The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia (2024)

ADDITIONAL TELEGRAPH. The Arkansas (Brook's) Republican Jitnte IitTOE Rock, May Brook's Republican Btate Contention, assembled at 10 a. m. Col. A.

Williams, of Pine lllulT, was elected permanent President. 1 Joseph IJrooks, of Pulaski county, was i nominated by acclamation lor Governor. He accepted tho nomination In a short speech, when tho Convention took a ro- cess until 2 P. M. a aftkllnoon session.

On reassembling, the commltteo sub- carina nf rMAllltfodB AS follows Tho ring which controls tho State government, Eds inllictcd on tho people tho wont government ever tolerated by a people. Thoy liavo robbed tho people ol bcnclltaol the ballot by fraudulent registration, ballot box stuffing, and incrcasid tuxation and our Btato indebtedness to millions without any corresponding benefit to the State, have prostituted tho courts of the State until they have become tho engine of oppression, and therefore Jlaolttd. That we nro in favor of universal suffrage, universal amnesty and honest men for officers; in favor of honest elections; reduction of taxation; reform in tho courts; opposed to tho unqualified appointing power of tho Governor; opposed in the corrupt management of tho finances; in favor of civil against military government, and unqualifiedly condemn the use ol the military in times of peace to carry eloctlons against the choice of a majority of the legalelectors; opposed to tho repudiation of any honest debt, but equally determined to shield tho Btato against all protended debts that may lie imposed upon our people by a fraudulent Issue of levee and railroad bonds; reiterate relentless adherence to Hepubiicanism, that all men are entitled to equal civil and political equality, and lavor the removal of all civil and poUticalMisabilities; and inherent, a largo number of persons were indicted in the federal courts, In this Stato, lor most flagrant violation of tho dec Hon laws, una i n-mum Urant, upon llic application and in the interest of suck indieted criminals and their accessories, suspended honest and efllcient officers for uo other reason than that they would vigorously enforce the law, and allowed nnd permitted such indicted persons to designate and natnetho marshal to select the Jury by which they were to be tried, nnd the attorney to prosecute them for such ollcnscs, whereby the criminals were turned loose without punishment und the law trampled under loot, and frauds and crime encouraged, and has seen lit to take sides with unit support and sustain the corrupt State llouse ring, in their iniquities against the people; and whereat, it is now evident that President Grant will receive the nomination for President by the convention ol office-holders, to be held in Philadelphia, therefore be it Itetulreil, That wo emphatically condemn the coursu of the President in his intermeddling with Arkansas affairs in the interest of crimo and disorder, and decline toBcnd delegates to the Philadelphia Convention. And whereat Horace Urcelcy and B. Brown are now before the American people as the Hcpublican candidates for President and Vice President, upon platform which we heartily approve, and that they arc men ol unquestioned ability, integrity and patriotism, and have for many years been the earnest and consistent advocates and euauipions 01 uepuuucamsin auu universal freedom, therefore bo it Roolixd, That we cordially endorse the nomination of tho said Iloraco Greeley, and 13.

Gratz Brown, and the platform upon which they stand, unci pledge ourwives to co-operate with the friends of dvil government and reform throughout the assisting in their election. A minority report was presented by one member of the committee, in favor of sending delegates to Philadelphia, but it was voted down by iflargc vote, and the majority report adopted tlnnllybyarisiug vote, and made unanimous, after which the Convention took a recess till 8 m. SALT LAKE CITY. Sai.t Lakh, Hay refusal of Judge Hawley to recognize tho Mormon Territorial marshal is based on the fact that that never commissioned by the Governor. James Montgomery, a miner, who.

left Alta City, on the Little Cottonwood, ior Silver short time since, has not been heard Irom. It is supposed he has perished in tho snow. Tho church organ is earnestly endeavoring to mako it appear that the great petition ot the women ol Utah to Congress against Statehood was a lraud, and that uiaity Mormons signed it under a misapprehension ol its true character. The evidence, however, is abundant and positive tnat it is genuine, though some of the signers were evidently intimidated to dodge the responsibility. Tho rush of travel to Utah is still increasing.

The greatest number is from tho kuadreds on one train. Tho weather is quite warm, and In two weeks more It Is expected all the mining districts will be free Iroin snow. Tbo Mormon hom*o missionaries arc holding protracted meetings in diflcrent parts of tho Tetritory. Elder who proposed to horn Bait Lake City, is prominent among them. Bah Fbahcbco, May Hawaiian mall steamer brines instructions to stop sending correspondence by the Webb steamers, owingto a dispute with the government about subsidy.

