria.v,.-.

aient of' takeo oa ttm Drat approach of its preuianitory syuiptonis. ft is not ouly tba oest remeU)' ever ye discovered for this ciaas ul coni-alaints. but alsotb cbeanMt. The Urim we supply for a doll brums itwiUtau Up reai a mt every boly aud il bilious districts, where Ii kvks and A ous prevails very body should have it aud use it freely UUb lor a enre and protection. A raat superiority ot this rt-uily over auy othur 'Jie ooverd for UkeaptWy asd'certaia cure oi liUftsuuU tents Is tbat it coutatus to Qumiue or miiHnJ, coa.

seuuutlv it pnxlu-fs. uo gumibia or other uguru dm whatevt-r upt.n tltvoualilutioa. Tltoee erred by it am Udi as li.itbf as ti they smuI nsv aas iaa 4 dJlseasa. wru sever and April Is not alone the coneetjaenr ol the mlaemic poisoa. A 4frea4 variety ul titurdera arise from iu irrilnlion.

auiou wbk are Smrii netlJallwH, vwvw, nswwvwv attewatTwaoi, -mf xhi, of Am bvUv Uymtcrvxy taut ia aSaVwftw, Uuttfrum. taut ia tkm ButoetLM. iu.Ha. Parailrw -avtirW beWMkcA, ai) ol whtcht ueu uriitiuatiusj ta this Csuse, put oa tha ssvsfw v' oi jiui" mi uajicaj. tuis eras expels tbe piHMia trum (bv blm-u, Bn(f ouusequeiiiy cures br-rn all alike.

It ta a invaluaibie protect i oa to tniaiurraiits and persona travelling or tetuporarily residing the iumI un diatnets. if taKi-e ecca sionally or daily to tbe inlectioa, tbas will be execrated froat tbe sy Hvoi, aud cannot acajaa mulate in sumcreet iiuninty to in'p lumaao. Heoce it is evea mure valuable lor pnri-ri-oo tbna cure, aud Vw will wnrsutltr rroai Interniuieuts il they avail tbamselves ot tba protecUoa this reaAtniy aliords. Prepared by Dr. O.

AYBK A Lawalk hU, For ShI hv Htrone A rmt run. POKEI co*kE co*kE lll-ly H. WALlAl BON ARE FOW A HQ. rXCTCBlMJ co*ke from the port HAMMoMi; T1LLK Stria Vein CUAL, whl-b it snp-nor any other U-fce in the market. We can furaial teetiosouialt troas niuueremt toenafaetuevrt woo an now ctln it.

aud wno tpeaA of iu cnaractar ia Lht Sixheet U-rnis. oi HaaiiBOntltnlle Strtv-fern iaiAL; ana aieo for LomeeM tomeaee. Belli; located IrrmMlaUl ant a Pltunnrta Kaiiroai! oa tha line of the tVva can skip with da atcb to auy part ot the Slate. H. H.

WALLACK A oo.N. uiuen SKjlltl'tl. 1 Hammonds vilia. JWWnoa Coau iaswana i U.ea..w att icariliun. BOARDING HOUSE TBI Pabl Seare.

n4 aune Cnarch, me of the pleaaanteat locatiunt toe city hat ies th.o!Hfhiy repaTed, anO is aoe Ifauiilo wiahint to Invni Uieirown roonu ata be witi iara and ooDeaaient roontt and bcil-roomt; n4ijt Boardert and Day B.ardrs will and sod dation oa reaoonai'i. tenaa. etsr-aove siS Manured. lww-itweJUij W. tUiaiuAJi -i.

The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.