The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

7- MONTREAL OA raTTIL MQNPAY HQBim(a AUGUST 9, 1868. 8E1B1 LI8T. TRADE AJQ iimiTioa. LITTERS FROM BKLOW. played aaxt morning la the QMm big Bfecfc tot-1 aara.

It waa bv buCrinc tonir that be ba bo right to'earryfrI JbGorerumeat for a day except -ipo Point is given to this by tktact tbt at the present time there is a' rreal'deal of patronage to be Rnitzd aad Comcttd Gepftat NAMES d. as. 11 all. all 1 an aU all BANKS. so.ooe 600,000 so.

oocli, 000,000 v. 6 01 60 tta. 12,0001 WUah North America. 240,000 SO 0 0 20 0 0 8,000 18,000 80,000 9,000 200,000 760,000 TM.ooe oty. 12 10 Oj 26 So) jCbmmerctal eo.oool 12 10 01 reppar Canada for none 260,000 20,000 12 10 01 aouons railways.

tlQISLATITl ASSXX3LT. Monro, Aafost 4, 1358. Hgo. j. A.

MACDOXALD I rise, St, no with any iWn to detain (be Boom at this lata boor, ad in the pient stata of pobfie affaire, bat atm-ptr to answer a moat injoriooa enarge, most bnpro-mHt, nnjuetly and aMr made (cheers) by the junior aambr far Montreal against the illaatriooa Individual who represents Bar M-sjeaty ia Una country, and galas myaesf peawoaafly. I charge that I am a dtahooorabia man a charge that tha repreoenadva of 0r Sovereign, arreeif and all of my coUearoaa, if they have aoy eooceni ia tha matter, ara alike dasaoosrabie aooapiraton, and bar in my pJaca la Parliament, I aay it ia faimatEtilt 3naesion and cheers. Therein not tha most distant ground for makin each a efaarn there ia not tha laaat shadow of troth ia it. When I earn to thia House thia afternoon I had so mora idea of tha decision that bad baea arrivad at, than the boo. member for Montreal or tha hon.

member for North Oxford. Cheer. Dn Wdnadav. whan tha discussion aroae abont tne G2S, 000 26 tta. iGrand Trunk 7,906 896,260 60 001 fChamDlain A fa.

Montreal New atreac MINES. 60,0001 60.0001 800,000 e'too 100,000 26,000 88,000 Stf 3 13 Montreal, consols OS) 1 Britlsh North America 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 6 Oi 0 3 0 0 10 eJCanaoa SiHuran Company 100,0001 20.0001 44,000 laze uuron surer eKluabec and Lake 60 0 7 upper uaaaaa and Snperior TELEGRAPHS. 10 0 0 all Montreal all Montreal and Troy 12 10 04 10 0 0 IGrand Trunk MISCELLANEOUS. 10 0 0 all Montreal CttyOas Government Debentures (SO yrs) lufjyor V4DBOUUaiea jChimplain ft St. L.

Bonds, 7 ct oouwantw ior ao Montreal Water Works do Montreal Harbor. 8 pet iMerchanta' Exchange 100 0 0 all RK7TKW OF THE STOCK MARKET FOR THK WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. 7th AUGUST REVISED AND CORRECTED UP TO THK MORNING OF THE 9th AUGUST, 1858. Specially prepared for the Montreal Gazette. STOCKS.

Bank of Throughout tbe week tbe demand has been nnuiually inac tive, and sellers bave had to submit to a decline of 1 per cent the paid up" Stock being pro curable at 1H1, while the new" is beavy at 114. Bank of British North America. No Slock in this market. City Bank. Considerable sales were made ia the herinniiiff of tbe week for 106, since when it has slightly improved, with transfer at 1061 No new" stock oo tbe market.

Commercial Bank. Transactions to some ex tent were made at the advanced rate of 110 and 1101. with very little offering. Bank of Upper Canada. Hales were maae at 85, bat at this rate there are few sellers, and none pressing on tbe market.

Banoae da People Several transactions too place at 107 for the paid np" and 106 for the new." Molsons Bank Enquired for at 107', bat itbout result. There has been none of this Stock procurable for several weeks. Montreal Mining Co. Consols nominal at $1.25. Nosales.

Procurable for $1.40. Champlaio A St. Lawrence Railroad Stock-No transactions this week. Offered for 12 Ditto 2nd Mortgage Bonds, per cents Procurable at 70 buy ere at 65. Grand Trunk Railroad No sales this week Sellers for 40 buyers at 36 which has been refused.

Great Western Nominal at 85 None in this market. Montreal TelegTapb Co. Asked for at 115; sellers refusing to name a rate. Montreal New City Gas Co. In good demand, with sales at 90.

Merchants' Exchange Stock Latest sales 80. Provincial Government Debentures Buyers at 1011, and sellers at 102. Ditto M. L. F.

Debentures Buyers offering 94; sellers holding for 94 J. EXCHANGE. Bank rate, no alteration note. Rank, (to dav. London 110 Private, 90 days, London 108 SI08i Bank, sight, New York 100 JNO.

CRAWFORD, Union Buildings, St. Francois Xavier Street MONTREAL RETAIL MARKETS. Friday, August 1858. to v. 4-i Vxtuiatin.

torn tsSeadiawBtiM, we aaw oasxpeetea to vmapmn-ri--" are the frinctotssoa wsicfi ow sofley is foanded, give asaa oprottunlty of gotsfl toaor eoastita-otavBod waanil tbea prepare tbe aatail of oar meajoree. It tbey aaa earn una, am would have granted it. Tbey were in riled to do this, bat they were not prepared to accept the invitalioa. Oa boa member oa oar side said tbey bad no policy aad tbea wa bad tbe hoc. member for Weotworth (air.

Notman) who rose la bis pises aad told as that aot oaly bad tbey a policy, but that it weald be. pasted ia lb. morniot; and seat all over the coaatry. Leet there should be any mistaJta about it, i wiu read tbe aw, geaileaoaa'a words. (Mr.

Macdooaid then so ted from the GUM report of Mr- Vot-man's speech tbe statemeat to which he ba 1 alladed.) Tbea we bare tha Speaker of ibe Leialaive Council savin: tbey bad ao policy. How was all thia lo be recoaclled I bve just oe word to say oa tbe qaeatioa of a dissolution. Tbl House repreacuta, or to supposed to repre sent, people of Canada. lbs only ground oo wbicb a daeolouoo caa.oe urgeu ou a Sovereiga is, that from some circ*mstance tbe Hons ba ceased to represent tbe people. Hear.

If we trulv represent tbe people. there la aa nralexl for a dissolutioa if we do ni tha lata Premier i boa Id have made It CO ditioe of taking office that there should be a dissolution. If we do represent ibe people, it would be a criminal exercise of tbe prerogative to seod us home to onr eoustitaents The very feat of the boa. gentlemen enmiog dowe and moving for their own writ is proof ot tn correctness of my view of to ease. If tbe vote nt want of confidence on Moodev night bad been lost, tbey would bava been quite willing to have rone on in tbe Monte as it was.

ana snouiu bava heard nothing about its being to corrupt that a diaeolatioo. was necessary, as uxj say, the House to corrupt, a majority ot it would h. alaa mrranl lint uai mai Jrii, uw iwii in their favor tbey would have been quite willing to accept it. Can there be anything more cor rupt in intention man mat i toej we willing to move ia tbe waters, bo uait-r now dirt tbfv were, until they bad been condemned bv a vote of tbe House. As sooa as that wa tone thev found out bow corrupt the Hooa was Sapposlog they bad dissolved, what would thia Hniiaa have rone to tse couuirj swa oa tbe conduct ot too innlha hon.

member WOUld BOt RO to IM country to try tbe eouduct of the ictiriog ministry What aheold I have to say to my eonstitn- a.uT They would ask Have you opposed tbe nolirv of the late Administration 1 do not know what it is. Are voa ia favor of them cannot say, because I do not know what tbetr policy is. (Mrar, Dear ni iupj aauuuucu a policy to tbe Head of tbe Government wbom thv area worn ti advise Hear, bear.) No I tbey go him aad aay dissolve send them back to their constituents because it is convenient that we should have a majority. Let us try, tbey aav, we are in a scrape, we bave lost our seata, and let tbem all go back and ia the general scramble we will try what we can do we will get up another no pery cry no, that will not da this time bat we will find otbercries, greeo card and things of that kind, all aorta of elec tioneering cnes and tncka, tbe lairs are large and we are desperate gamblers and we will tbriw for tbem. (Cheers On wbat coo ilottonal oriocipta could tbe advise tbe Governor Gene ral to send the reoreaentativea back.

Tbe boo member for ro said in argument, when opposing the former government, that to far as Unoer Canada was concerned this Bouse did mnreaent the neoDte. At everv vote the boa member would lav there is another Upper Can ada majority against yoa. Did we not bear tbe Postmaster General, wbom 1 am sorry to see in such a scrape because be is worthy of a better fate. (Laughter.) Did be not appeal over and over again to tbe members for Lower Canada not to oppress upper VJanaaar now wen, can thev aav that Upper Canada ia not properly repreeeoted They accuse the Governor General of conspiring against toe people, when be to to in fact protecting the dearest tights of this House from the attacks of a set of political gamblera who wish to find some means or other by which tbey mty be able to bold office. Any maa of common sense who reads this correspondence will that it is unanswerable, aod from one end of tbe country to the other, tbe hon.

member will be cond mned for having, for tbe mere sake of power, made ao entire aaciifice of hi DricdDle. Applause.) Mr McGEE rose to rely, bat was not permit ted to do so. Mr. PiCHK attacked Mr. Turcotte, who had promised to speak upon ibe questions at issue, but who nevertheless always shirked tbe duty, and then he went on 10 remark upon tbe want of generosity ot ibe Opposition in refusing to Mr.