The yield of the gold fields is Increasing largely. Additional discoveries have been made. The New England tin mines deposit streams havo been tested to the depth of six feet, and rich platlna was discovered near Benderner Victoria. Tho first section of the Northeastern Railroad was opened on tho 11th. Mr.

Duffy has announced that It is the intention of the government to make Melbourne the terminus of the ocean mail steamers in South Australia. Gold has been discovered lyt a telegraph construction party lu tho Northern territory. Work has been stopped by the Hoods. Tho Wallaroo copper mines arc increasing their shipments. The barque Midas was wrecked in Geograph Bay, Queensland.

Two new copper mines havo been discovered in tho Western District. Tho ltuilway Commissioners havo almost completed their labors. The government fs likely to extend tho Southern line to tho tin mines. (TOLEDO. Tousdo, May meeting was held at the Board ofTrade rooms lastevoning, to consider tlicToatter ot aid for tho Columbus aod Toledo railroad.

A resolution was "paused, pledging those present tb secure of tho cleotors of this city, under the liuxel railroad law, for anapptopriatlon towards the construction of such road, not exceeding $200,000. Tho wholesale drug establishment of was damaged bv Arc lust night to the amount or Fully Insured. The programme of the second annual meeting at the Quickstep Park Trotting Association, is published. The meeting occurs on tho 3d, 3d, -till and nth ol July. Pretalums to the amount of $15,500 are 1 ottered, with a purse ol to th? home beating Goldsmith Maid's 3:17.

Kntriej close June 5th. 4 4 Destructive Tornado. Cincinnati, tornado of lury piuaed over tho country north cast of this city, about 8 o'clock ycscrday nlternoon. Thomas Jones, a farmr, Is said to hnvo lost his house and barn, Icorgc McMullen bis house, and George his barn. Bevcrai "other houses vero unroofed.

Mr. McMulicn's house taken up and carried several rods vith tho members ot tho family In It, all whom wcro injured, though none faally. Tho track oLUie tornado waa a nu.ricr 01 nuio in width. It leveled ireharii as well houses, and caught ip horses nnil cattle and dashed them lown like trlllra, and played havoc gen(rally. Pittsburgh.

I'lTTBUtman, May Hudson, inglneer, and G. L. Douglass, flreman, on construction train ol Hie Pennsylvania Railroad, were killed this morning Salitzin. The construction train was Handing on tho track, and was run Into by a freight train. NORTH CAROLINA.

CiiAiu.oTTE, May DetnocraUp District Convention here to day, nominated lor Cdngress, Hon. Thus. b. Ashe, ol Anson county. Ex-Uov.

Vance, presided. Tho attendance was large. Severe Hall Storm. Foiitkess Monhok, May most severe hail storm for Bix years passed overyesterday afternoon, unroofing nouses and prostrating trees and lences. It lasted about thirty minutes, and was accompanied by rain, hall and lightning.

No OAKUlltVfl llUVrt lioiin IlBlllmore Cattle Market. Baltimore, Slay ami weak, having ucclineH Jc to ic; very best on said to day brought 7Ja8c; that generally rated first quality medium or good fair quality GaOc: receipts sales 078. largo and the demand equal to the supply at prices ranging from SJaOjc; receipts 8,703. overstocked and declined in consequence, with sales at 4Ja 4jc for common to extra. Receipts 4,007, Steamboats.

FOn'CINCINNATI? ngfc. The lino passenger steamer JjsJjsSEM' It. It. HUDSON CapLWif. M.

List, will leave as above on -Saturday, May 25, at 3 o'clock p. M. For freight or passage apply on board or lo K. IIORNBUOOK, my21 32 Water street. THOU CINCINNATI AND INTBKMBDIATB PORTS.

The near and light dmncht'Pas' senger Steamer "GRANITE 8TATB," A K. Kerr, Commander, and W. J. 0. Anderson, Clerk, will have for the above on Friday, May 21th, 1872, punctually at o'clock p.

x. For lrcikht or passage apply on board, or tc C. II. BOOTH Agonts. my23.

BTEAMBOA.T LINE uojwcen Martin's Ferry, Benwood and tiullalro. The steamer "MAIiKET BOY" will commence her rcgnlur trips from tho above named places, lor the accommodation of passengers, lrelght, Jbc, on Monday, thu 11th Inst. Wil. TOWNEY.Capt. THOS.MOOU, Clerk.

For freight, apply to Jas. G.Moiuus, Ag't, 31 Water street. Wheeling. wharf at 7 a. 10 a.

1 p. and p. m. lielialru 8 a. 11 a.

2 p. and or m. Hours por Sunday-Leaves Wheeling 11 a. and 0 p. m.

Leaves Bellalrc 0 a. and 1 p. m. Freight received at all hours at Wheeling Wharf, at 31 Water street. my 11 IB.

