The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)

a a a a Deaths And Funerals GEORGE L. WATSON death of George Lewis Watson, 70, of Stetson occurred Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Levy Russell, 18 Jefferson Street, Brewer. He was born in Costigan, N. the son of Lewis H.

and Eliza McClay Watson. For 40 years he was a potato farmer in Caribou and Limestone and for the past eight years had operated a vegetable and dairy farm in Stetson. He is survived by his wife, Susan Watson, Stetson; four daughters, Mrs. Levy Russell, Brewer, Mrs. Lafayette Wilson, Stetson, Mrs.

Edward Adams, Livermore Falls, and Miss Marguerite Watson, Southern Rhodesia, Africa; four sons, Raymond Stetson, Paul Caribou, Frederick Reading, and Glendall G. Watson, Levant; a brother, Wallace Watson, Caribou; A sister, Mrs. Hariette Holme, Hartford, 33 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the' Pentecostal Church, Court Street, Bangor. Friends may call at the White and Hayes Funeral Home, 48 Center Street, this afternoon and evening, VAUGHN M.

DUFFY SHERMAN STATION, Dec. M. Duffy, 44, died Wednesday, at was Sherman born Station. Benedicta March 23, 1914, the son of George and Susan (Brennan) Duffy, He was a member of the Knights of Columbus in Benedicta. Surviving are his widow, Mrs.

Aida Duffy; a son, Frank of Sherman Station; his father, of Benedicta: three. brothers, Charles of Benedicta, Sherman and Eugene of Thompsonville, four sisters, Miss Dorothy Duffy Mary Rush of Benedicta, Mrs. Lillian Sawyer of Stacyville and Mrs. Leona Burmmingham of Bangor; several nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements will be announced.

MRS. MELVIN RUMERY Mrs. Susan Jane (Randall) Rumery, 82, widow of Melvin L. Rumery of East Machias, died late Wednesday night at a Bangor convalescent home following a long illness. She was born in Perry April 4.

1876 the daughter of Orange and Caroline (Frost) Randall. She was educated in Perry schools and attended the East Machias Baptist church. She lived in Perry and East Machias most of her life. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Charles Luce, Mrs.

Clayton Crane, Machias, and Miss Randall Rumery, Bangor; one son, Gerald Rumery, Hartford, and two grandchil-. dren. Funeral services will be held at the East Machias Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the Jacksonville cemetery. Friends may call at the Gardner Funeral Home in Machias Friday afternoon and evening, MILLARD W.

HAYNES LINCOLN, Dec. 3-Millard W. Haynes, 66, died Wednesday at local hospital after a short illness. Haynes was born in Lincoln September 19, 1892, the son of Elmer and Cora (Lancaster) Haynes, and had lived here all his life. He was employed by the Eastern Corporation for 42 years.

He retired from that organization six years ago and devoted his full time to the lumber business. He was a member of Horeb Lodge, A. F. and A. Lincoln, Mosaic Chapter of Lincoln, and St.

John's Commandery and Anah Temple Shrine of Bangor. He was also a member of Minerva Lodge, 1.0.0.F., of Lincoln. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Christie (Shorey) Haynes of Lincoln: four daughters. Mrs.

Thelma Whalan, Mrs. Helen Jewett, Mrs. Irene Lancaster and Mrs. Jenette Wilson Lincoln; four sons, Almon, Millard, Don and Elmer of Lincoln; a sister, Mrs. Mae Kempton, Amherst, three brothers, Frank and Lloyd of Linand Clarence of Andover; 17 grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

Funeral services will be held from the Lincoln Congregational Church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Frederick Robie, pastor, officiating. Interment will be at the Lincoln Cemetery, Friends may call at the Barton Funeral Home here Thursday all day and Friday from 3 to 9 o'clock. DEATHS AT SKOWHEGAN Arthur Brouillet, 70, Wednesday. Funeral services will be beld in Gardiner Friday.

