The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)

All Tlorsons who bavfi snliHol-ninfl tAfii NO MORE WARPS1CBS MoKiooHKur, April 15, 8 P. M. Mutual Life Insurance for the purpose of purobasiug "forty aores and a mule" for Tom Gqnn, will please pall on Mr. fi, Kenssle and settle. The necessary amount has been subscribed, and it is Intended to reward tho fidelity of this staunch colored Democrat at an early day.

Tom knows his friends Will stick to L5c5TlNTELLiaEKCE TbS general trade of the city fqr tho past week has been ivory good in aU do. partments. Tho receipts of Cotton were Company TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, larger than expected, and a great deal of it oame in by wagons that went put load. Mcdonald co. Mr.

'Williqm Varner, an old oitizon tf Montreal, Avril 15. Volunteers continue ed. Mupy orders were alBO filled and to arrive, Tbero is hotninft new in. ieapeot goods shipped by rail and boat. soon witce.

I'FI CEBS tnis piaae cuea jast Saturday evening at tho fine ago of seventy-seven years. He bad been siok several weeks, and for a time hopes of his recovery wore entertaiued, bnt tho disease and his extreme ace con The dry goods aud milliuery stores have nil I). A. IkNVAU President. uj x' enian movemouiB, xvverytning IS.

qui et on the border. Washington, April 15, Postage to England 10c. after 1st of May. been orowded. Tho clothing and shoo 'Tim frirtnda and ao ivn'i-iiji uoajsugb u.

rmt'tt, Ylco President. WEI. T. So-retarr. J.

S. HlbLSU Assistant Secretarr. SO SSiKrhvl Sire.ct. spired to disappoint them. Ho was buried by tbo MaSonio fraternity lank Bandar.

Internal Kevenne to dato 18,250,000 in merchants bad plenty to do, and tho gro oory trade was as lively as nsual. G.en'1, A. P. hTElVABX, Sojerlntwdent of the excess to same timo laat yoar Increased and his remains were followed to tho grave mZB Mr. Suu A.

Graham and la Mi and Mrs T. B. Maatln, are from tha PreBDj torian Clinroli Kevenne In Now York this, over last voar, The weathor has been very pleasant and accounts from tbo oropa are a little oy large conoqurse ot Inonfla, Tylioin life had known and respebted him. jftisrt- on tobacco and spirits ono million and a half. Delano has issued order proscribing new coupon book for wholesale liquor more favorable.

Corn add cptton are both very backward, and unlcBa the season from JlOJIIOIDB IN PEURY OOIIKTV Pntsr dealers aud rootifies on and aftor 1st of 4 SUIOltl now on is unusually propitious tboro will May, It is understood that form prescrib Sprott, negro, was shofrand instantly killed, about ton dayB ago, by a hireling of TTniiea'Statea Hotel, Iiouiaville, Ky. not ho full yield. MUTUAL COMPAWy ed is that of "klsh conpon book." Court Martial for trial Commodoro Upshnr for blocks east imu. woau ui unu t.WO uiB, uiMiuu j-iewiH, wuo auusequoutiy maao his esoane, Peter had rented a few acres Owing to tho holiday on account of Good 'e tt'e daily rtioi viwj. Hie Itat leoteel and oomplKtent stock of JIOTUIKd), DAPS, GLOVES, Stori.nO auedgea irregularity Uadotsuips commences hero on 21 at.

Friday wo find it difficult to givo oorreot of land on tho Phillips place, some twelve riECLAKIKG DIVIDBNUS ANNUALLY Liverpool aud New York wooks circular, liviuence in Howard corruption case Viaitins Boston can find no show $114,000 paid for Howard Univoraitv XHB JPIRST OP JANTJABT. au'd therefore omit it this week. or tnirteon miles soutu ol Marion, and hired Levria to assist him in cultivating them. But Lewis, like Palstaff, liked to tako his oase, and didn't net to work oarlv Lands by warrants on United States Treas accommodations than a suite of the "American House," with The hiehor nor cent of interest TVost, Tim Montgomery cotton market is inactive ury, uontrnotor lor tuo building received present! nloaeta, oto. Close to princi- lUU.uuu lrom samo source.

lo.UUU drawn and will ho without aoourato quotations until business ia regularly resumed iu New unuugu in iue morning to amc recorj who oomplained of tho liinim ss of bis assistant mill nmuiioment. from Uulted States Treasury on behalf of and threatened to diBmiss him. Where yMea 01 uuw -r York aud Liverpool. lund lor uougregationul cuurcu for which bonds of the Church wore taken. upon Lewis duly prepared himself, aud on Tbo receipts of cotton at New Or The Columhns (Ga.) Sun tuo nrst mootiui ol tlio two soveroiirns.

iin. mvB 'that it saw in tlio oatali' leans since Soptombor 1st, to Tues subsequent to the quarrol, the unf'ortunato OVER $3,000,000 of the lu The doeds to tbo laud upon whioh Howard Univorsity and Gen. Howard's House stand wore mado to Gen'l O. O. Howard.

The ovidenco, however, as it transpires is not It T-Tnnrv MoCauloy, ou the And tlio Uliowii fifiivluliiona with wh-nli tha reier was suoi anu mscanciy iciueu "Killed with ton bullets from an old gnu bur. rel." Marlon Commonwealth. ilishraens buaijietis of this Comuajiv ia manoirtitl. Hkould bo linnmuui day night nip-hfc luat wore bales. The lowest estimate of tho year's crop is now 2,750,000 and uiauy still olaim 3,000,000.