HUGHES, Plumber, Brass Founder, (. AS STEAM FITTER, 89 MARKET STREET, vtrrrcprrvn nr Dealer In Lead, Wrought, Casfand Galvanized Iron, Steam and Water Plpea, STEAM AND GUAGE8, Brass and Copper Goods of all kinds. Bath Tnbs, Water Closets. Bollera and Sinks, Pumps, Garden and Fire Engines, Wooden andIron Hydrants, Street Washers AND liURBER iiOSB. A complo assortment of Gas Fixtures Kerosene Lamps aoent for X.

U. WALKER eft CO'3 DRAIN TILS, Chimney Tops, Flues and Fine Linings; Flower Vases, and all other Terra Cotta work. Special-attention given to fitting up buildings with all Modern Improvements in Gab, Water and Steam. VfT Prompt attention given to orders from a dlstanco. feb80 COOL AND HOW TO DO IT Go to B.

F. CALDWELL'S and order ono of his Artie or Ice K4b? Refrigerators, And you can do it perfectly. They are the bost In the market for meats, vpgetablo, and indeed for all articles that ought to bo kept cool in warm weather they aro the thing. Call and examine and leave yonr order now and be ready in time. He also has a large assortment of WaUr Coolers, all sizes, and a'grcat variety of House Furnishing Goods, ull at low ptlces.

All tbo celebrated ato ou lunua ai aiB pinco. TIN ROOFING. Having obtained extra machinery for Hoofing, I am now better prepared to do such work than ever before, and em do it mnch quicker and better than can bo dono by hand. B. P.

CALDWELL, apll COAL! COALrcOAL! H. CAPEHART, Dealer In Ohio Coal and Coal Lands Orders for Coal in tho city will receive prompt attention. 1,000 Acres of Ohio Coal Lands for salo. Real Estato business solicited. Ofllco, No.

1 Corner Room, McLuro Hooto, Whirling, W. Va. IbW j. X'CULLOUUll. j.O.

siooiik. alvx. HOaXRS. Jas. McCullougli WUolwlo Retail Dcnlcn In Hardware and Cutlery, CABINET BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Carpenters1, Coopers1.

Machinliti' and Butchers' Tools, and 35 SOUTH Ono door abovo Jacob Snydtr, WHEELING. W. VA. CST'Look for tho Sign of ihe Red Circular aplSdaw TUST RECEIVED. 6 Coils Tarred Yarn.

300 lbs. Uomp Twlue. SOJWTnstrofL HHAR H. BRRRT. NEW ORLEANS Ulids fully fair to Ojiit and for iale by KKILLY.

"YirANTED? VV a 000 BnsheliCorn. 8.000 Rimhola. Oats. apSS LIST, DAVKNPORT A PARKS. BEAR 1VJ.

and on hand for low fnr cash. OHARIiW H. niRRY TX7" .1 Barrel! of tha abovo celebrati-d brand of Family Flour, in and for M. USII.LV. TOMAKEROOa FOR OUR COMIKQ Summer Stock Wo will offer ttali wock the Greatest Bargains iu Dry tiom Ever known In this region.

Will Sell Without Regard to Vak Ladles, call and price oar before aukl your IiXflKMBEB! THIS 18 A BPMffllAL 8AL And only for ono week. EMSHEIMER BLUM. P. SUITS for Udlei i Children are included In thli sale. myl jqarly vegetables fruti Cucurabcrs, Tomatooa, Green Peas, Radish and Canned Mho, Freeh Fish and Bca Crabs, at J.

HAGGKHTrfl. niy3 Corner Market and Quincy Bts Daily 100 ma EST street, below M'Lure House. N. McKBE keeps constantly on hsnd a deal bio stock or Freeh Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, A in fact a better assortment than can bo had market. All orders thankfully received and fill with promptness at the lowest market rates.

iar Baskets delivered to any part of the 1 freo of charge. myl FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1872. abbivai. or thajitb. a.m.

i p. B. 2:26 lSAOr.M 6 Central Ohio Div. 6:45 11:10 A. 10 Cleveland Pitta 11:07 a.m.

1 6 Hempfleld R. 9:80 dipartubb or tracts. a. x. a.

m. r. m. r. Baltimore Ohio 5:60 10:80 4:50 10 Central Ohio Div 7:00 11:80 4 Cleveland Pitta 6:05 2:20 p.m Hempfleld 7:10 3:25 Wheeling time.

New Steamer It li Iludsou. Girst Grand Annual Ball. The Pittsburgh Vocal Club. Turkish Bathing Towels. Opera Dufileld.

Notice. Manufacturing and Repairing. Auction, Auction. S. li resigned his position as Street Comm sioncr of our neighboring city of Belial Change ok laire Standard has changed Meek having purchased tho ofllce, mai rials, a lew days since.