Interment will be at West Dresden. AT THOMASTON Mrs. Irene A. Davis, 79, Wednesday. Funeral services will be held in Thomaston Saturday Interment will be at Thomaston.

AT FAIRFIELD Maynard B. Norton, 53, Wednesday. Funeral services will Fairfield Saturday morning. Burial will be at Waterville. AT MONSON Mrs.

Rose E. Isakson, Wednesday. Funeral will be held Friday afternoon in Guilford. Burial will be at Guilford. AT NORTON, N.

B. Fred Sharpe, Monday. Funeral services will be held in Midland, N.B., Thursday afternoon, AT DEXTER Edmund Brouin, 78, Wednesday. Funeral Mass will be said here Saturday morning. Burial will be at Dexter.

AT DEXTER Frank Cyrs; 77, Wednesday. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon in, Dexter: Burial will be at Charleston. AT DEXTER Henry Ganeau, 83, Tuesday. Funeral Mass will PEACE-OF-MIND PROTECTION COSTS SO LITTLE Wilbert BURIAL VAULTS Bangor Wilbert Vault Co. CITY Stock Market Discussed At Orono Meeting ORONO, Dec.

Brewer Jr, broker for Townsend, Dabney and Tyson, Bangor, discussed the stock market and investments at Tuesday evening meeting of the Orono Junior Chamber of Commerce at the club house. Arling Hazlett introduced the speaker, It was announced that 1 house-to-house sale of ribbon candy will be conducted by the members on Sunday evening. Plans. were made for lighting the community Christmas tree in front of the Orono Town Hall sometime this week. The group made plans to.

cut Christmas trees this coming weekend. The trees will be on sale the Chalet Service Station on College Avenue. It was announced that 8. New Year's Eve dance will be held at the club house and that an orchestra had been engaged for the celebratifreshments were served by Walter Grant and Reginald Russell. The next meeting will be old Wednesday, evening, December 17.

New Citizens AT OLD TOWN Home Private Hospital To Mr. and Mrs. Joel Shorette, Bradley, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs.

John Kennedy, R.F.D. No. 1, Alton, a son. All-Night Winter Parking Ban At Orono Instituted ORONO. Dec.

3-A ban on allnight parking on town streets and roads was issued by Orono Police Chief Augustine Dall today. Dall said that, in the event of snow storms, vehicles blocking snow plows will be towed away at the owner's expense. He reported that extended park. ing between midnight and 6 o'clock in the morning during the winter months is prohibited. 400 M0 GET CASH FOR Christmas USE NEWS WANT ADS Sell pets, furniture, appliances, toys.

flewers, clothing, sporting goods, etc. Turn Those "Don'! NEEDS" inte easy Christmas money. CALL 2-4881 OR WRITE BANGOR DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED DEPT. Use convenient Want Ad order blank found daily on these pages. Personals AMAZING New radiomatic short wave removes un wanted hair permanently, safely Monday through Friday.

Shirley Schneider, 346 Center, Bangor 2-0781 ALL UNWANTED HA Permanently removed. Radiomatic methods. Margaret Harter, 22 Central Street, Bangor, 2-8867 Thursdays and Saturdays. SPECIAL! Permanents, regular $8.50 for $5. Beaulieu's Beauty Salon, 33 East Summer St.

Ample parking. Ban; gor 2-8503. HUMMEL FIGURES English bone china. Fiesta dishes in all colors. Penobscot Trading Post.

Old Town. LOANS rates in Bangor. Licensed, insured. Pawn Shop, 89 Exchange Street. NOTICE Bangor Alcoholics Anonymous.

Wednesday nite meetings changed to Saturday 8 P.M. 16 Post Office Square. PASSENGER WANTED--For December 12th to to share ride, expenses 'San Diego, California. Write Advertiser, Box 0-74, Bangor Daily News. SPECIAL DAD'S CHRISTMAS Free handmade slippers with platform rocker.

$29.95. Limited supply. Lay-a-way now. Economy Furniture Outlet, Railroad Station, Old Town. MOM'S CHRISTMAS SPECIALFree covered casserole with chrome rocker, 19.95.