McGee ibe opportunity of replying to tbe ex-Attorney General West. This was new proof of the tyranny which waa soognt to be exercised by that carty over tbe cioomy. non. Mr. UACCHON would aot occupy time now.

but to-morrow be would be prepared to peek to the documents which bad been laid be fore tbe House Mr. WHITE moved that Mr. McGea be beard Tbe Soeaker decided Ibe motion out of order. The Eoose sdjoorned to 3 o'clock to-morrow. i TaatoaT, Aagust 6.

ghe Speaker took the chair at tea o'clock. tiA jOilmatBaiu.caBiaJtJ 'Mr. LANG KYIS moved tha? whea the Bocse adjourn it stand adjourned until three o'clock to-morrow. -c Mr. FER'K i aroae aad was about to tpeak on the discourtesy of attacking the Governor General when, -Mr.

MeMieKEnxpreed bobe that tbe dscusaion of last evening would not again be broogbt up. Be raided the point of order, If the boo. Reotleme snouia oe petmnicu to (v Mr. SPEAK called the hon. member Mr.

McGES was desirous to know on wbat authority the hon. member for Dorchester moved the adjournment, at on what expectations did fas base the hope of trie Boose being able to tiao-aact basinets to-morrow. Did be move it on bis on Kaoonribilitv or not? Mr. LANGKYIX mid thst the hon. member moat be aware tbat the Ministry only bald their office until their successors ware appointed, aod negociat oos were bow going on.

88 VERA. VOICES With wbom Mr. LANGSY1X replied that the Boose would know that when tbe proper time arrived. Be bad been requested to make tbe motion. Mr.

MeGKS By th-al Bon. Mr. SICOTTE truated that the Bouse would notembrass the proceedings of tbe Crown by aay interposition. It was possible no one had aa vet accepted officially tbe uuk of forming an Adminiitretion, and tbe boa. Member for Dor-ebeater bad been aaked lo move tbe adjourn ment in order that time might be allowed, SEVERAL VOICES By wbom Eon.

Mr. SICOTTE answered tfat tbe boev member had been asked by himself. (Laughter.) Ha knew tbat a sentleman bad been eilled be might same Mr. Gait but be had declined tbe task. Be was not personally (Mr.

Sicotte) a party to any arrangement In formiog aa Ad-miniatratioo. He thoniht under alt tbe circum stances it was rlib that the House should ad- fonra Tha Rnnae then adionrned i.n tbe motion of Mr. RiyGS AROUND TBS KARTH CURIOUS ASTROSOMICAL SPECULATIONS. In England the Scientific men hava recently been advancing aome rather singular astronomical speeilauoos. Oa the 12th of last month, Prof.

Nicbol, LL.D., delitered the third of a series of lectures on Astronomy, at Manchester. The subject treated aad reference chiefly to tbe ring of Saturn, aad other analogue phenomena. In tbe Introductory Lecture, the Professor made an observation respeettng there being a ring or probably several rings around the earth. Te tbia observatio be referred in his last leetare, and aaid wbat had been called the zodaical light was only visible here In the form of a cone, but an American astronomer, who bad goo to Japan and other favourable points, to investigate tbe subject, found that the cone opeoed on and extended across the heavens from hoiixon to borixon, and that be bad, by observations during tbe nig traced about three-fourth of tbe circle. This observer found tbat we bad been lookiot at the rings as we might do at a hoop bead edgewise, tha making it aasoma a conical form.

Ibe learned Professor now proceeded to say that tbe theory previously held that the sodaieal light proceeded from a Seoul on ring round the sua, was thought to be premature, and that the appearance came from a great nebulous ring sur-l rouoding tbe earth." Be explained by means of a diagram, that we tboold see tbe rays from this ring reflected more strongly from our borisoo than at its points higher up in tbe heavens. No ring around tbe sun could explain this appearance one round tbe earth could entirely. Tbey were forced also to the coacluskio that it waa not one ring only but perbap several. Its distance was about 100,000 mile it breadth its deptb waa not keowa tbe mass of mat. ter lo ft moat be enormous, and no donbt waa fulfilling some important function la regard to the earth and the solar ytm.

Tbe composition of Saturn's ng was then discussed, and aa account given of th change which bad been noticed ia them by vertoai observers, "from the dynamical conclusion of Laplace, combined with the changes asserted, the lecturer drevtbe Inference that the nog nave no coher ence tbat tney are neitoer vapor nor naia, ana gave aa a tbet ry of their constitution tbat they are composed of millions of asteroids circulating round the planet; tbe bright pata being where they are moat thickly strewed, and th dark lines the absence of tbem. There was a faint slaty colored ring withia the other, and this appeared to be gradually approaching tbe plaaet. It bad approached at the rate of SO mile a year lately at about 80 mile, a year; it would reach tbe planet itself ia 180 Car-rcxa or a MssHiiD." In the nets of Mr. John Anderson oo tbe Forth, a mermaid, or an gel fUh. nearlv tlx feet long and 100 ft.

weiebt. waa caught tlits week. Tbe wiogt of this woodrr of the deep which has a fare like that of a frog, and a tail like that of a shark, are eight lochcs long. Before being raogbt, the nabermea saw t. i.ui, i.

ik. Blui a. over the surface like a bird. While diving, it waa caught in a turbot net. Tbe belly is pure white, tbe back ia light brown, tbe skin being rough like tbat of athark ordognsb.

The wing are not unlike ibe winn of a thick- skate, aad tbe teeth resemble those of a shark. Th fish measure three feet across ibe wings. It wUl be shown to-aay at Mr. Aod arson'! etUblUhmant, Ueorga Street. Ofotmun.

York tit Montrtai OaxtlU.) Clflaa met. Aatwaf Priet. tMmIrUn4. 1 114 114XeX Div 4 cant 8 saos 5 eeat 8 awa caul 6 am I jeanlSaxw 11 I none loe 10 1 I07 Koi 107S' 107 illOW 14 oaatSmo SS exluv (4 sMItswa 107X esat mat 8X 86 anal Tawvann. lOaotra atack 1864 181.10 share 81.40 a share Is Sdaanar u.uu 0.30 0.10 0.26 0.76 v.wo 0.60 0.20 0.2S 1.00 0.76 115 none non 6cataui none none none Company.

90 I none I1021J 10 none 92 1C4 Sseeul mot 101 ti i none 91 1104 80 VIA MONTREAL, UNI. Reported, for Txa Uoarsaai. Gaaarra. Post Wood, 7th Aug ist. Early last evening the line between 'this plsos aod Baddock ceased to work, and has bat Just oeea repatrea, ana at noon learn tbat tbe line is also down east of Baddock, and between there and Osprey Bay, which is the point where tbe Newfoundland cable Is connected with tbe land line.

Active measure bava been taken to have the line, put in order, but this may occupy all day to-morrow, owing to the long distance between tbe telegraph stations and the state of tbe country to travel. TaiaTiTT Bat, 7th August Tbe complete success of the Atlautio cable is placed beyond all donbt Signals are now being made through the whole extent of the cable, but it is unlikely that the cable will be opened for business for several days, as tbe electricians will require time for a series of experiments. TaonTT Bat, 7th August To tbe Associated Press, N.Y.: Bioee our arrival here on the morning of tbe 5th, I bare been constantly receiving telegraph messages asking for full particular in regard to tbe laying of tbe cable, to which it is impossible for me to reply, as every moment of my time will be fully ocouoied while I am here and I have banded to Mr. McKay, Superintendent of tne Newfoundland Line, Ac, my daily journal, and given him full permission to send from tbe same any extracts tbst he might think of interest to the public, especially tbote portions which will reply to the communications I bave received. CYRUS W.

FIELD. NEW YORK MARKETS August 7. Floor unchanged. State $4,2 to 4,75 Ohio $5,15 to Western $4,611 to Southern $5,05 to 6,75 Oansda Extra $5,60 to 6.66). Wheat buoyant Corn dull.

Oati steady. Provision firm. ARRIVAL OF THE "ARAGO." St. Johis, N.F.. Ang.

7. Tbe Arago, from Havre and Southampton 28th ultimo, passed Cape Race at 6 o'clock on Tburi-day P.M. Her advices came to band yesterday, but owing to tbe interruption of tbe line in Cap Breton, we were unable to transmit it until to-day. A portion of ber advices hsve been anticipated by tbe arrival of tbe Prince Albert. Tbe Anglo-Saxon, from Quebec 17tb ultimo, arrived et Liverpool on tbe 27th.

The Heather Bell bad arrived from Australia, with a million aod a half of doUrs. There bad been some interesting debates in Parliament. Rothschild was sworn In as a member of tbe House of Commons, and took bis seat at the at Monday morning sitting, when be voted for tbe first time. Tbe Duke of Malakoffbad received an Invita tion from Lord Lyons to go in tbe Royal Albert, tbe flag-ship of the British sqoadron, to Cher- There ban been aa extreorainary a is oo very ot old ooins in France. A beavy vale had been experienced at Liver pool.

Thirteen Vessel wnt ashore, bat came off at flood tide. The Emperor Napoleon bad made a splendid present to tbe Viceroy of Ireland. Tbe Australian Mining Company, after considerable discussion, bad resolved to discontinue mining operations. There bad been a meeting of Jews, In commemoration ot tbe passage of tbe bQl admitting Jews to parliament. Mis Louisa Pyne and Mr.