Postofkicb II. Mill has been appointed postmaster Gauley Bridge, Payette Jam II. Miller, resigned. A. Barr, constable Triadelphia township, was before Jud Johnston for threatening to bum property of Fritz Hler.

The matter settled by delendant paying the costs. IUilroad Coun Auditors along the line of the Cent! Ohio Rjjlroad, at a meeting recently he in Columbus, appraised the road at per mile, exclusive of sidings. J. s. Carllle, ol Ha rison county, was in tho city, yesterds Mr.

C. is now ipiletly engaged in agrici tural pursuits about three miles fro Clarksburg. Better business than da bling in politics. Troll, ot I Clabivllle, whose attempted filicide i puomucu not long mnce, is improvir with a prospect or his speedy rcstorati to health. The rash act of Mr.

T. done while laboring during a tempore flt'ol insanity. Tire prepai tions are made for a most interesting affi at the anniversary meeting of tho Whe ing and Ohio County Biblo Bociety. It more thafc probable that all or most ol I 'city churches will bo dosed Babbath cvt ing, and that a large assembly will gathered at the First Presbyter! Church. Narrow eve ing, Mr.

Michael Edwards, residing in northern section of the city, had a narrc escape from being seriously hurt. Mr. was descending a flight of steps ai happened to place one of his feet on curtain roller, which turned under 1 foot and threw him forward headloe In the descent, he caught a baluster ai this broke the force of the fall. As was, one of his knees was quite severe injured. Hki.d to Btrau ol this county, was brought before Johnston, yesterday, to bo examined i tho charge of destroying a lease valued eigUt hundred dollars.

Straub waa i rested on Wednesday, bnt the examin tlon was postponed until yesterday. T1 testimony was fully heard, and was to tl effect that Straub, having asked to bee tl paper, snatched it from the hands of tl owner and tore it to pieces. Judge required bim to give security in the su ol live hundred dollars fur his appearan at the next term of tbe Circuit Court District only case posed of in this Court yesterday, that of a man named Cook, (we belies of lloundsville, who Was charged wi violating the U. S. Revenue laws.

Tl jury returned a verdict of guilty, recommended the defendant to tbe men of the Court. His counsel also presenti a paper ol similar import to His Hone who took the matter of fixing the punts ment under advisem*nt In the altcrnoon several cases we called, but as counsel were engaged in tl Circuit Court, nothing could be done. Adjourned until 0 o'clock this mornin Pouch on two occuiont, the lnyertlgation of the charge of dborderly conduct at Iloup'i Garden on the 20th inat, againat Nicholas A Bpeidel, waa oommenottl and con- I eluded In the police court yesterday morning. Fire or tlx witneeses were onuiu ouu Ksuucu on coca Biao. rneir teetlmouy waa very conflicting, bat the preponderance was In favor of the defend- Is! ant, and the caae waa dismissed at the P1 coiuof the city.

Bpeidelwaa then arraigned lor resisting anofflcer while In dbohargt of his duty, cr The samo wltneqei wen (gain sworn, and testified. Thla time, Jiowever, thore 18 was not so great conflict in their testl- cx mony, and the charge waa pretty cloarly established. His Honor considered it so conclusive as to warrant him In impot- hl log a fine of ten dollars and costs, and 11( to sentence' the prisoner 'to flvo days' ri confinement in the county Jail, "with- jjj out bail or mainprise." To this last Item in the punishment of the accused, his attorney, (Mr. Davenport,) took excop- P' tinns, and gave notice of an appeal. The jj decision of this question by tho Circuit nd Court will bo looked for with considerable interest, as it baa long been a matter of doubt in the minda ol several members ot '8.

tho profession, we are Informed, whether the power to Imprison violators of the city ordinances has been conferred on the Mu' nicipal Court, or not Tho next caso called was that of Louis Utz, for being so imprudent as to appear jj on the streets in a state of intoxication. It required about five dollars to' ISttlo tho b111' James Phillips, who was charged with oi assaulting Albert Newman on tho night ol ui tho 18th of April, was called and respond- ri cu. this esse baa been continued tUree ni or four mornings for various reasons, but 'c yesterday morning the witnesses were all present and tho matter was thoroughly jj Investigated. The testimony made the assault one ol tbomoet aggravated oharac- ter, and His Honor imposed a line ol twenty dollars and coeta. jj 01 1 Cihcuit following is an tl Ijjj abstract of the business transacted in this tl court, yesterday: tc -r State w.

William Morris, Indicted for until the 17th of June, 1' and. rules issued against the defendant's 8' witnesses. 10 Supervisors ol Ohio county m. Phiueas by plaintiff. Slate vs.