Limited supply. Lay-a-way now. Economy Furniture Outlet, Railroad Station, Old Town. TOYS GALORE AT THE INDIAN STORE MOOSEHEAD LAKE GREENVILLE, MAINE VACANCIES -At Sargent's Convalescent Home, 20 Washington Street, Brewer, Maine. Best of care plus excellent food.

Reasonable rates. Public Notices CHRISTMAS TOYLAND- -Showing most complete selection of toys in New England. Use our lay-a-way plan. Trading Post, Old Town. CUSTOM SAWING Clarke' Mill.

We will appreciate your tronage. Sherman Clarke, Winter-' port. Tel. BAldwin 3-4423. Tel.

2-4881 Public Notices HITCHING POST RANCH -Riding Stable. Stetson Road, Kenduskeag. Maine, annex of Dover Trail rides, hayrides. Schooling by 'ap pointment. Children's ring.

Le vant 4-2478. SARGENT'S RIDING RANCH Rt. 15. Kenduskeag. Riding year round.

Beautiful riding trails. Children's ring. Hay rides. Schooling by appointment. LEvant 4-2678.

WE LOAN- -Money OD watches diamonds, rifles. TV. Anything of value. Enrico Frati, Jeweler Pawnbroker. 91 Pickering Square Bangor REGISTER NOW For free.

Christmas Turkey drawing. Economy Furniture Outlet, Railroad Station, Old Townes 'SANDY SEZ" Infanticipating? 1 have just the Thayer crib and Kantwet mattress for you. EconoFurniture. Outlet, Railroad Station, Old Town. "WANTED CUSTOMERS" THE INDIAN STORE LAKE GREENVILLE, MAINE Building Contracting MASON WORK- -Brick, cement blocks, chimneys rebuilt, fireplaces.

Frank J. Padula, 20 Fourth Street. Tel. 2-5303. REPAIRS Ceilings, shingles, roofs, foundations and insulation.

Time payments. Call Jim at 4068. Heat'g, Plumb'g, Roofing 10 KITCHEN UNITS Complete only $69.95, includes 3 piece wall cabinets, sink, and base. Economy Furniture Outlet. Railroad Station, Old Town.

QUAKER HEATERS--Up to $50 allowance on your old heater. Easiest terms in town. Economy Furniture Outlet, Railroad Station, Old Town. LENNOX FURNACES Wood, Coal And Oil Burning Completely installed. No down payment.

As low as $20.00 per month. Up to 5 years on balance. HOLLIS ELKIN New location, 321 Main St. TEL. 7983 PERMAGLASS 30 gallon water heater, $89.95, Glass-lined, 10 year guarantee.

Bottled gas installed. Penobscot Trading Post, Old Town. TIMKEN FURNACES Steam Hot Water Warm Air Air Conditioning Free Estimates No Down Payment Easy Terms The Hincks Coal Co. Tel. 6478 Misc.

Business Service 11 ALBERTSON'S Septic tank cleaning. Free inspec tion. Old Town 7-3855. Brewer Upholstering Co Pick -up and delivery anywhere in Maine. Work guaranteed Free estimates, credit terms arranged State Highway No.

1. Brewer Tel 2-3455 Bangor Radio TV Servicing all makes radios, record players and television 212 Hammond Street, Dial 2-1448. SOMETHING TO SELL? WANT TO' BUY? USE A WANT AD! Bangor Daily News, Thursday, Misc. Business Service BANGOR UPHOLSTERING CO. 34 years' experience.

All custom work. Free estimate. 10 years guaranteed. Pickup and delivery free. 157 Hammond Street.

6660. ELECTRIC SHAVERS REPAIRED -Shaver service. Shaver re turned day received. J. W.

Leigh ton Agency. 98 Central Street Bangor Septic Tanks Cleaned and repaired. Reasonable rates. Free inspection. Phone Hermon 8-5506 and Levant 4-2395.