Harrison bave ac cepted a new opera from Balfe. Prince Adalbert of Prussia has been invited i L. vt -1 tfj vocruvurK vj flsputeau. The Bardioian squadron, while on its way to Cherbourg, bad received an order to ohanre Its course, snd eruize on tbe Coast of Oandia. Tbe Christians at Alexandria baa Deen insult ed and menaoed by tbe Mabommedana, but tbe agrrresBion was immediately puoisnea.

ibe trial of tbe prisoners wss closed, and seven of tbem had been condemned to death, and several to 25 years' Imprisonment in irons. Mahomet Pasha, Minister of Police of Turkey, had been sent to Oandia on a special mission by bis Government, receiving fresh instructions. Sir H. L. Bulwer had arrived at Constantinople, and presented bis creden lals to tbe Sillan aa Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary from England.

Tbe Queen of Spain and spouse still on their pleasure trip. Tbe Swiss Federal Assembly bad elected a President, and tbe people of Neufchatel bad rejected the new Canton Constitution. COMMERCIAL. Advices from Manchester are favorable; all qualities of goods yarns, Ac, bad considerably advanced. Breadstuff's generally quiet.

Weather favora ble for crops. Spence A- Co. quote Flour quiet Western Uansl 21s a 21s 6a; fbilaaelpbl and Baltimore 22s. Wbeat steady; Red Western 6s a 6j 4d White Southern 6s 9d a 7s Sd. Corn dull Yellow 33s; White 32s 6d a 33s 6d.

Provisions quiet Beef dull. Pork steady. Bacon quiet. Lard firm, and holders demand an advance, good quoted 67s. Tallow nominal.

Sugar firm at an advance of 6d. Coffee quiet aod unchanged. 1 Asbes quiet, 36s for both. LoKDOlf. Whest and Floor slightly lower.

Sugar firm. Tea unaltered. Coffee firm-Rice unchanged. Tallow firm. Consols declined, and closed at 95J for money.

THEATRE ROYAL. Lessee snd Manager Mr. J. W. Buckland.

Stage Manager Mr. H. B. Phillips. Doors open at a quarter to 8 Peformance commences at a quarter past eight.

PRICES Private Boxes Dress Circle Family Circle Pit 00 0 75 0 37j 0 25 FIRST APPEARANCE in Montreal of tbe beautiful Young Tragedienne, MISS AVONIA JONES, Who is engsged for positively Six Nights only. This Erening, Monday, Aug. 9, To commence with a Play, in 5 Acts (written by Mrs. Anna Cora Mowatt), entitled 1 A A OB TUB I PEER AND THE Blanche AYO NIA JO Nab To conclude with the Musical Farce of the TWO GEEG0B1ES. Montreal, August 9.

1858. 187 1 NOTICE. ALL PER80NS INDEBTED to the 1st Firm nf MORRIS. COGHL AN are hereby notified not to pay any monies da by tbem, to any Person bnt the Und reigned, th Principal of "the said Firm. WAL.T&H, a.

stunnao. Montreal, August 9, 1858. a 187 ANTED, A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, at a Moderate Boot, situated. between St. Lawrence Street and Dalnooctt, Montreal, August 9, 1868.

a 189 WANTED TO PURCHASE, ASMALIl HORSE and Second-hand BUGGT or LIGHT WAGGON. Appl at this Office. Montrtai, August 6, 1858. a 186 -t SartraoxT Tbe weather is fine and favorable for farmerl. We have no improvement in bntiness to note.

The Tariff question still remains undecided. QanaaL If abxits. Sugar is a shade less firm. At auction to-dav 3T hhds, bright to good medium, brought 8.60f8.10 per 100Ji. Tbem hat been a sale of abont 200 barrels Muscovado Molasses at p.

n. t. Molasses doll. V7SXELT PRICKS CURRENT OF GENXRAL OROCEEMSS. i ftwcuitv Coaaaoraa roTtn Moaraatt aaaarra." IIONTREA1.

intn 1, 1 is 0 arrowroot. Fataa Rice a ens oo (3 Sou aw 14 0 2nd quality Sraaos Barter WA lb 0 et. 1 et.S8 is cent. 13 leacner eienfield Cawairai rtlnm Borax 1 Button Saltpetre Epaoa flulnhofw Flonr a K6 0 OS 000 1 all It a cent IS SodaAah Free 0 Crratato ISfioent.lS 0 0S1 4 0 0 0 14 aa Black lieaa Farrra Aimonda, Jb hitur ludUb 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 BareelonaKat Dd. 0 Fig, drome Raiiina, Muscatel, layere.lXd lb.

15 Banen, li.R Valencia 0 Snllana lMdWlb. 0 0 3 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 Turkey, Cl lb Currant lXtlD gnoBV-Oinger, tt 0 8 10 0 1 10 10 ground 2d. a lb. Cinnamon at lb. Cania n.

Clove Sd. TarrawaT Saeda 4d. ft lb. 0 Mustard, Jar 8d. lb.

1 at lb.U Mace M- lb- Kutmegi M. lb. 4 Pepper, white Sd. lb. 1 black 2d.

lb. 0 Plnunlo 2d. lb. 0 0 22 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4X 8 0 2 0 8 Cayenne 2d. lb.

1 10 Liquorice, refined it cent. I Cbeese, Free 1 1 Vinegar, Jgal. 3 euium niwrwra araaRrandv. Hennealv. .4.

11 "I i. lis i-I gal. Mineu as. vi 0 017 Cent gal I Ram, flgal. "Cuba 2a.Sd.lgal.

6in, Vgal. other brandss. 6d. Vol. 0 0 red cases.

ftgal.Ss 9 green cases. Se. ed. gal. 18 6 flgal.

0 Porter, London, ott 16 cent. 10 Dublin 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 86 0 19 0 0 0 0 12 Ale, East India, Allsopp's, qts 16 cent. 11 Baas, qta 16 cent. 11 Taaa Bne 2dBUb.

T.Byon,CanlonmadedTilb. 1 2 suuertor 2J4d lb. 2 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 8 Hyson Skin, spurious. lb. 0 10 com.agoodXdfllb.

1 6 superior 2dUb. 1 Hyson lb. 1 0 super.2)id1tlb. 1 Imp.Twankay.ex.Bnedrilb. 2 0 1 grxKlordlnary2Mdllb.

1 superior 2xd lb. 1 11 G'pswdor, Cantos made2Kl lb. I 8 com. aflne.2Xdilb. 2 3 extra 2)dllb.

0 Imperial, com. a 2XdJ lb. 2 0 extra 2Xdlb. 2 9 Soochong, common. lb.

1 8 1 1X 1 2 4 2 4 1 8 1 10 0 0 2 6 I) 2 a 1 id 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 8 0 8X0 7X0 good a extra 2d lb. 2 0 1 10 2 li Congou, lb. 1 good a fab. 2 superior 2Xd lb. 2 una-taguayra, Xd Porto Bwo Xlb.

0 Kk Jdil. 0 Scoab Porto Rico, bright7s. Ad. cwt.45 7s. fid.

cwt.41 Sd. cwt.33 Cubi, 6d. cwt.42 lair 7s. 8d. cwt.41 dark 7s.

64. f) ewt.37 English refined 14s. cwt. 0 Montreal, loaves, lbs 0 dry crushed 9 dry crushed, 0 0 powdered 0 crushed A 0 63 0 crashed 0 6iJ MoLiesBS Muscovado SXd. ft gal.

1 I1- 1 Syrup, Vgal. 2 Toaacoo Cavendish lb. 1 Honey Dew 2d. lb. 1 Virginia Leaf.

2d. lb. 0 (i (I 0 0 0 6 8 6 0 0 40 0 43 0 0 0 38 0 0 8 IK 7 7 IX 0 I8 8 6 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 tX0 Canada Tobacco Pipes CAjnx--BelrnoBt Belmont Boar Liverpool, Casey's. .16 Sioeru.lO .16 ft cent. 1 .14 cent.

1 .16 ft cent. 1 .16 cent. 0 0 li 7 0 0 00 Steele's 00 Blake' 16 cent. 1 Oils Olive. 16 at cent.

8 ..16 coat. 18 16 cent. 7 Salad Rape linseed.boiled... Linseed, Lard. Cod Spernw.

Seal, Seal, Palm Paul Dry White Lead. Red Load i VaneUaa Yellow Putty Spirits Madras A ...16 cent. 4 cent. ...16001. 8 0 2 8 0 oent.l 9 ...16 cent.

0 0 47 0 46 0 11 0 1 8X0 00 0 28 3 0 3 6 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 4 tt? 6 a Free sULh-OrauaoB bulk. Free oags.iree... 3 Stored, uadtx. PRICES OF PRODUCE. RSTBSD AKD CoSRBCTED TOR "THS MOBTKJUr.

QaSXTT." c. 6 60 c. 0 6 64 0 60 0 3 96 0 4 25 0 4 66 0 4 66 0 4 90 0 4 JO 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 90 0 0 OO 0 0 00 ASBSSPobs. 1121b Pearls, do fTOlTR Canada Fine, brl Superflne, No. 2, Superfine, do Fancy, do Extra, do OATMEAL, brL 200 lbs INDIAN MEAL.

brl, 196 lbs. WHEAT V. C. White, ft 60 Do Mixed, do Do Red, do L. C.