C. B.Cilles, assault and bat- tr a- empannelled, verdict of guilty a and fined five dollars. ta State-en. Isaac Wolt; obtaining money Hi under false empanneled and verdict of guilty rendered. Tho Court sentenced the prisoner to thirty days' confinement in the county jail.

81 ias The following isle-day's docket: is- State vs. Henry Jackson; petit larceny. rc. Same u. Jont Riley petit larceny.

SametM. GeoTgo liang; arson. Same Ilenry, alias Henry Miller; grand lar ceny. Samo u. George W.

Robinson; murder. Same vt. Clark Sweeney assault and battery. cr, Adjourned until 9 o'clock this morn- at ing- lCS Tue will be seen by the 0 following, tliere wasconsidcrable activity jn yesterday in the cane contest: At nino o'clock last night the polls stood, John 8t Clark, D. D.

McCoy, 42; Ed; 'WeisgerM her, 38; William l)arc, Thomas Shelly 17; J. St. J. Clarkson, John 8cott, 08. Ci Public voting will be continued at the ty ball this evening, until eleven o'clock.

a' From that time until twelve, the ballot 0 'Id system will be substituted. As soon after ri 00 midnight as possible the result will be ascertained and the presentation take place. Friends of the several candidates, this is your last chanco. Rally in your strength Victory will perch to-night on some- TR body's banner. that ballots and di quarters lor your favorite candidates are 32 deposited promptly and numerously bo- hi fore the polls close.

ra A Wiiebliho Boy Heard dl take the following from the Cherokee, on iuwu, 01 luo XYU11HBL: the resident of tho bride's 111 as father, by the Hov. 3. n. Covey, J. k.

Pvknibxt, rv and N1U.U CunrBLin, all of O'Brien. Mo carda. "Mr Pnmphrey, treasurer of O'Brien county, lfl one of the most actlvc, pleasant and thorough a. business men of the West. He la truly a reproscntatlve man, and la fairly on tho way for protir motion to yet wider and moro honored Holds of ul usefulness Hla marrlaee with such an amiable to lady Is an event In hie life that must still further jg raise him In the estimation of hla wide circle of acquaintances." Very many of tmr city readers will re- Pi cognize in the groom, "Jack" Pumphrey, son of tho late MbJ.

M. Pumphrey. 10 They will fib gratified to hear that the bride is an estimable and accomplished 0j n- lady, and that the happy pair start out on nt ho their wedded life under very favorable iw circ*mstances. They have the hearty E. congratulations oi the writer.

a Dramatic Entertainment. The South Wheeling Dramatic Troupe have completed their arrangements for tho pres- 1 entation, to-morrow night, In Handlan'B Hall, ol "Tho Irish Attorney" and "The Dutchman's Ghost." This company of amateurs has a good reputation, and we al have no doubt will fully sustain it on tho ca lb' occasion. Go, and enjoy au evening of tic fine acting and unmixed pleasure. Gi DU at Increased Mail route ir- No. 4,133, (rotn-Parkersburg to Gallipolis, Gi a- Deem contractors, the ro lie Postmaster General has ordered three ad- sei tie ditioAal trips per week from April 1st to ie December 31st, allowing them pro rata ci lie $2,255.67 additional pay therefor.

au for George 811 Hibbard, of this city, sailed from l(ew Tork, last Wednesday, lor England, He took passage on board the steamship gel Is- England, of the National line. A pleas- ra as ant and prqjperous trip to you, George. The most complete and choice line of ke Foreign Domestic Cassimeres, Scotch Jlt Cheviots, EBgiish and French Diagonals, Cloths of all Vestings, Gentle- men's Furnishing Goods, can be found at C. merchant tailor, ner of Main and Quincy streets, who does all work in the best style and guarantees ro 10 Pictork large lot just received and for sale cheap, at the Partg. ridge Gallery, 117 Main street.

11 Oram WARD SCHOOL PICNIC. Uig Editor! ol Intelllfcuccr. Wo were st the Fourth Ward Plcnlo. about a quarter to eight o'clock the steamer "Carrie Brooks" left the ndiog with fully live hundred picnlcers board, who seemed determined to eny themselves, "rain or shine." Wearred at Crcsap's Grove at lOi o'clock, be weather, which was ri unproraIng when wo started, bad become quite easant, and continued so. Boon the hole company wero distributed through ic beautiful grove, engaged in a variety amusemonts, dancing, quoit pitching, oquet playing, and a game called prtaler's blue, whirh Attracted a irood drill nf tentlon, and which certainly good All present seemed to enjoy the very much.