Septic Tanks Cleaned and repaired. Reasonable rates Free inspection state wide. Huffman, Winterport. BA 3-4213 or 3-4668. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned and repaired.

year guarantee. Reduced prices Orono 6-2470. SEWING MACHINES WHITE AND PFAFF Repairs on all makes since 1876 Melvin's, Music. 88. Central St.

Bangor. Furniture Upholstering Free estimates, all work and ma terials guaranteed, free pickup and service. delivery, SMITH COMPANY 2 Union street, Brewer Phone 4679 personal Originals files should and for kept Personal your toServiews that may develos. GIRL Or young woman to babysit afternoons. Tel.

7976. GIRL WANTED To stay with 2 school age children a. m. Care for 1 from p. m.

$10 weekly. Phone 2-8567 or call at corner Bruce road and Valley avenue. HOUSEKEEPER Live in small modern house. Bangor. Assist nurse in care of one adult.

Write Advertiser, X-74, Bangor Daily News, stating age, experience and references in first letter. HAMPDEN TV SHOP Prompt, efficient service. Nelson Violette, Proprietor. N. R.

I. graduate. Tel. 2-5856. T.

V. DOCTOR Day-Night, Phone 5336 2-2417 Moving, Truck's, Storage 12 FURNITURE Clean van. General trucking. Rubbish ashes removal. Reasonable George Chapman Sons.

3754. FURNITURE MOVING Rubbish hauled. Eugene McKinnon. phone 2-2088 or 6743. Repairing Refinishing 14 Body Fender Work Expert repairs, and painting.

Rapaport Auto 32 Oak Bangor. LEATHER JACKETS Cloth jackets repaired and zippers replaced. Knitted and waist bands replaced. Work guaranteed. Mail orders.

Pels Zipper Clinic, 114 Elm Street, Bangor. Help Wanted Female 16 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS When answering advertisem*nts NEWS Bos number or 0. Box, de net send original references photos with your application letter the advertiser. Only duplicates reproductions. should be sent the advertiser is ebligated return Shem She applicant.

December 4, 1958 31 Orono be said in Dexter Friday morning. Burial will be at Dexter. AT GRAND FALLS, N.B. Victor Gerard, 62, Tuesday. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday morning in Hamlin.

Interment will be at Hamlin in the Spring. AT CALAIS Mrs. Annie Swaney, 74, Wednesday, Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon in Vanceboro Burial will be at Vanceboro. LINNEUS Henry C. Adams, 91, Wednesday.

Funeral services will be held in Houlton Friday afternoon. 1 Burial will be at AT HOULTON Mrs. Flora, J. MacVarish, 88, Wednesday, Funeral services will. be held in Houlton Friday morning.

Interment will be at Benedicta. FUNERAL SERVICES OLD TOWN, Dec. 3 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Louise Attean were held Tuesday morning olic at 9 Church o'clock at the St. Indian Ann's Reser- Cath- on vation.

The Rev. Lucien Mandeville celebrated the Requiem Mass Bearers were Thomas Shay, Reuben Phillips, Nicholas Ranco, Harvey Mitchell, Ivan Ranco. and Ernest Goslin. Interment the family lot in Tribal cemetery. Leo V.

Winslow Dies At 65 At Norridgewock NORRIDGEWOCK, Dec. 3--Leo V. Winslow, 65, died suddenly at his home here Tuesday. He was born in Larone January 1, 1893, the son of Will and Elizabeth Winslow. His wife, Nancy (Savage) Winslow died August 23 of this year.

Winslow was a member of Victor Grange in Fairfield Center, Lebanon Lodge No. 116, A.F. and A.M., of Norridgewock, Somerset Pomona Grange, Cedar Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, and the Norridgewock Betterment Assoc. Survivors include a son, Paul Winslow of Norridgewock, and one brother, Basil Winslow of California. The remains are at the Lord neral home in Norridgewock where friends may call Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 in the evening.