Red, fl 0.475, PEAS. do BARLET. do INDIAN CORN, 66 lbs PRO VISIONS Bzar Prime Mess, brl Prime, do Pork Mess, do Prime Mesa, do Prime, do Burns Choice, fib Ordinary, do Lum, ft lb 6 40 0 3 90 9 4 20 0 4 60 9 4 60 0 4 "75 0 4 26 0 3 26 0 I 20 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 40 0 0 B7H0 000 0 0 66 0 0 00 0 00 0 60 0 7U 0 00 12 00 ....17 76 ....16 60 0 15 00 0 0 00 0 18 00 0 16 60 0 16 00 14 60 1SX 14 0 12. 12 REVIEW OF THE MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKET FOR THE WEEK ENDING 7th AUGUST. (Specially prepared for the Montreal ASHES.

Pots bave been in fair request throughout the week, closing to-day brisk at $6.50 for good shipping lots. Pearls bare slightly declined, and best bills only fetch outside figure. FLOUR. Tbe market bas beeu Tery sparingly supplied this week with fresh ground Canada Superfine, and former quotations are conM-quently fully maintained none on the market to-day under $4.50. Fancy has been taken at $4.65, and Extra at $4.7595, Doable Extras reaching $5.50.

The bulk of receipts this week consists of Oswego Floor wbicb will not pass inspection only a small proportion of wbicb has been sold at For future delivery, several shipping lots of Canada Superfine were sold at $4.50 for Augwt and September, which price is still offered. OATMEAL maintains former quotation sales smalL GRAIN. Whiat Early in tbe week a cargo of Milwaukee Club waa sold at 95 cents. Several lots of Ohicago Spring bave been on the market at 85 cents; one cargo sold at 82 cents. U.C.

White is beld at $1.20, a small parcel sola at .18. Oats bave become scarce, aoa are asked for at 40 cents, st which figure two cargoes wsre sold, deliverable ou River. Psas No stock here price unchanged. Bablit Noae here. Coas Small sales only no stock here.

PROVISIONS. Bin remains nominally as last quoted; none in this market. Poax is somewhat firmer this week, Mess bas been sold at $17, holders generally are firm at $18 none of the lower qualities offering. BoTTaa-j-Cboico lots were sold early in tbe week for shipment at 143141 cents; tbe demand bas again subsided. Lasn is unchanged no large sales.

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. A large ship of about 900 tons, said to be timber laden, from Shediacv bound to Liverpool, i asbore between Brae Island and the West point ofP.E. Island, where she went on Thursday the 15th July. We have not learned any further Pbark "James GibKkiaig. master, from Uiee-.

Isle of Skje, Scotland, arrived at tbeSlstJaly, with 300 Emigrsuts, and their luggage. abimb Losses roa Joit. The monthly state- -r marine lni jr the oast month shows a arere irate of twenty-two vessels. The total value of property lost was $540,700. As com pared with tbe montft ot juiy, 1001, too hows a decrease of $170,000.

Bodon Jldver- brig Sea Lark, which arrived at Halifax oa the 30th ult, from Cienfuegos, lost ber Csp-tain by death from tbe yellow fever on tbe 19th nit A few days afterwards she was fallen In with by a French bark, tbe Captain of which put bis second officer on board the Sea Lark, to take charge and brine tbe vessel to Halifax. Th Ladt EsiiHToa "This fine steamsh arrived here on Sunday morning, from Dublin, for tbe purpose of being thoroughly overhauled aad repaired previous to sailing from Galway for Quebee and Montreal, on tbe 3rd of August next, sj advertised. She waa pat on tbe patent sli at tbe Queen's Island, yesterday morning. Tbe Ladv IgUnton is a beautiful model of navy Jtecture, and is evidently a fast sailer. MtreimtiU Journal, July 20.

(4Mal CWrwawadeace JfMrwri GaBtU.) XAxavtiZioirn. Sr. Iwaoca, 31st July, 1858. las Tmptntvrt at Kakoma7 Advataagu of thi Lower UvrtnceiXt uctan Lint. In' one of my recent letters I gave you tbe then un Dera to re.

and mentioned tbat a sfries of ob servations on tbe state of the temperature and weather wars king kept by a friend, Mr. Wffllam Tbom, of Quebec, As I doubt not such iniorma- tion will prove of Interest to those who contemplate a journ at tbe sea-eide, and also, notwithstanding their isolated character, to scientific men, I have traaacribed a page of bi memoranda, which gives tbe temperature and weather for tbe latter part of July, as follows, via. meoootJueaieofOgJ CD a a. 3i A ft er a "era fs- 3 S-" a a. er 8- From these data, it would appear tbat the average morning temperature for the past fortnight has been 60 the afternoon 66, and the evening 62 Daring the same period, the water temperature would average 60.

It is thus apparent that the southern Bhoret of the Lower St. Lawrence ptesent to families a resort to escape the intense beat of onr summer sun, and enjoy pleasant seabreezes and a temperature conducive to health and admirably adapted for open air exercise. Now that a line of steamers has been placed on the route from Quebec to Gasp, I donbt not other watering 'places will come into note, and ample opportunity will be afforded pleasure and health seekers to panne those objects within the borders of oar own country. Riuiouikl and Metis are likely to become placet of considerable resort ere long. There are now here a large number of families, though there are still some houses unlet, and the hotels have comparatively few visitors.

The casual visitors those coming only for a few dsvs. bavine much declined in number. The bard times. I suppose, have much to do with thu. Am I write, at 8 p.m., the North American is eaill ig gracefully past, gliding through the river, which stretches out a wide expanse in perfect calm its deen bine waters, as the shades of evening settle down upon tbem, the very picture of peace.

It is a pleating sight, this noble ves sel going grandly Oa ber way, despite tbe lack of wind and despite the Influences of the tide May she speed op tbe rest of ber long journey as pleasantly a she is aow doing. We Canadians bave real reason to take a national pride in tbe access of this line. We will yet command tbe ocean passenger traffic, and tbe thoroughfare for the Kxedns of Roopean emigration to tbe new world, will be through Canadian waters When to fbt 5l rentage, and those afforded by the new Mediterranean of ear Inland teas, shall be added tbe treat Atlantic and Pacifie Railway, this vsst nw land of British North America will assume its true position in the estimation of tbe world Advancing now, despite even the existing temporary check, we ahall yet, tt true to ourselves and oar manifest destiny, advance still more rtoidlv and surely. So mote it be. With these iottintrs I close my notes from this retreat on the Lower St.

Lawrence for tbe pre sent, au revotr. SUMMARY FOB THK MAIL. From the Canadian Maa or Montreal Gautte for Europe at ims Nothing has been spoken of during the week but the crisis." The excitement throughout the country has been and still continues to be very great. On Monday the new Ministry under the leadership of Mr. Geo.

Brown was announced in tbe two Houses of Parliament, and the announce ment was immediately followed by votes of want of confidence in both Houses in the Upper House by a majority of 16 to 8, in the Lower by one of 71 to 31. The new Ministry demanded a dissolution from the Governor, which His Excellency refused to grant on the grounds that the new Ministry did not possess the confidence of either House that the Parliament had only been elected eight months, and might be fairly supposed to represent the feelings of the people that ereat inconvenience would result from hold ing a general election at this busy season of the year, witn the harvest going on ana me pressure of the money crisis not passed away, and that some bills of great importance were now before the House which ought to be dealt with immediately. The Brown-Dorion Ministry resigned on Wednesday, and Mr. Gait was sent for bv His Excellency. He declined the task of forming a Ministry and His sent for Mr.

Cartier, the Lower Canadian Head of the former Minis-tryi 'who has succeeded in the formation of a Cabinet with the co-operation of Mr. J. A. Macdonald, his former colleague, as Attorney General West On Friday -the news of the successful 1 ying of the Atlantic Cable divided the public attention with the news from tbe Seat of the Government. The weather throughout tbe week has been very fine, with the exception of Tuesday night and Wednesday, when there was heavy rain.

I Fnu. On 8aturday evening, at a quarter to o'clock, a fir broke out in a stable in rear of the oremiae of Mr. Joseph Myette, Bonaventare Street, and soon extended it ravages to a neighboring shed. The Fire Brigade were soon oa the spot, but at first had some difficulty ia checking tbe "element," owing to an inadequate supply of This was soon remedied, and the fire was extinguished: in tbe space of ten minutes. It waa fortunate that no wind was stirring at tbe time, aa otherwise we would probably bave to record tbe destruction of a largo amount of property, th seat of tbe fire being entirely surrounded with wooden buildings, and there being a large amount of lumber ia a yard contiguous to tbe sceoe of disaster.

Tbe origin of tbe fire Is unknown, but is supposed to bave been acci-dentaL i A On Saturday evening, about past 8 o'clock, a fire was discovered inside tne snop occupied by Mr. Smith, as Carver and GUder, Great 8t James Street, but by tne early arrr of several Fire Companies was soon got under. Tbe Treasurer to tbe Pio-Nic of tbe Irish Protectant Benevolent Bociety has much pleasure in acknowledging, on behalf of the Association, five dollars from the gentleman woo won first prise (a silver medal) for the game of quoits. i Come! Heddy, my lad I 'tis Friday to-day Will yon dine like a saint or a sinner On fish or on flesh Papa! I can't ssy Until I know what is for dinner, Montreal, 6th. August, 1858.

The Yteeroy aod his Ministry Were b'ke a dwarf whom once I saw, Whose aeaaf was fine as bead could be, And features without fault or flaw But that fin bead rested, alack! Upon a spine which trae'd its way, -Ia crooked line, through a bump-back, By ill-anited vertebrae. i i Lnra. Kootreai, 7th AngUlt, 1868. Larced his followers, sad be thought to fry ft on the repraaaatadvo of hat Sovwragn, but bjs jucav laney bed plainly tbowm. that ha wooM 'fcawap bam his right place.