Tho receipts for this week at wormy ot ausoluto credence. winnh ib beiuc prepared to lo sent a BUliioient appeal to int-lligont, tliinkiiig bnat-nesa men. juuero v. u. Humpureys ox nuntavillo The expiration of tho Bessemer patent will succeed Fisher as Judge of this uas so greauy lesseneu tne cose 01 steel, suould tbo senate coutinuo a isher Ussets $5,000,000 all U.

S. Ports will ho larger than thev that it is auporoeding iron ou many of as District Attorney. ovor brought to Iho Moutgciuor uiai kcl, whioh hoa boon gotten up unuor our immediate MUltl'Vtsiuti at tho latent figure and offered accordingly. WE CLAIM TO LtC AD XiLB MAEKET EEADT-MADB (JLOTHING, A II THE LARGEST STOCK, SIANTJFACTTJRE OCR OWN GOODS, AND WARRANT THEAI SUPERIOR IN STYLE, QUALITY, AND ELEGANCE OE FIT, tho railroads in this country. It is far weio last weok.

A late Now pa smalt snerman presented a momorial more durablo than iron, aud much better lhaaoroll. The snaw of the face appears a handsome carved AuBua( Income over $3,000,000 Losses by death, paid from citizens of Maryland asking for re suited on that to roads with per says "There is still plenty of cotton to como out of Bed River fully 25,000 bales from peal ot law loroidding compensation tor heavy lines of freight and travel. But at fore. dvfa slaves unjustly taken from thorn. since Organization $1,000,000 the same time it is niuoh more brittle in Ueorcia resumed, i'omeroy advooatod The trtfstmoafr.amc'oroly- IS made from tho Phosphates of South Carolina, and is pronounced by vnriouB chemists ouoof tho bust Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian Guano in its Fertilising Properties.

Theao Phosphates aro tho remains of estmot land and sea animals, and possess qualities of tho greatost value to tho agriculturist. Price in Charleston, $60 Per Ton, 2,000 Lbs SAME AT MONTGOMERY, FREIGHT AND DRAYAGE ADDED. GEO. W. WILLIAMS Factors.

Shroveport but it Tvill not move to market until our staple quotations givo a lar Dividends Paid Since his amondmont making Georgia a military District and ordering election next Pall- cold weathor, aud has, for this roason. been tho cause of frequent accideuts at the North. Tho difficulty has been obviated to somo extent by placing a steel tat every ow -o a tiokot for the Firemen's hall Organization 500,000 present Liegislaturo to cease December 1870. ger prolit margin to planters. Tboro aro in Ouaobita Rivor some 20,000 bales of cotton to como down, certainly this much at Camden aud vicinity, back." Number of Policies Issued ClietbM they attend or not.

It will only LtS2.nd perhaps the Firemen during tost TO ANY EOUND IN THIS MARKET I REMEMBER WE HAVE KO REMNANTS CAR Hamilton of Texas spoke in favor of most extremo views and said adoption of Tlio Galveston News of the 9Ui sayB Oap over the iron rail. The superior safety, as woll as oomfort in traveling over the Soutborn lines in winter, is a generally admitted fact. Unfortunately we have no lines to compote with those of the itorear will s.avo u. umiaio about 20,000 Tko and Bafeat Assurance, ia in 'The receipts here tho next two months of property. The Theatre Has been isiuguani amendment would noflio death blow of tho Republican Party in the South.

Ho favorod Drake's amondmont to require military intervention to put down secret are likely to bo ligbt, tUougli lully up to Tried JFnd Experienced lriauged for tuo ocoaaiou aim jmuobib mm Diaz "with their usual liberality last year in tho same timo. A rise in the North for the trade and travel of the West at present. But, when they are completed, such considerations will be the feather that will turn tho scale organizations and denounced the organiz Trinity rivor would givo au increase over tlavo ftrniehed it free. The GasCompa- District. Travolinc and Local Amenta ed system of outrage, arson and murder last season of fully 100 por cent, for six eqnany awnu.

uow prevalent in tuo South. Said tho mur- "Wantotl. HEY. T. J.

TCJXLEGE. favor, other things being equal. weeks or two months. Othorwiao tho late dors iu the South since tbo war closed outuumbored the death in any general en jIbmoiiial Association. There will he meeting of the ''Memorial Association" Premiums Offered to fhti Planters of South and North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.

We wish to oiioourugo the movement among Planters to increase the produot of their lands by better cultivation, and by tlio use of manures. We think the poor lands of tho can bo restored aud mado to produce abundantly while the crops of good lands can bp largely increased by tho free use of the Phosphates so providentially diseovorod in this Slate, from which tho best of Fertilizers are now mado. POOR AND GOOD laud cannot be made to yield equally. Wo propose to extend an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to all, so far as t-ho nature of tho caso p*rniits. We therefore offer the following premiums, based upon INCREASED PRODUCTION ovor the NATURAL GROWTH of provious years from the samo land without manure: PKIZKsi FOKC'OTl'ON PEIZBS FOK CJOISffiJ.

Pensacola. Some outorprising man ness of the crop season will causo planters to turn their attention assiduously to gagement duriug tbe-war. Said that if RIED FROM TEAR TO l'EAIt TO DISPOSE OP OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW AND FUESII, AND PARTIES PURCHASING FROH US, CAN UELY THAT OUB GOODS ABE IN PRICE AND QUALITY, EXACTLY WHAT WE REPRESENT; 1VE AVOID THE 1 A C-TICK il loi'aslciXLS twice trie: Iworth of uii ar-1 itiole, and then, aba-: tins the price Tor the purpose- of makinjz t-ho pixrohaser believe iis Kettins; a bar-: Our motto in', one price, and reaonable, State Agent. T. H.