When tho whittle sounded "all )oard," about 4 o'clock, there were any expressions of regret that the day id passed so rapidly. We had a dejhtful ride up the "ha Belle" river. Arved at'the landing at 8 o'clock, feeling a ttle tired after the day's exercise, but irtalnly very much pleased with our exirsion. Indeed the expressions ot satisctlon were universal. Nothing unleasant occurred during the whole day.

real credit it certainly aue to those who id tho management of the affair. It 'as a success throughout. Every one lemed pleased, and wo learned from rot. Tutllo that, after paying all excises, there was a handBome little sum ft to pay (or apparatus for the school Doctors Lyon and Bt pleased to announce to tho afflicted lat these renowned physicians still retain at tho St. James, formerly Dailey's ity Hotel, in this city.

Almost miracuius success has attended their practice uring their stay here, as we are iuloruied 1 their many ccrtitlcatcs of cures, tome which wo have published in our colmns. There is no quackery, no cmpicism, no charlatanry about these senile icn. Tbo result of their practico speaks ir itself. The taking of four or five lonster tape worms, thirty to sixty feet i length, from well known citizens of fbeeling, only a few days since, and andrcds of other equally marvelous ires which they-havo wrought in Wheeling and vicinity, upon persons aficted with different forms of disease, ight to be a sufficient demonstration to tie community of the scientific skill of gentlemen. It is said that the are able to detect all diseases with xuracy without asking tho patient a jestien.

This knowledge gives them power over disease, enabling them i prescribe tho precise remedy to effect a ire. The afflicted should improve this ire opportunity to avail themselves of le benefits to be derived from their eatment. The doctors will remain but short time longer. All wishing consul.tion should call at once, as their stay is mited. Mils.

A. LAaAitDB, Union street, ould respectfully inform the public that te is prepared to do all kinds of Hair ork in the very best style. Her stock of air goods embraces everything in that oe, which will be sold at the lowest rices. She solicits an examination of sr stock, and hones to rerpivn fntr tare of patronage." White Kid Icmens hare the largest stock of White id Slippers in the city. Young ladies ill note this in making preparations for ommencement.

Ladies' hair dressing and shampooing me at Mrs. A. J. Lagarde's, Union reet. What wc know about Photographing in be seen at Brown Higgins'.

i Porcelain Pictures, Cartes de Visile, ustlc Photographs and Portraits in Ink, il, Water Color and Pastel, at the Pari- 1 dge Gallery, 117 Main Street. Childress' suits in great variety at rs. A J. Lagarde's, Union street. Heathen Chinee, TycooitjKed Jacket, 'inona, Minehaho-Wall Papers and bor- i ire, just received at Paull Orr's, No.

i nioiiroe street. iney uavo also on rod a tall stockof cheap and flnepapers, nging in price lrom eight cents to five )Uars. The; make a specialty of Decoitive Papers far Public Halls, Churches, iuing rooms and Halls in private dwell- gs. Give them a call. Pans in great variety at Mrs.

A. J. La- irde's, Union street. Ladies wishing to purchase a nice ting nnd latest stylo Gaiter, should go L. V.

Blond's. Straw Hats for Men and Hgys at jrgey Clemens'. Cheap Sheet Thousand icoes Sheet Music, amongst which are any worth One Dollar a copy, will be fered for ten dava from date Uncentt for each piece. Also, at same no a large collcctlon of choico music at If priu'wrkul. Music buyers will find irgains hi this lot now open at Sheib's 1 usic Store, Monroe street Gents' Fine French Call Boots and Cut Shoes at Forgey Clemens'.

J. T. Lakin-A Co. are prepared to ake up auiti in the latest style and at most any desired price. Give them a 1 11, as they never lail to give satisfacra.

A fine stock Gent's Furnishing sods constantly on hand. We saw, yesterday, at the Partridge illery, a portrait in Psstol, which is illy a "gem ot art" Everybody should it. A largk stock of Ladles', Misses' and lild's Lasting Kid 'and Morocco Boots Shoes of best city manulacturc, lor le at L.V. Blond's. Call at J.