If Mr. Brown had one spark of real independence, be would hare aaid, hero are the condition on which I am allowed to form a gt verument, and if he could aot form a government i these condiOooa, be wooM aot nave attemptea He had but notice of these condition. Mr. MeGES iiitanuuUd with some remark about tbe member for Baasau whica was mandible hi tbe Hon. J.

A. AL. Ai-i Toe aon, memoer will please to keep bat buJTuimery for Another dux for soma mora fittior occasion. If th 'hon. member for Toronto bad known hia position aa the head of a party, be would have aaid, These conditions I cannot agree with; I cannot accept the charge oa these eoodiaeaa, and I moat have mil authority or I win not ur a mignt have rieided to some of the eondidoos and refused to yield to others but antring had lair notice of the eoodiaoos, sod taken office npoa tnem, Be nan no right to complain if they were carried ooV.

So far from any clot being laid tor aim, it wis ne tnat Bulled the Governor. (Hear, near.j Any one must see that the Governor had a rizfit te aeppoM that the boa. member took office on these condition, and that by not acting upon them he prac ticed an unworthy piece of deception oa nia sove-and it would be remembered hereafter affainst that hon. member, that not only had he surreoaerea ma principle tnat ne waa so rwau; to get as nt out tnat be actually practised aa unworthy deception on hi 9overeisn. Hia worst enemies can afford to pity him in the position in which be has piacea ni in-self.

That hon. member said over and over again, that if be could have Representation by Population once established, tnat ne wouia dc willine: to retire from nubue Efo for' ever Cheers. I tie taantea tne non. memoer nr ic- toria and others with being conspirator against that great question be taunted them with having put it on the paper, and then kept it off for the Durooss of Brer en tin- nnai ana suuiaciorT iatotion npoa it thia Staainn. and yet tbe first thing he does when be haa a chance of getting office, to to scree that the Question be put off, snd it to not lifnird.

until soma future day, when his Administration could agree npoa the details of a measure, a to how and when it could be cameo nt when a Federal Union was adopted, or when all the Lower Provinces, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edwards Island bad been induced to agree npoa it, and when they had got Lower Canada aad tbe French to agree and yet the bonorabia member bad boasted of being wil- Bn- to retire if once the principle was estab- Bshed. The honorable member made an allusion to fish aome dah require to be toyed with a prudent fish will play around the bait for some time before he takes K. but In this instance the fish aeareelv waited till the bait waa let down. jumped out of the water to catch it- Cheers and at tighter. ne said Be ma no warn whu government he wiahed to pursue hia great objects unlettered by omce, du we bwm ui iuw came he was willing to join mumbm and alL Cheer.

1 He waa wulin to join any body and everybody, so that he could only get into office. So also with regard to separate bcocxks on uuu question be haa offered to make compromises gain and again. Honorable members will reeol-lact that when be was discussing that quesdon he said to gentlemen opposite to the gentlemen In tha nnrtn-weat corner llauzhterl Too must not consider that I was in must ak for more than I want in order to Ret anything; but I am quite He said loo, oo a former oeeaaioa. that hon. eeotlemen will remember.

when discussing the matter with the member for Kjmouraska, Mr. ha pais, that he could settle tbe matter with him in half an hour, they were in a room together On that occasion the mem ber for Cornwall, who was contending with the boo. member for the leadership of that aide of the House, rose up and aaid to the House, there to a bid for you." Cheers J. He was then quite willing to give up bis principle, but when be found that it would aot do, that the offer would not be taken, he went back again and became aa rabid as ever. Then sgaia tbey were wmuemt.

Then anin was their religion vilified, once more their endowments were threatened, and I do not know if it was not at the dictation of the hon. member that the member for North Ontario said that the nunneries were bouses of ill-fame. There waa another time this Session that the hon. member thought the bait was coming down, and he was looking up at tt ana maae a ooii. Xr.

McQ SI again ffered some interuption, but bis words were inaudible in the g-llerj. Hob. J. A MACD03TALD. Tbe hon.

gentle man had beVer keep bis buffoonery for some other time. When ba favors tbe Hoots witn uose noliabed aet.tences. and well rounded periods that be aoiMUmn lndulgea la aoy man of ordinary reading eaa detect the pUgisrism that be commits, and can say that is from Sheridan, that from rattan, that from Cnrran, and that from Rnrfca- hut whea we bear low buffoonery from tbe boa. gen tlemaa, wa know that it ia from none of them, UI is au ma own. luuesra maa l.nFhtar1 The hoa member for Tor.uto, Mr, Speaker said, aa the occasion to which I waa about to refer whea latamnted, that after all the Hparte taaooU ware of no great importance, tbe bait was taea olosed to tho water, tha boa.

mem-bar was playing around it, he was qaite willing to say that leearste ahools wers not so bad aftr all If they wet -not extended any further. He to ad, soarevet, that suetfe would aot take but offset, sad the moment he found that hia faepea wm dashed be denied that be ever said to. found that bis Insincerity was axpoaed, and once tm twice ia his place, be denied that he ever aaid so, and be was quite as strong againet separate choola as aver. So to-day, ft ia sot true that there to aa understanding, sot a written memoranda on thee points. I would like ts tee Ihe authority of the hoc member to deny that there was such a memorandum.

(Hear, hear.) That loaa a memorandum exists or did eiist, I haveao doubt, if tt did not tbe member for Port. neuf baa stated what was an true I do not believe that he would make a ttatemeat that was not true. If it is not true that hon member to either a fool or a knave, and I do not Relieve that to either. Either the boa. member for Toronto agreed to allow separate school, or else Mr.

D'ummond and o'her hv denied all their votes, and all tbeirlaasertiona, snd have given np that for which have been contending- all their Uvea. Those boo, members would aot allow their characters be mirched to sav tha political character cf the hon member for Toronto. Tbey all have to go before their constituents, and depend npoa it. they ill tell them that when they agreed to unite with Mr. crown, mey uw ampi that their interests and those of the people they should be fullv maintained.

It ia all very well totay that there waa ao such sgree-meet. I fc-lievs the L. Canadiaa members of tbe eoveroment took ample ear that tbey should not commit aa act of political eaicide or betray the Interest of tho who bad trusted them. A ehanra baa been made against this House that it did not auow tne a Opportunity of declaring their policy. Although those boo.

gentlemen were not here themseivee, one of their members waa tn the other House, and he stated distinctly that on not one of the great questions would their policy be declared intUsuotherseaaion. (Hear, hear.) Now what waa a voie of want of confidence in former limes If tbe leoraeeniatives of tbe people bad no eon- ia. thoaa who carried oa tbe tovernmeot they stopped the supplies, bat in con qaenee of the Immense monetary iniamuwii with the administration of public affairs it waa found bat to do so, waa to prejudice tbe whole financial affairs of the eountry, aad so that system wss given up, and tbe practice bow existing, sub tiiutei. The hon. gentleman came here and asksd to hav the whole control of the applies without aay one member knowing what their policy would be oa any one question before the country.

We-. war told that not only would tbey wichold their policy, bat that they had aot a policy to offer. We must trust that they would find some means of agreeing, that some of thewt would ted their principles to the others, or that tbey would all abend oa tneir principle auc 8-jch a proposition wss aever before made to a House of Parliament, and it waa met oy uis Rnnaa atatia that it had no eoofideaca in them. and could not consent to tbe proposition made in their behalf. Tbe boo.

member fur North Oxford said why did you aot allow them to adjourn, but wbea that proposition was made, one of their fxieada, who acted aa tneir agent to-oay, got up ia hia place ana tja, you grant una voa place tnem ia a laiae position, ior u-mor- i row tney wouia oe ciu upo unm umr policy Are tbey bow prepared to declare their policy Do they theme-Ives know what it at Tbey ere froing to their eooatitneaia, but, aa waa said by the boa. member tor Bherbreoka they do aot like to ailada to their policy, because they want to hav a difiaraot policy, toramareoi pane of tbe country. Any Adminiatranoo baring proper respect for themselves would have decla. A thair nolicT. for if they formed a gov ernment without agreeing to a policy, it waa an act of 'OUT if they Bad a poucy ana oouceaaea it, it was aa act of dishonesty.

(Hear, hear.) Woea toe nonv dubow iw imwiiw nm his coostitueata be wiu nave air. ou Holland as tbe exponent of his Orange principle, snd Mr. MeOea as the exponent of Ul the Soman Catholics. At bis meeting last night, according to the report ia tbe i 1 k. kjt iri mn 11 be wa the same that he was when they lctd bira before, he waa In favour ot every meaanrTthat ba advocated ar among th.

m.iw1 of tbe seearata school act. ao osiv everr winiaiH i That to the principle be wtobea to bring into prae- tica, aad that tae pnnap uw a-- Drum mood and Mr Thibaudaaa to carry oat if not, these boa. gentlemen have sold tbemasivaa, their sad tbetr principle, ssd bava sacrificed themselves at tbe altar of that boo. mm bur a ambiuon. 1 do not oaueve -done so, they will carry out vir -p tie ciple-s and uMra Maria.

Arebambault, Malcolm Cameron, Coutlee, Tajaa. and Bimard ail "Creed nooa this point, that the boa. member forToron-to has promised -to ahando hto artnoiplea. (Cbeert.) The boa. member's eoadnet pats bm ia auad of a contest once eaa at aispwa man.