CL0VEE, Oflioo Agont. "WiT. H. BEDELL. Snpt.

oi' Acenciea CtI. DANIEXi II. WOBKAEASTf Sxieoial Assent. Col. W.

JI. 0GB0URNE, Local Arrcnt. edoral power was withdrawn tuo negroes MoDuay afternoon, ti o'clock at tno can do well by putting up a first class hotel iu Pensacola, their fields, thereby ourtailiug receipts, J.ud wouiu one tno uust, iscc. tie said ot MbodiBt Protestant Churoh. Having Mr.

Morgan is preparing to run a line the Bingham Amendment was adopted he would not dare to live at his own Texas after their, crops are "laid by," should prices bo sustained, it is expeoted receipts jetermiuod to ohango the day for tho do Oftice Dr. H. A. Howabd'b i of stoamors between Peuaacola aud New Orleans. hom*o and dououncod the poople thero as will again bo liberal.

East of tbeTrinity the most blood thirsty sot of cut throats nation of our Soldier's graves Jrom tne illi of April to tho 3d of May, a largo at-mdaiico ia earnestly desired, to raakoari- Drug Store, Wo. 90 Gommoroo atreet. anMdt however, much of the crop owned by plan The Commercial Mr. Campbell, of tbo Southern ExpreaB, God had ever permitted to live on his foot stool. ters will not bo marketed before August 'ements to that elleot.

Boromau and Pool snoko against the with a few of bis associates from Mont Specie Payment Resumed! aud Soptember." Weelily Statement. gomery and Atlanta, readied our city on Mrs. JUDGE BIBB, President. Soo'y. priuoiple.8 of the amendment.

Pool favored military intervention in tho South. Under tho same conditions of iucroased production from fivo acres of land. FIRST PRIZE A handsomo BUGGY and HARNESS, Worth 175. SECOND PRIZE A SULKEY CULTIVA- TOR, or its valno in any other Agricul- ,1 tural Implement. THIRD PRIZE A DOUBLE BARREL GUN, or a RIFLE, worth $50.

inursuay last ana were entertained by their friends hero on tho rollinsr deep in A motion to adiourn was lost bv a tie. FIRST PRIZE-A GULLETT GIN OF 40 SAWS, or a Ilorao or Mulo of samo value, and one of Dodgo's celebrated STEEL PLOWS, for tho greatest inrraisid pro- I dilation iu pounds of Seed Cotton, from five acres of land, SECOND PRIZE -ASEWING MACHINE, I of any patent dosired, worth $150, or a COTTON PRESS of name value, for tho second greatest increased moduelion from aou PHIOBS 357 0H.705- lh Autauga Circuit Court adjourned Finally it was agreed to tako a vote next Tuesday. Stook oil hand Soptombor 1st, C3 Koc'd past wook Hec'd previously Total Shipped past ivook Shipped previously FOB klerday evoning. The caso 01 the State searoh for "red Bnappors." We hear a great deal of the exploits of this party and regret wo wore so engaged as to be unable to have joined it. The yacht 117, IDS 1,101 M.II02- 00,093 E.

Dennis, Kauioal Probate Judge, House adjourned to Mouday. Fortress Monroe, April N. P. Banks, from Cherry Stone, reports that arced with attempting to murder B. W.

Threo Brothers" was ohartored for the Stools on hand by count tag, was contiuued until next term, 011 PltlZBaJS FOB A-TT Under the samo conditions. flee aores of laud. Ihursuavnisht, April. 14, 70 7,103 occasion, and in going out ran into a lar at the Navy Yard, aud wo are informed (count of Dennis' failure to appoar, Paul Koo'd corresponding week last UERIBaiBBIt ship Crest of tho Wave, from Liverpool, with railroad iron for Baltimore, wont nahoio on Hogg Island, Snnday night, all hands wore lost. Thoir bodies drifted voar J7a McOOY COFFIN, IVo, 34 Conn street 9 ftrotaok, was acquitted of the charge would doubtless have been wrecked bad it not been for tho timely aid of Mai.

FIRST PRIZE-A SULKEY CULTIVATOR SECOND P1UZE-A WHEAT FANNING liim, in whion somo uegroos falsely Shipped corresponding weok last yoar 1,154 Stock April Hi, Uecoived to April 10, 'o0 ashore on Cobb's Island. THIRD PRIZE A SULKY CULTIVA- TOR, or any other Agricultural Implc- meut of equal value, for the third groat- est increased production from fire acres of land. Damrell of tho TJ. S. Eugiuuer Corps, aud Capt.

Arrant of the Navy: ftcoco against him. Mr, S. Was ably de London, Atml lu. Fivo hundred Emi HAVE juat rocoivod, and invito ovorybody to como and eeo their new atock of Staple and i THIRD PRIZE A SILVER WALTIIAM grants sailed from this city for Canada, iu inded by Gov. Watts and Gen.

Clantou, Stock of bacon in Montgomery One Moue Gone to Best Dr. Alfrml is light boon au steamer Medway. Bid ably proceeded by Mac. A. Smith, with a fair demaud.

There has Fancy Dress Gtoads, of the neweatand most fashionable stylos, and at tho loTveafc rates ever offered in this market, consisting of Sprague'a Prints cents por yard. Clopton died iu Montgomery, on tho Ulcvetand. Atml lo. Medina, a town of and Solicitor Booth. 1" inhabitants, buildings of wood was entirely burned Just night.

PLACE! jicamomis uo uo uo Paoiflo'a do do do loucester's do do do il'EiST oy The PASSOfEH. Tho irUeree-m; annual occurrence in the ritual of Paris, Aiml Id. There was a mooting of 8SSSS3S Conestoga du do do upward tendency in the West and a slight advance whioh has had a similar elleot here. Stock of corn is good aud prices slightly lower. Stock of hay and oats aburidaut.