D. Stanton's anil examine i Btock of Wall Paper. Ho has the best lected stock In the city. Paper trimmed I idy lor hanging, fra of Charge. Don't -get the place, corncr Monroe and Mart streets, opposite tho McLure House, eod I )ircBKB'8 Ijiaiirsisd ccpa tbom off and clean tho house ppoodlly? jr by dealen every where.

nyleodAw Pureat and Hweeteat Cod Liver OU In the rid, manufactured from fresh healthy livers on the sea shore. It la perfectly pore and cot Aak for "Hamd ft Caawoll'a Cod Liver manufactured by CABWBLL, HAZARD Mew York. loldbf all Draughts. myHToPr-cUw For 8 ale. JpOR BALTt- A GOOD TWO STORY BRICK DWUUNQ HOUSE, mth 1 In location on Hampden treat Will be eold'cheep.

mjtl IRWIN, Agent. nWBLMNO HOUSE A 8 A LB -I em inthoriied to celt a Rjjj very coaTenlent Two-elorj Prime eltutto on Main itreet, oppoelte the Belmont ADMINISTRATOR'S BALE. Ry vlrtuo of the authority veiled in us by the will or Wm Dement, deceased, the understood Administrators with tho will annexed, will on THURSDAY, the 20th day of Juno, 1871, offer at publie sale on tho promisee, the term or farms lately owned by Baldwin. Dement, ed, containing ubout 985 acres, more or less, and situated on the head waters of Little Wheeling Creek, in township. Ohio county, West Vaj tald tract or land is adjoined by landa of Glffln.

Pinley, Paris, and others, and can readily be divided into two farms, both having thereon the neoeesary Improvements. If divided; one tract will contain about 106 acres, tho other about 190 acree. Bald land will be offered for aalo in two paroela. This property is distant about three miles from West Liberty, three and a half mllee from the Hempfleld Railroad, and about ten mllee from the city of Wheeling. The land is or good quality, well watered and timbered, and haa opened on it a quarry of excellent eandstono.

TiRMB or One-third of the puchaso money in caah on the 1st day of October. 1B72. the (Inj oq whieb possession wUl be given: the residue In two equal lnstallmenta In one and two years from October 1st, 1811, eald deferred payments to draw Interest from time of first payment, the purchaser to give bond with Rood sccnrlty for the said credit Installments and the title being retained until the payment In of the purchase money. Growing crops are the purchaser in TAYLOli FOREMAN, with the will annexed or Wm. Dement, dee'd.

JIOR 8AXK? 70 ACRES FtRST CUSS UPLAND Ono eight of a mile from tho Ohio river, about one-half mile from Newport, Washington county. Ohio. All under fence-14 acres in grass ana residue In choice timber. W. V.

HOGS BRO? apl9 Bailey's Block, Market strtet. FO SAL GLA.88 Robinson JFlndow Glass Works, In North Wheeling, Is offered for sale on easy tonus. These works are In good condition and ready for running. The P. W.

A Ky. R. R. will run along the river front, making it very convenient for shipments to any point west Title unquestionable. RuS'lNIM)N Wheeling, W.

jpic J8LAND LOTS FOH BALE. Forty choice Building Lots on Wheeling Island. Price from $400 to $1,600 each. TiRMi-Ono-fourth cash, the resldno in equal installments at one, two and three years, with in teresL JNO. P.

GILCHBIBT, aplO At Top Mill. Cheap Mill Property FOR SALE. The new Steam Saw Hill at the head of Wheeling Island Is offered (or aale on very reasonable terms. This Hill is capable or catting from 8,000 to 10,000 feet per day, and has the best Log Harbor known. Also a 2 acre Lot In the town of Hartinsferry will be sold separately or in connection with the Hill.

This Lot is situated a short distanco above the Farnace and is a splendid locality for Glass Houses or other manufacturing bu Idlngs. For particulars, enquiro on the premises, or of 8. B. WILLIAMS, Cor. of Walnut and Island.

gALB OF FOUNDRY FIXTURES. I offer at private sale the Patterns, Flasks and Fixtures in Union Foundry, belonging to the late firm of W. W. Hiller Co. The purchaser can secure a reasonable lease of the Foundry and grounds.

The building is 65 foot by 65 feet, centrally located with good light which cannot bo obstructed, and contains all tho necessary appliances of a flrat-claas Jobbing Foundry. For iurther particulars apply on the premises to fi. B. MILLER, janfl Receiver. JEWELLING HOU8E FOR SALE.

I offer for sale the houe in which I now side, situate on John street, a few doors tP aast of Fifth. The house is a substantial JBL twu-Diory uncK containing oignt rooms, bolides a bath room and kitchen, and a finished it tic, with a Rood cellar, hot and cold water in bath-rooms. The honsois in good order and well locatod and in every way a desirable property, being bat a little over a square from the Poet Office. There is also on the premises a good BRICK STABLE, sufficient for four horses, and a carriage house, toy ono wishing to purchase can examine the premises at any time. sept85 JNO.

P. McDKRMOT. Attorneys at Law. 1. H.

OOCOIUN. WM. P. HUBBARD. QOOHRAN HUBBARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office on Fourth street, two doors below the 3ourt House.

WHEELING, W. VA. Practice in the Courts of West Virginia, and Belmont and Jefferson counties, Ohio. UDU. BTANTOH.