Funeral services will be Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Norridgewock Federated church, the Rev. Bruce Bowan officiating. Interment will be at Larone cemetery in Fairfield. AAUW Board To Help In Fund Project ORONO. Dec.

3 The executive board of the Orano-Old Town Branch of the American met Tuesday evening at the home Association of University Women of Mrs. George R. Cooper, president. Business discussed included plans for a project to raise funds for the AAUW national headquarters building in Washington, C. Following the discussion, members decided to hold a combination book and food sale early in May.

Also discussed at the meeting was the matter of the selection of a nominating committee. A report of the treasurer was given by Mrs. J. Franklin Witter. Others reporting were the ing committee chairmen: Mrs.

William Calkins, campus relations and higher education: Mrs. Frank C. Foster, education; Miss Alice Stewart, Fellowship Program; Mrs. Irwin B. Douglass, legislative: program.

Also Mrs. Richard Dolloff, membership; Mrs. Charles Richards, social economic issues; Mrs. Dean F. Tuthill, status of women; Mrs.

Albert D. Nutting, program. Mrs. John R. Crawford, international relations chairman, requested and received authorization to send a CARE package for Christmas.

Mrs. John Chantiny, arts committee chairman, told of plans for a music study group to be started January, the time and place be announced. to" Mrs. Chantiny also announced plans for the December 10 meeting to be held in the Lown Room when culture and a demonstration of A discussion Japanese flower arrangements by Remiko Tanaka, a graduate student from Japan at the University of Maine will be featured. The program also will include a piano solo by Thomas Meng-Han Liu, a graduate student from China, Foreign students will be guests.

Bangor Chapter, NAA, Discusses Business Budgets The Bangor Chapter of the Naheld tional the second Discussion Forum Association of Accountants of the fall season Wednesday at the Tarratine Club. D. Plumley, comptroller and general auditor Railroad of the Company, Bangor and Was Arpostops: cussion leader. The subject of the forum was "Business Budgets" based on the outline published by the National Association of Accountants and furnished to the Bangor Chapter for discussion. The forum centered on problems of accountants that are arising within the companies in the State of Maine.

The discussions opened at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and continued until 10 o'clock in the evening with a break for dinner from 6 o'clock until 7. Approximately 35 attended the forum. ORONO, Dec. 3-All women of the Church of Universal Fellowship are invited to a "Know Your Church" meeting to be held in the Parish House Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The meeting is being sponsored by the Women's Council of the church.

The Rev. Herbert R. Houghton will speak to the group on the topic, "Challenges Ahead for Our There will also be Christmas music, and refreshments will be' served. The inspection of Good Cheer Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will be held Thursday evening in the Masonic hall at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs.

Hazel MacDonald. district deputy grand matron Hermon, will be the inspecting officer. A baked ham supper will precede the meeting. The Intermediate Youth Fellow ship Group of the Methodist church will meet Thursday ning at 6:30 o'clock in the church vestry. A meeting of the first and secyear members of the Pins and Needles 4-H club will be held Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs.

Winthrop Libby. The first year girls are asked to bring work baskets: the second year members, knitting: and the first year members enrolled in the foods project, aprons. The Rev. Robert E. Allten, minister of the Orono Methodist church, will give a Christmas reading at the Monday evening meeting of the Homemakers Club held in the church vestry.

ered dish supper will be served at 7 o'clock. There will also be an exchange of inexpensive gifts. and carol singing. Members are reminded to bring a covered dish or salad. table service and gifts.

The hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Bernie E. Plummer, Mr. and Mrs.

Fay Walls and Mrs. Bernard Deering. The Monday evening program of the Cheerio Club of the Church of Universal Fellowship to be held at the parish house at 6:30 o'clock will feature a Christmas art contest. A covered dish supper will precede the program. Members are asked to bring small Christmas decorations ornaments for the contest, also A cov.

ered dish or salad and individual table service. The hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Rain Lanson, Mr. and Mrs.