Sugar supply is good aud prices firm, Uour the same. We append Week tne party ot tlie lots in corps -Ceiiainiiff, and the Radical Journalists last night, to tako aotion in rogard to Plebiscite Gam- iiHebrow Church, tomniencod Thursday leiiufr at o'clock, and lasts (lays, Inmmitiog at tiio samo hour 011 the ove- betta. Jules Pavre aud many other mem Lrarunoi a uo uo uo 10 conta do Hope do do Sedwicka do do Braces at to to 23 cents do Ghilds Linen Diobsob, Summer Balmoral and Skirts. AJho, Vmbrollaa aud Parasols. THE CAROLINA FERTILIZER mu" aloto bo neSTus maulrem its excollcuco on tho basis of tho analysis of Prof.

SnEPARD Evidences of tho use i of this Fertilizer, of tho quantity of land cultivated, mode ol cultivation and weight of manure used, as well as of the result, must bo (urnished. cet liued by three disinterested planters in tbo neighborhood. These stiitemenn must be made in duplieate-ono copy lor D. Wy.vit Aiken, Secretary of the "Statu 'tJ'' 0py f01" wi publUUcd Irf tUu ruARr'r "WILLIAMS Factors; ClIAKLEST-ON, S. November, Ibt, lfiliD.

It. Then i Prizes aro offered to Planters in tho of South and North Cm o-lina, Geoigia and Alabama. wiii 220.023 cQj Oo February litth, IU. AGENTS, MONTOOMERY.ALA uigut oi iuo rbu over eiguty years of ago. Ho was a Virgiuiau by birth, removed from that State to Putnam county about sixty years ago, was a prom-nout citizen of that couuty, serving tho people in a public capaoity in many different positiona.

Soon after the settlement of Macou be oamo to this place and was ono of tho fust settlors iu Viuovillo. Por several yours be wus idoutified Willi tbo business intorcata of "Macon, a merchant of wealth aud iuftuouco- He was also a largo planter but iu the torriblo liuanolal crisis of 1810 to Uii had ly Prices Cnrrout. of the 23d inst. During all this timo bers ot Corps wero present. Six-two l'ro-viucial aud fourteen Paris journals wore represented.

After informal discussion, it was decided to voto negatively at Plebis (0 leavened bread ia partaken of by any 3IABKBT. rrlvn'tlm lltllntvlmr l.illtln nf wlw.ln.i nrinpo as wen aa ureaiosc varies oi leaibcr of tho congregation, in obedience iilivtoo command, andin oommomoration cite, and to circulate manifestoes ngniust Canno'd Dried Preserved fruits retail pricon aro a shatlo hijxlmr Lacon Olonr sides pur ID IS, clear rib sides 171: Buouldora l-'i, aumir nnirii bama 'i to object of Plebisoito. The Journal Official contains a decree ftlicdcliverauco of "God's chosen people that can be found in thia city. plalu hams islO kb the Angol of Death whou he carried tho earning of his younger days swept TIB WARE, GLASS WAR' -UULK All.iTa ijicav siuea i uii huipt, 161 1 shoulclors 13 ch'r middles loj. away, and moved to i lorida.

A few voars nominating M. Seguis as Minister of Finances, replacing Bnflbtt, aud Charging Ollivier with Secretaryship of Foroigu and mohrning into the of their Egyptaiu oppressors. later ho sottled iu Macou couutv. Alu. liAUOIMU Imlla-li ivoniucKy iiornto Butteu Goshen 45 country 23" C3 affairs adinhrim, in place of M.

Daru, and BaooJis pordozou $1 000,00 BOOTS, SHOES, Dairy SS Wmin I-, K-n unsiaii Ha M. Iticnards. IiibBink. This is tho most popular Tork State 14 iloiiie, April 15. Yesterday a certain at thi delightful place of amuscmen t.

Voung Misses and Masters whoso itimbor of Fathers abstained from assisting at meeting of Ecumenical Council OaMiLBs Star I'JS'J Sporin uii. CitiAiis Domestic peril. In.0na5v,co. C'01-FSB, pfl' Vftl.Vm Alixid imr liuihpl. I.tii Ho baa for a number oi years past resided with bis son, Hon.

David C'lopton, in Montgomery, Hiarouiains will bo interred to-day in Tuskegec, where repose thoso of his good wife, who died about eighteen years ago. Ho had a quick, restless, strong intellect, which mado him a man of mark wherever be lived. Thus a long life full of joys uud sofrows, gratifications and disappoint J. T. MoDONALD 00., IfS.a,x-lLG tw ttr oet, (HicNor ruBorK.v.ivoiiK ilui IlIO.NTCJOailJRY, ALA.