Party spirit ran high at the time, and my opoooeu a very astute fallow, Jid greeu. baaaV karehiaf round hto seek, and wbea be went into a tnnu C.lhcJie'a hotte oointed tO that BS an tmb em of his principles, and then when be went into aa Orangeman's booae ba polled out aa erann handerebief aad fiouriabjd that before his boss very osteotAaonaly, hiding tha green one, aad tnsmaaaag that hia principles were properly indicated bv the color of bis aaadkarebtof. (Oh ar aad This to. the pvernment I. thaw aaa na wbtca toey aaa.

us to put wu-iv-- i i. 4m mh1m and to OUT dutV ifW di notat ouoa anmaak this '7 ef U.J forward MdUd-Our policy the quea- tiotM of Beparsta Bcoooia, iSCTreseutation oy "1 bestowed in the' shape of 'appojD talents, which would undoubtedly bare been tery grateful to lots of hungry Clear Imts. No precedent, whatever, cam be found for a' Ministry composed in tbe same way as Mr. Brown's, asking for opportunity to govern tha country for a letigtheiied period, with an un-l usual Quantity ot patronage to oestow, wiui-out grring some particular reason for the reooest. When tne JUaciHao-iviona iYim- .1 it dci tut- istrr went into omce in toe iau in io, i vr Mcro at one, in me arweace oi ins upper ana da colleagues who bad vacated then-seats, announced tbe policy of the new Ministry.

Did Messr. Brown, Dorioti and Company, at that time, wait for the return of tbe Ministers who bad gone tq their constituents before attacking tbem, before trying to break tbem downT Had tbey hestation in attackinz men not in a position to reply! No; but tbey attacked tbem with fury rarely exampled in a legislative bodv. and tried to break: wem oown oy rotes of want of confidence in all shapes, spinning out the debate on the address to an unusual length. J. ney aiso resonrw the unparliamentary proceeding of getting "round robins." The men who were at tacked at that dav in this manner, do not whine in the same way that these ao now.

The attacks in 1854 were more unjustifiable than those in 1858. Tbe coalition in tbe latter case was also worse than in the former tbe parties to it gave up mere, and it is worse than the pot accusing tne kerue, for tbem now, to whine at harsh treatment. They have simply received the same kind of justice which they themselves naa me a to deal out to others. THE COUKTBY. As I am the bearer of my own letter I may say I noticed interested knots of people at all the railway stations anxious to bear ths news.

Of course opinion widely differed. Some people believed that Mr. Brown had badly sold' himself; others that be had been sold" by Mr. Macdonald and the Governor; but there was no doubt whatever about a sell" and ridiculous sosition. I noticed that the Grand Trunk Com paoy are making progress in taking the road back, where it so nearly touches the lake and is so apt to get out of order.

The road is in good order, and smooth enough to allow one to write readily in one's pocket-book with the tram in ruu motion We publish to-day a report of the speech of Mr. J. A. Macdonald in reply to the accusations of Mr. McGee against the Gover nor General.

It is unanswerable in its mam argument, and its severest passages were amply called for. The speech occupied two hours in its delivery, and is not fully reported. The reoorters are all tired out with this wearisome session. We understand that it is the intention of the Mechanics' Institute to illuminate their building on the occasion of the first message transmitted by the cable across tbe Atlantic. We understand there will also be torch light processions and other demonstrations.

a Special United States Hotel, I Saratoga, August 2nd, 1853. There is something magical in the manage' ment of these large American Hotels. In small office you see a proprietor and a clerk or two apparently not much occupied or any way confused answering hundreds of ques tions on all sorts of subjects yet while so coolly unconcerned there are guests arriving and departing by hundreds, and at this house either within its boundaries or quartered for sleeping in rooms in tha neighborhood there in linnrr some eiffht hundred persons who are received in and turned out with their bag- mure with the regularity of clock: work nouhtlaaa there are heads of departments" 'J through which orders proceed, and general A V.l.llwnlrlra XeajluacMy ta mniiimmpu. astray if the visitors were not trained to the svstem and adjusted Jo it. A great pre pa ration is made iV the aggregate accommoda tion ot a great nomuer oi guests wiucu uiey tnust share equally, and where, travellers i are tike the Americans trained to take things patiently on these terms all goes on satisfac torily but it any one attempts to separate (mm tho an-fTTAirsla and seek- r) arti cular or undivided attention to he can onlv fret himself into a fever and be treated contemptuously.

Too European Hotel ia like travelling by poetcnaise, whicn moves fast or alow and as you will, according to your directions. The American system like the railroad knows only the multitude and ignores the individual who however great must like the insignificent abide the general regulations, with the certainty, however, that in moving with the crowd exactly as they move and taking no further thought he with his baggage will in a given number of hours be transported to his destination. Those who will take the railroad must not grumble if the railroad people will not arrange all things for their own individual Sneaking from eve measurement, I should sav the crround of this establishment was over ruw .1. law xeet iront Dy some aw leet ui uejjiix. From the front on Broad Street run two wings, that on the cross street some six hundred feet in length that on the interior side somewhat shorter anu succeeded oy several pretiy facins inwards for private families.

The quadrangle thus enclosed is shaded by tall elm, maple and locust trees, under which the sward is green witn pretty gravel wants. Fmntinrr on these a oiazza some fifteen feet wide runs round all the interior, in a portion of which far removed from the ladies' quarters hundreds of gentlemen are grouped day and evening talking and smoking. The ladies' parlor, some 50 by 35 feet, is at the annth nnrl of tha bnilduiET ODenin? UDOQ a piazza some 200 feet by 20 with pillars over ifl) leet high on ttroaaway sumcienuy DacK and elevated to be in a manner private" from the street it overlooks. While single s-entlemen and the rougher sort are on the piazza in rear, this portion is occupied by ladies and the elite of the gentlemen free from all In the evening, when all is lighted up, the parlor and side of the immense piazza filled with richly dressed women and well dressed men, grouped in conversational circles, and the centre is filled with a procession of promenaders, added to the endless groups on the rear piazza, you have a display before your eyes to which many parties and balls you have witnessed sink into insignificance. Ihe elegancies and evidences of wealth, are dazzling.

So man can heboid an assemblage ot females without selecting a queen among them." The queen here was certainly a Miss of New York one of those tall. graceful figures, with classic -features that realise the idea of a Princess or Countess in her own right or descending for an illustration -one that a fashionable modiste could afford to give daily change of dresses just for the pleasure of seeing them worn by one worthy of her art. If men's eyes were as piercing as women's, she would have been shot dead with the battery constantly directed against her while she walked up and down as unconcerned as if all the men were mere telegraph posts. People trash, caught run some risk of starvation in these immense hotels, for unless one has got the hang" of the rule that governs all, it is not easy to find a place, or what you wish to eat when yoa do find one. Entering the dining room yoa see chairs turned down along the endless tables, behind which, at stated intervals, stand black waiters, who, instead of welcoming you to the feast, tell you very preremptonly; you cannot fsit there, uem seats is eugajjou.

uw ing, and a final appeal, yoa are referred to' do head who, being black as the rest, is not easily found. When found you are at once accommodated. It may be all very well for white republicans to be jeakna of any mark of distiiicUon, but the blaCkS SOOUlu OB lOOO Kiau" yvuLLM. de head waiter" to wear a white wig or a co*cked hat, as a direction to those who, for the first time doomed to the fate of Tantalus, have to wander among dainties which the sable guardians forbid to be touched. Only tell the waiter who first serves you to keep the seats you.

toon taae ana utey wiu do for' you while you remain, and you suffer no further inconvenience. There im no better dinner than that which a mechanic's wife cooks for her husband and sets on tha table hot and savoury with her own hands. At hotels, where hundreds must bo fed at a time, vegetables will be cold and meats cold and slimy, and people out for the first time seldom can learn the art of eating a good dinner at one before they leave. Hence the grumbling of returned exrirgionists, eape-cialTy of the humbler who swear they will never go from home again, because the "feed" bad TRAVELLER. fgrrataal MONDAT MORNING, AUGUST 9, 18M.

By 1 slerapS to tha Montreal Gaxetfe LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, Toronto, August 7, 1858. Mr. Vankouduiet announced the compo sition of the Ministry, and Messrs. DeBla- qatere, Prince and Tacbe approved of it. They also compared it favorably with tbe late Administration.

Various bills were tbea passed, including that to amend tbe law of. Scire Facias and tbe law of wills. Tbe House then adjourned. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, Tobonto. August 7, 1858.

Mr. Cartier announced that a Ministry bad been formed. Tbe various members bad assumed various offices and bad tbea resigned them, after which they again assumed office as follows Cartier Premier and Attorney General East. J. A.

Macdonald Attorney General West. S. Smith Postmaster General. Rose Solicitor General East. John Ross President Executive Council.

Gait Inspector General. Sherwood Receiver General. Yankonp-hnet Commissioner of Crown Lands. Belleau President Legislative Council Sicotte Commissioner of Public Works. Alleys Secretary.

Mr. Cartier then explained the policy of tbe Government to be what was enunciated in the Speech from the Throne. In addition they would immediately communicate with tbe House first and the Lower Province about a Federal Union watch tbe working of tbe Tariff, and introduce ad valorem duties as soon as possible examine and regulate tbe working of tbe various departments, and leave tbe Seat of Government question to the action of the Legislature. Mr. "Wallbridge raised doubts as to the legality of shuffle by which the members of the Administration escaped the necessity of returnine- to then constituencies.

Tbe debate continued for the whole day without result. Tbe above telegram announces tbe new Ministry, with leading principles of policy. To these last we particularly ask the atten tion of our Montreal commercial readers. We believe Mr. Rose enters tbe Cabinet, NOTES FROM THE SEAT GOVERNMENT, (Eiiawioi tf Ot Mmtncl OautU." Toronto, August 6, 1858.