0. W. B. ALLUOV ALLIBOJf, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WHEELING, WEST VA. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts.

OT Offlco on Fourth street, east side, first loor north of Monroe. Od Teeth Extracted Without Pain By tho uho of NITROUS OXIDE OR LAUGHING GAB. Filling Teeth made a sjliiclalty. myll M. 8URQI8QN, 147 Market Bi.

OXIDE OR LAUGHING I am prepared to administer Gas for the extracIon of teeth, at my office on Main streot, near Jnlon. 0. A. WINQERTER, Dentist. glURNITURE UNDERTAKING.

WM. ZINK SON, ORTII END CENTRE WHEELING MARKET. Fnrnitnre and Upholstery Goods of various itylos, on bund and mudo to order. Bpccial utonUon Klvon to XJNDKRTAJKIN" Gh COFFINS of all kinds constantly on hands, rimmed in latest stylo. Calls promptly answerd at all hours.

mwiw auu uacu rornisncq. aprtt QR. K. EL WORTHED, DENTIST! McLAIN'S BLOCK, Monroe Street, betwocn Main and Mirktt, WHHBLINO. VA 8.

FAIRFAX, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Block. Murkot Wheeling, W. and 41N. id Zanestflle, ysgeclal attention given to PnbMe Buildings.

HORNIiltOOK, 'lumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters 00 MARKET 8TRBBT. Orders from the country attented to a short otlee. idU. pOUNDRY MACHINE WORKS. 0.


J. OltllK. OULBERTSON, WILEY A. ordkr P'ry Are now opening Spring and Sui Embraoing all the Nei Dress Goods, Shawls, Lama Lace Poi Sleev Ready-Made Suits f( GKROS GKRAJEISr Dolly Van PARj FINE LACES, LACJ CI tW To our DBE8S GOODS, DEPARTMENTS wo would aak JBWEI Wm.H.HENI JEWE Wholesale and Retail Deali AMERICAN Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, Forks, Tea Sets, Fruit Sta Setta. Thomas and all Desire at Lowest Prices, 1 WM.H.

ftM WO uoots shoes. ESTABLISHED IN 188', 4872. Spring Summer. 1872 i C.D.KNOX CO. (SaccoMore to M'Clellan Knox) MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF Boots and Shoes NO.

05 MAIN Wheeling, W. Va. Hats and Caps. FOR PRE8IDENT7 THE CZARWITCII. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, vuunt ua 1'Alua.


TYR0LE8B. 11 HARRY BA8BBTT. DB JOINVILLE. And HARPER'S OWN. The above is oar own Ticket for this Come and tee them at HARPER BROS, Corner Main and Unlot RR00M8.

100 Dozen plain Brooms (assorted Bites). 100 do fancy Brooms (assorted In etoro and for sale by M. BEILLY. -1 OHO LBS. TOBACCO TWIN! fortalelowjbr S0ff9 CHA8.

U. BERRY. ioods. Co. thoir Now Btook of rrnt Goods, and Designs nts and Sacques, eless Cashmere Sacques, Ladies and Children ilLKS, POPLINS, PONGEES, den Goods, (LSOLS, 3 ARTICLES, i ZO.

R. TAYLOR CO. SUIT, SHAWL and especial attention. CEO. R.

TAYLOR CO. MEGEN LERS. irs in all Desirable Styles of WATCHES, and Best Tripple Plated Spoons, astors, Cake Baskets, mis, ible Styles of American Clocks Wholesale and Retail. ENNEGEN 104 MAIN WHEELING. I Jewelry, I ir -k i mi i hi MarKet street, WM.

A. TURNER Would respectfully Inform bla friends and ifc? public (generally that he has lately refllted store, and enlarged his stock or Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER and PLATKI) WARE, And is now prepared to ill, th? LOWEST CASH HAT? With goods that will do fur OTHER PRESENTS. Starting anew, with tho determination oot to bo undersold by any live man, he hopei to and rcceivo a large share of patronage. prompt attention paid torefmr 5 Waahet, Clociu, Ac. Educational.

VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY 1871-72. Tho Uut Catalog-no jhowi of at this InBtltutlon. Klre dUttoct Departments of Instruction, with a full corpt corapotont Profejuwre. too Ancicni ana axoacrn g.Mcr, rnatlca, paro and applied; I'jyrco*kHj. Political Kconomy, carefully and araloKT, Geology and Conchtilw-T i many In other j.

hdlitl Ulntory. moo bnlldlnsc tH-antifol location: gooil aocloty. a-ium Piu. bcglM December Mh. Spring, March SOth comb ment, jnnoMth.

Hoarding from to Tnltlun, from 915 to per year. jot Morjmntowm, Wcit.

The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer from Wheeling, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.