March -M, Io70. Executor's Sale. UNDER nnd by virtue of tlio powora giv-oa iu tlio will of Jefl'orson r. Jackson, docuasod, will soil ut tbo Artoslnn Basiu in tlio City of Montgomery, ou tlio Tircntij-cighlh Day of March instant, tho following real estate, to-wlt Lots uuinbor 47, 4S, id, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 51 between Blploy and Union stroots, and extending South to city limits on lots 47 aud IS aro two small housos. Tho lot ou which Is situated tho late residence of said deceased, containing; about two acres, lieu tne vote ou Hi-uemo against heroro occupy their timo during the week, A ud ii Fresh Huppl' or Pamily (xioceriess whito loxy was takeir Others uccompauied Hav Southorn per aoriuern SMcdo'oiroubroal si-J, iiinow their votes with a declaration of disapprov WARE, IRON, STEEL AND MAILS.

al of manner iii which tho achoiuo hud iliero for recreation and pleasure, add ample attention uud instruetiou, lucre are more toncliets connected with iustitntion than any other in tho boon discnssi'il. lticlmllug tho boat braiuU of t'luiir and, A proab vnrloty ol' CJKACK13K8, FKKSH UUTTKB iV liUOS, unit nro In roolpt ol Poultry two or throe tliuB wook. Lamp Chlmiioys nt 10 to 13 cents, 7o rolineil broad 7o i narrow 3 I atcnl plow lie, Uo man 95o oast nails to li ptr Urg i'Loua I'lue, porbhl. snporllnou (10 extra double oxtva- fancy ments, has boon brouirht to a close. Mnv Madrid, Aiiril 15.

Senor Olanza bus I een his aoul rest In peace'. Macon Tcleiiranh. A FULL SUPPLY OF THE CELEBRATED appointed President of tlio Counoil of State. mjtry. To-uight tho assembly will bo Jf entertaining, as wp antioipato ovon IKON Tins por 7tf.

Leatueu white o.ik. boIo I', homlorh .1) Tho Toochors' ExcbangoiB emphatically SILVKK CHANGE ertkating than has yet been seen. Tho tho pluoo to purohaBe your papers, both Nogsarocool, aud with, such dalight- for variety and selection, Ladies may paiilon all lillla ovoi rourllollars. 0U and ox-amino oilr dtook for yournolvos. pick up a paper at fhoTeaohors' Exchange, apl3atr MCUOY rpiffiN Tho Barctluno Insurgents are rocoivlng unusually sovoro sentences.

In tho Cones yesterday Gen. Prim indicated that a curtain time would ho allowed during which tho clergy must tako tho oatU of nlicgiancp. Paris, April 13. A dispatch is published to-day stating that the at tike at La C'rnziit is ended t'r tlio time being. with good out-bnildinga.

About twolve acres adjoining the city limits lying East I'ronehca t'nUlns 4,31 rall nhinii I rn harness leftthu a II) dry hldalB groou hides 7i Oats per bushel. Laiui iirinio por IU Isitlej. Mai usueL No. I verlt-. Slti'-WM if .2 Ho.

N. I. No.ii, No. .1, km. Ho kits.

Meai porbtiehel, Mm.iEst.'1-Nnw Orleans, por jnllon OOntiO Bartou's Book and Music Store without encountering thoso iiisguatiug prints, Tho anil Soutn juast ot sam resilience, lieing the Burden ami orchard, this tract will be niKSic, this is cortaiuly ft pleasant place inendafowbouro innocentlyv aliiux Officer GreoD Huttloson re-ni fiOni Columbus yesterday with O'Pryox, tho thiof for whom Gov. ia-offcredarowardou tho 131K liinK Polico Gazotto, Tho Last Day's Doings aud divided into convenient lots, a map of which will bo made and shown on day of prints of like character. Florida Cuba Roldon njrup S3 Barton should bo encouraged for an 1,00. other reason, ho sells every papor and pc'tmi per uui Oil. Koro e-if, nersuiloa, jitoC'i linseed, raw, charged with robbing Mr.

Cal- riodical at tho same rates they can be pur Unwed. to 1 ,3 boiled, 1,311, lard train chased in any Northoru city, uo to Barton's and you will bo sura to find tbo best and Potatoes -In sh, peruui, I'oWDEi: Kenluckv Kilto. por koa, kre r-j. luoumuiijr, Buiuu bwo moning te. of Lis pockctboofc, eoDlaining 60.00 V-nency, Lis watct, an old family rol-ifilncdot $150.00, and notes to tho 13 Court Street, sale, tboro aro two small nouses on tins tract ono undivided hall interest in twenty acres lying immediately East of tbo abovo described garden, and Snnth of Col.

1). S. Troy's residence. Twenty acres lying immediately East of tho Inst named tract, and will lie divided into four lots. One-third interest in about thirty acres, known as the "old racS tract." One half nndiri'led interest in lot on corner of Com-merco and Tallapoosa street, 50 feet by 125 feet, being part of Eot No.

in Square No. 4 subdivided. Lot No. 8, in Sl'mro No. 10 in East Alabama nlat.

Ono hundred and inoat popular variety. dht 1,00 1 keg KorE Manilla, por 15 21 cotton 40 machlno made 10. la WARRANTED TO GIVE SATI8FACHON. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington, 'pril 15.

The Prisidi lit recognized Mr, Unre, Consul France at Charleston Xnnior Weissenback, Consul Swiss Confederation for Louisiana. Xrin'stoii, Afuinc, 15. Grand Lodg-os of Temperance Societies, resolved to take no direct action in politics at present. Jfew Xarl'r April lt. Good Friday more generally observed to-day than ovor before.

Produce, Exchange, Stocks and Gold boards mid several Mercantile and Banking Houses closed. Conrts ndjonrn-ed yesterday 'till Monday. All Episcopalian and Catholic Clmrclics wero opened, of SI.5U0 00. At tho timo ho corn f-ia'J. Salt nor sack, ii-Jj ICaEatrah.hbl., of 7hnTh' ea Iho robbery, bo was fleoiug from ola.

YiTRinUlU Tmooiterg. Dealers find Jobljcrs in American B. L. WYMAB. Couintctcc slgect, Sign ol tlio JPadlocIi, shot per siCKVi.ia.