BROWN MIKISWRY AND THS HOUSE. As nothing was done in the House yester day, I purpose to brin up a question I left lor runner oiscusaon in my last letter ujc quarrel of the Brown Ministry with tbe House of Assembly. I believe the public will admit, on consideration of tbe facts of tbe case, that Mr. Brown and his friends break down as completely in their quarrel with the House as in that with the Governor General. Tbat tbe House dealt out to tbem extraordinarily rough, sharp and stern justice, nobody can deny.

Tbey say it was without precedent. Certainly tbe like of it never occurred in this country, although tbe men who shine now tried a similar game oo their opponents in 135-. I believe the precedent cited by Mr. Sicotte exactly covered the case the circtunstances were somewhat different, the essential principle was the) same. But I see no use in talking about precedent in this case.

Practice makes precedent, and tbe actual facts must rovern practice. y. Iiv What are the faxts I Look at tiietn from the beginaing of the crisis. Ministry were in a minority oa tbe Queen's award an act in which they had no part, being only Sponsible for the reference. Tar; Brown at once said that was a rote of non- coofideBcc -Mr.

Macdonald denied it. -Mr Brcwa said that be would propose a test resolution. He did so, and Ministers had oa Ltbat a majority of eleven. By such a majo- a a I L'J nty tne Xl erase oirecuy vuveu urauuMw them. Still the previous vote bad placed them in a sinsularly embarrassing position It rendered it impossible for them to carry out an award eiven on their reierence Some of their friends bad also abandoned them.

AU this justified resignation but the point to be remembered is, that they resigned immediately after bavine received a direct vote of confidence in them. Whether or not they were right in doing so it is not necessary now to discuss. I think they were. Mr. Brown, the undoubted leader of the Opposition, was sent for.

He bad been calling out for tbe opportunity to form a Government, and bad declared tbat he could find a majority. So bad his friends for him. Tbe ears of people bad been dinned with the i cry "give us a -give us a cuauv.c. Well, thev rot a chance. His Excel- lonew it for Mr.

Brown. Had he not rinna ao. hut sent instead for any man what- oo th late Ministerial aide, tbe whole country would have rung with the cry of tin reDlatrase." patching up," Mr. Brown declared tbat be could form a Ministry, as he bad declared before that he could obtain a majority and he did form one. But how Br bringing: together tbe most incongruous Drommend, Lemieux and Tbibaudean, with tbe Clear rcriu of TJBoer Canada? men who were divided 00 all tbe great questions before the countrv, and men who baa recently oeen Krinirinx Brainst each Other VcTT rr.efuT cbartres.

These men with charac teristic insolence at once beld tbe whip of tiMJnrlnn over the House. Ibey aid so by knowingly false 'statements, in Mr. Brown's paper, by threats to members privately, and in their papers all over the coun try Tbey sent JHessrs. ramca ana xicue down to toe tioose witn a wuu uu unuicm, written paper, stating what measures they would allow to pass, without waste of, the public tin's. Afterwards they would, close the session, and bring down their policy in January next.

As I wrote betore.tne nouse feh itself insulted and trifled with by the whole proceeding, and so, by the crashing maiorhv aefore sent yoa down, in which all the doubtfuls joined, voted want of confi dence. tv. nuesfaoas before the country are Representation by Population, the Union, the Seat of Government, Separate Schools, tbe Double Majority, and the Usury Laws. On all of these the Brown Ministry were divided a fact which rendered explanation the very first step necessary. Tbey met th by saying that it was imposable for them to give in so short notice tbe details of their policy, an answer which was a paltry evasion.

They could bave said whether they were in favor of the principle of representation by population or not whc.n wing of the Ministry, aaa Wciples on this measure, xoey couiu Lave aaid if the- Uaiou.ia its present form should be maintained, and who of them had abandoaed tbnpriocip this measure. Tbey could have said wnere uj a 1 ...1 esl wawtlSa the Seat of jrovemmeni soouiu tbem had given ia oa this nwsure. Tbey could have said what tbey intended to do with Separate Schools, and who of them had abandoned their principles on this measure what they intended to-do with tbe Double Majority and the Usury Laws, and who of tbem had abandoned their principles ou these measures. Tbey were bound to bave made explanation on all w. nointa.

and the House would have been wanting in self respect if it bad not demanded it- If an admitted majority and well detaned party of known principles bad asked to be trusted, the request might have been granted without explanations and without, debate, but when a smal minority did so, exmiposed of aB sorts of odd and ends, the case became widely 1 The miBi SDrine- of our Clnttrmmmt ia the confidence of tie majority in th Ministry and a minority tha Seat of Government, wa did not know that it wooid be broushl no. So notioe bad been given of any such motion, and we were completely taken bv aurorise. Mr. 1CGES Doe the boo. gentlemen mean to aay (bat I charged him with being aware of the content! or tae oocumeni Bon.

J. A. MACDONALD I certainly did Am aland an. Mr. MSJEE I am act prepared to lay, nor aaa km, miilur rJ the Hoaae a rizht to ask ma what I meaat Ia tha remark I addreaaed to thia Booae there waa nothing to jasofy the nap.

member in taking it to himself anleaa ha ia eou-nn oTdoMrruiff it. iConfimion and erica of oh oh There are other lawyer hke handa beaidea bis to which the remark waa eaosQy applicable. Hon. J. A.

MACDOS1XD Then the hon. gen- tlemaa doea not refer to me. Mr MfF I do not aav so. r. a VACDO VaLD The boo.

centlemaa ha dimlaved a decree of diauieenaonaneaa of which no other boa. member in thia House would be guilty. (Cheer. io other man in thia House would make each an insto nation, and yet not dera tn imii It nrandvelv. I Cheer.

I Mr. M-G I rise to a point of order. The hon. member says I dare not make each an aaaer tion. If the hon.

gentleman pata to ma a direct nnaatian I will make taint a direct anawer. Hon. J. A. MACDONALD.

The beo. member aaid that ha would not aa anawer; ha aaid there were other legal gentleman ia Toronto beaidea myself, and that ho waa aot bound to make tha aaaerdoa. Why, then, did ha throw oat the inainaanon Every nan who ha the tool of a gentleman erery man in the eountry known that k. hrm in the olac of tbe Sovereign must depend open the gentlemanly forbearance of Dublic men he must depend npoa tha forbear ance Ot eTery mnwHam kjs that he cannot get and caat beck in the nf the hon. member hia Iniuriooa aspentoiia.

k. nat defend himself he trnsted that he ha nratected br the JEeia which the hand of her Majesty hold orer him. Cheer.) Thia ia not the first occasion on which the hon. member has shown a disregard for his Sovereign. Cheers.

He haa carried to thia country the disloyalty which he displayed in hia own. Cheers. He Wk hia own count rr with the mark of Cain on hia brow what be then attempted he did not stay to see carried out he bad not the manliness did not dare to do himself what he endea- vmwd induce others to do: so here, when challenged him to the proof of the inaiouadon which he made, he waa afraid to stand to bis assertion. He now stands before tha country as one who makes an insinuation for the purpose of injuring an indrridual, helpless from his position, except that he has a claim upon every true-neartea man which that honorable gentleman knows not how to afford him. I ieaie the hon.

gentleman where be sits he need not affect indifference for he doea not feel it he knows the finger of scorn ia pointed at him by every body who hears me, and the scorn which is felt for him by every individual in Rruuowin vibrate throuzh the lenirih and breadth of the land, and it wUl be acknowledged that though hq is bonorabia by courtesy ne a honnrahle bv caurteaT alone. Cheers. Mr. Speaker, on Wednesday last it was unknown to myself and to my colleagues that any motion would be made with reference to tha Seat of Gov-mnuait All that wo knew was, that we had -orotnised that the Government would give every -1 A h. O.

Ji opportunity mat tne queauua auuwu a thmt nm honorable member should fca-e an onoortunitv of arrivine at a conclusion upon it. The amendment was moved in a manner which no one anticipated. No one knew in what mode the question would be brought up, or how thm inu would be taken. The vote waa taken, and a majority voted in favor of the motion, againet ih votes of mvself and mv colleagues. At once.

and without going to our beds, we came to tha unanimous conclusion that it waa our duty to resign. In the morning we tout for those of our colleagues who were in the other branch of tha Legislature, and who could not join ua in the and wm cam to the onanimoua conclusion that wa should resign, and we at once placed onr resignations in the hands of Hia Excellency witb-ont a word of comment, and in a quarter of an hour omnia we made toe announcement in me tt hii resiimed. IT minutes aner that His Excellency told me that he bad sent for Mr. Brown, and that Sr. Brown aaa asaaa iov we ti.

ennault hia friends. After that 1 had no con versation, direct or indirect, with Hia IxeceDeney, I any aino, or oy meaiia auj -Mr. M-GEE Who did yon recommend to be ent for? Hon. J. A.

MACDOSALD I recommended ao one to be sent for, and in the reaenos of Mr. Cartiar, and, aa my word, will be reported, I wOj add ia the presence of His ExcaLency, who will be able to sav whether what I say is truth or falsehood, we placed our resignations ia bis hands, and. aa we bade him farewell, he said, -I ahall send for Mr. Brown at once." We had no further conversation, we had no further communication of any kind whatever, and what I aaid before I say now. I had no means of knowing, and I did not know what had taken place, and it was a matter of speculation with us what tha announcement would be in this House, and the first we heard was that Mr.