St oAB Loniniana common 10310J fair llji'-l nuuer tbe cbargo of vagrancy, presented bimself to Mr, Callownv jau2lMtni and Foreign prime liilJ' choice ll.lHi white r'anUcU Ijj j'aiiiDg work. Ho remained in Mr. cmsnoai. Bixty acres of larm lying on tho waters of HET YOUR (V30P3EY mm a mm Masealluight, and while alone in hriura-por Green, per 13., t.MAOd b'ack Vinet-Aii per gallon 50a33. Ton.n co Lusonnd 50E33; common, sound, 11 1111 1 "BootN jvii 1 NItoea t' and services were well attended.

sa the next morning, lobbed him ft. O'Pryot is young, and calcnla- latti honest BODOOrt.if bftwaq nn. If VJ.Ii J. JUL One-ill's majority for Mayor of new con Uedar creek, iu JUovnnlcs connty, being SWSofScc.3iT.12H,iX Also, Lot No. in SqnareNo.

40, near depot of the Montgomery and Enfanla Railroad 20 shares reduced stock ia South North Ala, R. R. Co. Also, 20 shares in Mont-comery Mobile R. B.

ATVIIOI.E3At.S KCT.V1K, for Gil medium, blight, 05 fine extra I.BO:: navy COS70. WIllBKBr- Tisctifiod, per gallon bonrbon solidated Jersey City, 3d30 Board of Aldermen stand 21 Democrats; 11 Radicals BY BUYING YOUR WoSSMtoltet HAS THE BESE IX YOtJR -CVHILr! TO BXAJJKJB offering, at Greatly Rtdaced in order tomako room it. jiow daily recelvinK THE CItr, YOTJWILL EISV IT DRY GOODS ClXcOXHING, WStOCEttlJSS, HARDWARE, BAUGING, ROPJB, TWINE, TIES, CLOTHS, EATS, CAPS, BOOTa AJPiD SHOES, Gnus, Pistols, Powder, Sliot, ASP TUG H7TE3X r.nASDS OF mm Madrid. Anril 15. Spanish Clergy per Puz to vrotk.

Other iudictmenfs Kdicg against bird, abd wo hardly f' tell snuff free air again soon. sist in their refusal to swear allegiance to The STOCK Which Terms of Sale: One-half cash, aud the Fnrriishcs lnstirancn at COST by Ibo TuispEXirsE por gauon, tEA per 10. Ciiicimiafi, April 15, 170. Corn, trood demand 86.19U; whiskey dull, Seium Premium Plan, otiginal with this iirnnmn Prices, and flit 1 lv tlieir P.ulum-G CO.UUlTTEfc?.-i!V,r tbo uompany. Agents ana canvassers wan 06fe97; pork firm 29; lard 16; bacon firm; slionldera Vt Clear sides IB'.

tVUlilll iSn'tlw I-'Ws-li wltit-h ted iu Alabama aud Mississippi tbo highest commissions to good men. iottKrifif, Jprit lu, Plont and araiu unchanged; pork 2'J; tho Constitution, though tho timo within which they are required fp tako oath is short. They have shown no disposition to yield. Fivo men havo been executed at Barcelona for robberies, and asssasins, J'inH, Aprif 15. Now ministry havo issued manifests of Policy.

They say they Will endeavor to smooth difficulties and soften asperities bnt without; departing from Constitutional ways or Violating Im balance on one year, with interest iroin sale, or nil cash, at the election of the purchaser. T. II. "WATTS, Es'rof T.E. Jackson, de'd.

ESP The above sale has been postponed until May tho Oth, JS70. NEWMAN fc JAMES, March 23th, i870, Abotiohgets. AP It iwtbo fnends of tho firemen wo '-btlie names of those t'olnposing the committees appsiatcd by tbo i'lScoiapinieq of fho Pire Depart-! to decorate their respective ma- bacon shoulders lit clear sides HiJ; whis- Iti Eudless Variety, for Spring Trade. Montgamery, Alabancs tlarch Sih, Brandy, Whisky aud Wine Apply to J. I.

KNIGHT, W9 Commerce Street. apiodlf Superintendent of Agencies. Atw lore, iipru iu, ic. Bsing good Friday, Cotton matket is "a jiunnersary Tjay closed. AtA.

in fact, everything in thS Way ol FXu fLJS TATION -AND- MoHTCOJiEUY, April lltb, 1870, perial rights. Gov'ment will identify itself vlf li mrttrnTrrtrrmfr. fill -AND Augusta, April lo, Market ouict. bnt firm; sales 216: re- os'vrar fasstciAus and planters, "Wg 5C4.xi -will iaH M'. Editor: DeauSik I have arrived in your city, and with me I have the five '4, 1- "'lontPainters.

ceints 275: middlincs 201a2l: sales of week WINDOW SHADES. UOlSJGHOtO SUPPJliIE'S I 7' Hpitniaiog, cha r- 1X7 IT Al-, receipts 1755; stock dollar Washing Machiuo, the best in use. Xfli 'wlilcri thry inTite tho oitentlori flf i i n.a. viaynn. v.

il. PfoL A- ortnn. W. W. Powell.

And Waters, patent tube or Drove Well 3. co*kZELtt'S, Cormcrce (Street, next JStw uricanz, jpm icm. Flour drooping, corn which succeeds ia giving pure water in to Excliango Hotel, Scarce bay, prime 27; pork 30: b.tcon iJlI RTi S. chairman; la S'Vi 1' Crenshaw, clay soils. Tho fact that not a particle of firmer hams basis of common rights and liberty.

Washington, April 15. Second ratification of XVth Amendment visited tho President. President replied and could not say anything to tlioso hero assembled this evening to convince them nny further than I havo done my earnest desito to see the XVth Amendment become ft part of the Constitution. I will only add I hope those enfranchised by it will provo themselves worthy of tbo benefits to tbOm and thoso who havo tho franchise without it tSnfl all may bo mnf.ilally benefited by it. I feel AS JnstBeceivoa SIX THOTJSAVB ROLLS you osixts.

-ftSao ame xua.K.t;aii;a.oisi tho Pnbtic. Xhcir ttrma are the iOtVXSr. and they Invite thoir fiionda to give tnom a call before purchasing elsewhere. Highest Price lsuil (iff CoUosi sand, clay Of soil of any kind is drawn op' Of WALL TAPER, Ma 'larlcs McDonald, t. others urichaugd.

Cotton steady, mid- proves the vast superiority over all oth dtincs as: sates rccoinis v.oai; ex ITfSt COd PAIR OF WINDOW SUADES, Also, EtCXTJItES AND FRAMES OF ALL Tho general introduction of the Wa- ports to Liverpool 9,921: Bremen Amsterdam Gonoa 70S stock 160, 784; sterling 23 UN.Y. Sight 8 premium; tnacISdCm Try no, nrl ace if we mean what We I I DESCRIPTIONS. ters Well will relievo jour citizens of the suffoeating dust, and enormous yearly tax now paid for watering tho streets. Por Parties desiring to parctaso hail better call confident that this will be the result. gomias.

ii'i-5 i' Jeo. Johijston toH? H- W. S. Do- BLOUNT, early. mr17iUt I bad not thongbt so I would not have been so anxious for its ratification.

household purposes It is now beyond a dotibt Eestmied Specie Payment incil itw Frank. Pais. fl, wen, jrt 'ffhu AUiiinniti Ui As- DEOLINE IN GOODS GOLD IS DOW 1 DfifH BfiWH H. 0 DAVlDSOl CO. Sign of im ncqbo aud Hoist QEOe IS, TODD, DIlLAttH JONES, 1 Charitable and EquitabJi socid-tiniA xvill pay alt prices oxcept "Siitglo Siunb'-iV lis The SecoSd Gri.itfD Salt, of tlio "Mont gomery Fire Depart mcnt'" will tako place at tbo Theatre, on Tuesday evening, April Bpe.uis ooastingiy 1 1 mbatantlal mamtor, and onergf and 109 Coisittieirce Sttcot, an iuexaustable supply can be obtained, and that at an early day Wells Of this patent will bo sank for protection against lire in thoso portions of your city now so much in need of it.

Cistern having proved Of but small practical utility although verj costly, and almost always oat of repair 'When most needed, tlm mri. rs- Silver, "fflifl rates biltg use same si Ihe.y were in Gvev.ii wmch tho Brunswick and nwa is teiog forward to 11'. Committee' of Arrangements': Gai, Pistols, GatlepyrenuKaterial, ft Beeba, F. O'Brien, A. R.

Baker, H. Myor TAVEnlarbed allof their rooJs down to j)r XX prices t-noumo to ony. ana adds PrWa.and gratitlcatloa SIttcks. BOTJD, fc VO. April lStbjJRW, dhw Of Twenty-eight fyftinibef Atid PdUB 27 for Si, A.

M. Kouuedy, Jos.Bauraer, Music nm der tbo direction of Prof, ISitsoh. Master 116 fntlnfithSiidGn to tlio rmr lot of COLT PATENT PISTOLS, SMTH 4 wSI PATENT PISTOL'S, nml nit SSXS nlcipul authorities owbitto tho citizens 13 tD0 uotormination of Iti. lSa? contractors, arid, vtxp'fcz'cd tiio ro.irlint nGerdri. Dissdlutioii of Copartnersliip, liui firif IKae dra of Ceremonies, Prof.

Fv McDonald. Price ot tickets 2, Which: can? bo had from any of the Committee, or at Jost Baft ox jionrgoraory 10 taKO tuo matter in band, and givoit their' prompt' and earnest at, tention. This 0xperimeritt jfc. is. hoped will solvoSSnd remove tbo difficult fnr ll icuiiro panaiooiion guaraurooii, SiOJ3TatlERYr AliA.

w-iuioAAi iwuaiSHLJR'H Rttfia oi tlio Od9j6 wialaa tho mora amr03, salt nil. 3- Como nnd Ptamtao bafora pnrnhaiinr! clar. whoro, as I ism ooarlvl to jIoa in tlW scsi Rilltanf iiixmtj voiiiuiuuiuuiy, in piiuittuir uotwoen JamcaS. Collins and GoorgB w. Mathews, was dissolved bv mutual consent on the 1st of mer's, Jonas Bio's, R.

W. Oifutt'a, John January test. GEOItQE -W. MAXHEWS. Irb'nstraoEion purposes m- Egget's, apT2td AP111 ma, 8iu.

mm PAYS COMBIriAtlOWS 0 Two Nnmbora, Tol fo llie. Tares Eight iroar Six 1 Savon Threo lioth Bteacii-toadors and mnedo ItjCow. time to come. I can be seen at if. Harwell's.

No. 21 Market street, with: samples, also representing J. H. DttVall Co's World Champion Engines-andMills Guano! Guano Messrs. Wilson OnonnmbMiit tho CdratoUlorl datitlea the Soo' jfneent Uttn lOMOst nopnlar in nuo.

aadoootWa, Ropolrlng of all Sinai d.o la hast raarmor. fln otoc'It o-JPa3toijt Saclilo, lirat ro. If arch SO th, fllim. Thorn toft No. SJ6 Court slteet, ore ottofing i53ruMiM to bav be' laid, wonsana tons urn now piled A.