Gordon Brown had said that the Ministry had resigned. The hon. member has stated, that he heard in various parts of tha eountry that HU Excellency would not grant a dissolution. All that I can say ia this, and I speak in the presence of a number of hon. members, and they know whether what I say to true or not, when the question was put to me as to whether there would be a dissolution or not, I said I had no means of knowing, cheers and I would ask hon.

members if they did not come to me and ask if I could not give an assurance) as to what hia BxcellencT would do my answer waa the same, because" if I bad aaid that I had any assurance, I should have told a wilful and deliberate lie. Cheer. Any man of common Sanaa could aee that the idea of a diaaolution waa one that waa in the highest degree impossible. When any one spoke to me about it, I aaid that under no constitutional pretext whatever would hia excellency be justified in granting a dtsaolaaoo. Every hon.

member knowe well enough what difficulty attends a new alec tion, and how Bui i nto-Ehood there waa of one being Rnd- one ia anxioua to avoid the trouble of and it would have been highly aatactory if I could have given an assurance that there would be none. One hon. gentleman ln0' aakinc whether I would give any opinion about it, and I answered that I could give no aaaurance because I did not know. I refer to the hon. member for Victoria aa to tbe truth of this statement.

Hon. Mr. J. CAMXSOX It to perfectly correct (Cheers.) Hon. J.

A. MACDONALD But whue I state that there was no opinion given that there should ba a dissolution, we ail know that there were threats of a dissolution. (Hear, bear.) We all known that hon. members were told that if they did not giro the Gonwnment a fair trial, they would be sent back to their eonantuenta. That whip waa held over this House, and I venly be-fieve that the spirit of independence aroae through this House, and there waa a general fee-inx of indignation at being told that if they did not vote confidence where they had no confidence if they did not wallow all their promises if they did not cringe to the incoming Government, there would be a diaaolution.

(Cheers.) And let as just remember thia, that in the Glob of yesterdaT, for which the tote member for Toronto to morally and legally- responsible, and for which the articles are written at hia Instance or at hia dictation, we find it stated, as the alternative, that His Excellency's ministers aught prorogue or they might dieeolve. The article went on to aay, We are aware that some person have freely aaed the same of the Governor General. It is not oat province to know tho precise relations estabfianed between Hia Excellency and his present adviaera, but aura we are that no Premier would accept cffioa without a distinct understanding tmpoed, or expressed, that ha shall have all requisite op-portunity for carrying on the Government. Cheers. And thia appeared when that very Premier had a letter in hia pocket Informing him that His Excellency would make him no promise that would dissolve.

Cheer. There to a wflful and deliberate falsehood expressed in that tmper. Why, Sir, the very words correspond with His Excellency's letter. Tha pea that wrote that ardcla was in the hands of one who had seen the Mr. FZBBES The hon.

member for 3f ontreal aaya that yoa knew aS about that totter. Hon. J. A. MACDOS AUX How dare tbe hon.

memoarmaka such a statement I How does he know it? He haa no right to aay that in the presence of my statement. Supposing to ware true, doea th hon. member know uf Mr. Speaker, a man who states a thing to be tone, aot knowing it to be true, say what a) untrue. (Cheer.

The hon. member bad ao right to say so. No one haa told him; be haa no evidence of It, and I say that, so for as that boa. member to concaroed, hia statement to altogether arroneoua, i i itaatf erroneous. It appear that.

whila tha Giobt announces that no Premier would derrade himself by taking office unless be Wan aaaurance that be would be aJlowed to dissolve, the boo. member for Toronto did Inks Kmar informed that ba should get ao soeh assurance. Tbe boo. member employed tho -oarm indicated by the GUU this awrning "I tot SaUCr be aaid, "and I will ptoc ta Go-ifs-ca a tight ptocetluthe am ytoli I will tell aim what I order my editor to aay ia tv paper, and I will bufly him into doing to fCbeera.1 Be -oeJd us wa.awr ftJlmt. Btfl WWaWW auwar- on-.

ar. ami. S. d. s.

d. 0 000 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 5 0 a 2 1 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 SO a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 10 0 a 12 0 7 0 a 8 0 8 0 a 6 2 a 8 0 0 0 a 0 2 a 3 0 1 1 a 1 0 0 a 0 0 3 a 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 a 0 8 0 6 a 0 4 7 0 a 12 0 2 a 4 0 6 0 a 15 0 30 0 a 40 0 27 a 30 0 0 10 a 1 0 0 8 a 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 a 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 a 0 4, 0 0 a 0 0 0 8 a 0 0 8 a 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 16 0 a 20 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 a 1 0 0 9 a 0 0 FL0CR. d. Country Flour, qointal.H Oatmeal, par quintal. ...11 Indian Meal, par quintal.

0 0 tt. d. a 12 a 13 a 0 0 Wheat, per minot 0 0 a 0 0 2 a 2 9 Oats, per minot Barley, per minot No demand. Pease, per minot 4 4 tmdcwnasx, per num. Indian Corn, Rye, per minot Flax Seed, per Timothy, per a 0 a 0 a 0 FOWLS AND GAME.

Turkeys, (old) couple. 7 TurKeysyouugpCTwiwe Geese, (young) oouple 4 Ducks, par couple 1 Ducks, (wild) per oouple 0 Fowls, por oouple 2 Chickens, per 1 Pigeons, (tame) couple 1 Pigeons, (wild) per do 3 r-artnoges, Woodco*ck, per brace. 0 Hares, percoupie. snuaia. Beef, per lb 0 Pork, per lb 0 Mutton, per Iamb, per quarter 2 Veal, per quarter 6 Beef, per 100 lbs SO Pork (freob) 100 lbs 37 4 a 6a 0 a 0 0 12 0 0 a 4 a 16 a 46 a 40 a 1 DAIRY PRODUCE.

Batter, (fresh) per 0 11 a Butler, (salt) per lb 0 7. Cbeese, lb, skim milk. 0 0a Cbeese, per lb, sweet do 0 0 a VEGETABLES. Beans, (American) pmin 0 0a 7 6 a Potatoes, (new) per bag. 4 6a Turnips, per 0 0 a Onions, per busbel 0 0 a SUGAR AND HONEY.

Sugar, Maple, lb (new) 0 4a Honey, per lb 0 0 a 0 0 0 Lard, per lb. 8 a 7a 0 a 0 0 0 0 Eggs, per dos Halibut, per lb Haddock, per Apples per Oranges, per Hides, per 100 Tallow, per lb BREAD. Brown White Loal 4 0 0 0 a 20 a 22 a 0 4a 0 6 011 0 0 RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE VIA LACHINE CANAL. August 7. Per Steamer Joan Stewart John Dougall 14 bbls ashes 20 do oatmeal 26 kegs butter; Jones, Black at co 75 bbls flour 9 kegs butter; Hsgar2 bbls ashes: at Muir 30 kegs butter Don ssbes; Order 2 do do; Jos Tiffin 24 kegs butter 1 bbl asbes; Fltxpatnck Moore I ao ao tuos butter; Uuseck 3 bbls asbes; James Harvey 60 bags wbeat 9 bbls asbes; Tyre, Golquhoun If co 2 barrels ashes; Bryson 4 kegs butter; Torrance 42 do do.

RECEIPTS OF AMERICAN PRODUCE. August 4. Per Steamer Jena Lini, from Ogdensburgb Gibb Ross 311 bbls flour; LamploughatCamp- bell 5 bxi Persian balm. Tux Gbakd Tbunk. The works on the line ot the Grand Trunk between London and St.

Marys are rapidly advancing. The freight bouses, which bave been erected immediately outside the city limits, are nearly completed, snd we observe that two locomotives belonging to the Company bave arrived and will soon be employed in taking the rails up the line. So says the tree Frest. Thsatbb Royal. Miss Avonia Jones, tbe youthful daughter of Mrs.

George Jones, one Manag eiess in this city, make ber debut on our boards this evening far Mrs. Mowstt's excellent plsy of "Armsud, or the Peer and the Visa Avonia Jones is reputed to be of remarka bly prepo Messing appearance, and of a very high order of talent. That a large audience will greet tbe first appearance of thia young ldy is unite ce rtain. Tbe following is from tbe Balti- more Sun Theatrical. The many personal friends and professional admiiers of Miss Avonia Jones are delighted with the thought that on Monday tbey can 'look npoa her face She has this week been playing at Baltimore, where she has attracted crowded audience.

There is a charm (ssys tbe xehanfe) ot youth and freshness abont this yoong girl which constitutes a very great present attraction in ber acting, while there is a simple natural manner, and evident desire to please, shown in all ber performances, which argues well for her future prospects and success. 8be has evidently studied in a good school, has adopted a chaste and correct style, and with a continuance of tbe same pains and industrr in ber dramatic education, will undoubtedly take a high I BERTHS. On tbe 6th instant, at 163 Sherbrooke Street, Mrs. Frederick Lawford, of a sob. At the Manor House, St.

Hilaire, on tbe 1st instant, the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Erma-ttnger, Inspecting Field Officer of the Active Militia Force, of a son. At tbe Manor House, Kascoacbe, oa tbe 7th instant, tbe wife of tbe Hon. John Pangman, of a daughter, still-born. MARRIED. Oo Thursday, 8tb ultimo, at St.

Paul's Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by tbe Bight Reverend tbe Lord Bishop of Nova 8cotia, Brad ney T. Gilpin, Captain in Her Majesty's 62nd Rgt-, to Louisa wsntwortb, daughter of the Hon. Mr. Alston. rocrced into tohoj mm.

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)
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