I. HUE1), Trailing Agent. TJ! 3Kobii; IiaritiUVU- Aim iiomor to tuo moio amount of tnoi stai. frbes Cashod Immcdlatfllr Wlthodi lllsconut Te.9 and alongsida tho traelcin to sou the coiebratdd Chesapeake Goano on time 1st Nov. next.) This Guano lias been Open da aii night thb "BUfto," oti Portr Si, In toco-Tit of 0.

heavy nml iwseitcil otoolt All JLmCm of eoxsTsir'ci St aJf Ct cbfldtfj mow Gteff! cueap A LARGE is WELL SELECTED STOCK Off io lilxaa' Just Boceivotl for tho SPRING ABE. In part of FINK (IiOTU rnocssj SCOICH CHEViOIE, KSSMSIf MErjTONS,, BHotfff DAHlli BATTISE, HAIR MVE AND OHTE, BROWrf AND Wit'E DIAGINaLE, MENS, BOrg AND tdtTOHS' HAtS', FCRxisnraa goods, elation xi.j'H alt evet Aothotlzcd or an Act of the Aiataua teglslstncc. thoroughly tried -Alabama, and has Mly 'W' wm 06 li uoiiupto. i 6t utorvenes', It Is expected ffoVr" "S3 itt working ningfiw jiumbers, in. silver.

Notice of Copartnership. XT OtldiS la So il wa fitti ifccoti fiirasa too IJt hoortJidajitfdAPsttarlw aiv and t- E. UEEBE fe GO- proveu to lm tho, very best fertilizer pow Sao BARRELS SLqltR, nil JL omciAi )om till tttto tho IKiKinmni WIS no- I6 atanilMa tfp'nfttloa Alufaea- by aiun rliirfea ana tnlhuiMt Yawn Powdet dnn tmlvA AT nr hit rnnnaioo ort-HTi'Bxjir Umax. JPUH thepliWio la sierl for J3t Uvcrf mnso, apruiSdhvr 0m8ii v. k.

c6. Mentgontcty.Ata-, Ajjnt istfo IW. 'fha Annual Meeting of Th Stookhfol- Wft-JIM. -vyootfrn WHISICTJEg, WINES, GIN, reMt past, is duo -to its porflwt PnWly, heaJUii 1)tne Khd eeonemy, Put ftp in repwsenteil.aiH ftlfl koiipfof jfri M6bii6 Cnaritftble AmmWB tjMta unction or goon wo, doubt not train for the it 50 Bio64can1nIUPjt.r 20 attilS. 6UOAR.

til aaH Oraohod and Pol- April A.XiiivxiTtl'IilN. HtRKKt. ....19 dots Of tho Montgomery fc West Point relation ot passengers aud the Insietrdanceviiih an XclotOiiZeikUHu, Approv- 'ion or icciub win ue put on 'W f.nAMtfAft 4VtW Miller r.hli6rMnsstf!y"iwt at Hdsra 'Jine flnanijEr roauirea ior use is ironi ona fourth to ono-fialf less than other Baking Powders. Sold by JreeWfl (hftWRtinat the United States, DO0IiB7intOTHEKi MaatiKietnreriand Proprlcfora C3 A'eie Eintt, Ken rorti. 150 lomWnm warn JL' Takss pleasure in informFngbis frieuila aad Hailftoad CottipiinywllI be hold at' the offlooiof Dm Qjnf ahy in Jhe oitj? of fjomory on Friday, April 22d, at 11 o'oloek untxe carta mma, tenKum-uioa, tuA emsmtiit kept ia I too interior thoroby Increased; J' charming City Will Off pihcad In tho public tllafc lift has ojjesod his Ice Cream Saloon for the Season, whor* La- rnarhMT.X'&Suow 179 rr-ir WTlor to nny orongtit to this rtmrkot-, Sflit io oertAlMyA" JgM 1,, J10 TOianonH wuii oiuor parts IWiUltl fltato and tho ontoido flies and Gentlemen will rind; at all times 8 39T37 I 7 I MSl7rsi i leer Cream add Soda Wafer of all the dif- oaicsTrffiH fa it? or Mant gsjaow.

mmitttos ffM fecOMuuhdod, nih 53 a etfffwftea sslit ramoft A singles rate pie JtRfteMr At A. TV liMstvtofiira ottt ftMsSn TwhrA rinaeif.l iJ h)0f tbo aabjeftb of BrufiSWiek, foTont! flavors, Particular, attention trill A. OHAbdeS POMjABD, aplltd Prosldeiit, Sxit.r, Com nstjeu. Tlio estonalvo dry goads salo still BtWitiauos at It. Xs.

Sm Co's, Iadlea can still pnteliftRO atiythinfc they need fit fittmlorlidy InW ptlftes. at oOoe, tf OLABS )80 RVItNINtt. tie Paid to thin branch of tho bnainesaand onr rcadeffl to tho auvot 100 TDU. DRIED ME At, 3S do fla GntS, as iio do nowty SATtjit i-. mt.timmrt.

ltaOlrfnTAfiWifrnfCflfif, March i tfiTil-dtf I aftlod far i ofltM -of XoWl Kxrtn SM ootti(thoC'aiantfcail, (Wiwa ntl AMata nt, Tifivo Evafythittft the droslj and very Witi8 irlv nrid at ajt. i'Mi plaoo. Real quality. apriimict alhSCtb, 1R70, I few a iit. x.

tmt yam vmmmW' April 'Tirtfr 'il'f nriimit H'ti'l ttjki Til'M "ifnl" "ilfcfiY in'ii ijgiiin jifnw.

The Montgomery Advertiser from Montgomery, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.