Bert A. MacKenzie, the Rev. and Mrs. Herbert R. Houghton, Mr.

and Mrs. Wayland Shands and Mrs. Donald Strout. St. Mary's Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will meet Monday evening following the Mass at St.

Mary's Catholic church in observ. ance of the Immaculate Conception, Mrs. Raymond Cota has returned to her home, 24 Forest from the Eastern Maine Avenue, hospital. Star of Hope Rebekah Lodge met Tuesday evening at the Odd Fellows hall and made plans for a Christmas party on December 16. Mrs.

Olive Dean and Mrs. Vaun Phillips were cochairmen for the refreshments: Mrs. Janet Roy, program chairman; Miss Alice Modery and Mrs Georgia McCorrison, procuring and decorating of tree. Members will exchange gifts. Guests may be invited.

Mrs. Catherine Jordan has returned to the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Bates, College Heights, after visiting in Portland, Freeport and East Sumner with relatives.

The Garden Group of the Woman's Club of Orono met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Bever. The members displayed Christmas arrangements explaining how they were made. Mrs. Freeman M.

Sampson entertained with colored slides of the Longwood Gardens. Individual servings of dessert were changed. Mrs. displayed samples of Maine conifers. Plans were made to meet on January 7 at the home of Mrs.

Russell Bailey with the Misses Mary and Elizabeth Beale' assisting hostesses. Present for the meeting, in addition to those mentioned, were Mrs. Bert A. MacKenzie, Mrs. Harold Swift, Miss Addie Weed.

Mrs. George Dow, Mrs. Charles Woolacott, Mrs. Charles Bartlett. Miss Fay Sheppard, Mrs.

Wilfred O'Keefe, Harold Dempsey. Frederick Sutherland, Orono High school guidance, director, guest at the Orono old Town Kiwanis Club meeting Thursday night at 6:45 o'clock. Beth Abraham Sisterhood Holds Hanukkah Party The Beth Abraham Sisterhood Hanukkah party held in the Beth Abraham synagogue Wednesday evening was attended by approximately 100 members of the Sisterhood and their children, Mrs. Hannah Weinberger, program chairman, participated with the children in lighting, and singing the blessings over the Hanukkah candles. Mrs.

Bea Gotlieb then told the children the story of Hanukkah. The older girls who entertained by Barbara -singing Rolnick, Hebrew Toby melodies Slep, Mindy were Michelson, Charlotte Gopan, Jane Soloman, Paula Rolsky, Karen Lavine, and Donna Mrs. Frances Gotlieb was in charge of table decorations. The individual tables were decorated in traditional Jewish blue and white and the centerpiece for the center table was of fall leaves and straw flowers. The supper was under the direction of Mrs.

Elsie Brickel. Mrs. Violet Gordon, president, conducted a short business meeting of the Sisterhood following the supper. The special prize which WAS donated by Mrs. Gordon was awarded to Mrs.

Sohie Striar, Help Wanted Female 16. WAITRESSES One full time, one part time. Must be experienced and neat appearing. Miller's Restaurant, 542 Main Bangor. WOMAN WANTED -For cleaning Saturdays only.

Apply in person, Page Electric 149 Pine Street. WAITRESSES WANTED Room and board furnished. Apply to Betty Nadeau, Winslow Diner, Winslow, Maine. WOMAN WANTED To care for year, old child in my home 37 Holyoke street, Brewer. WAITRESSES And kitchen help.

Live in or out. Ann's Grill, East Corinth. REV. EDWARD FITZPATRICK Death Claims Bar Harbor Pastor At 79 BAR HARBOR, Dec. 3-The Rev.

Edward F. Fitzpatrick, 79, pastor at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Bar Harbor since April 7, 1927, died Wednesday at a Bangor hospital. Father Fitzpatrick was loaned to the Diocese of Portland for two months 19 1912 and remained for 46 years. He was born at Armagh, Ireland, March 7, 1879, the son of Patrick and Catherine (McNaugh) Fitzpatrick. He was two years old when his family came to Providence, R.

I. to live. He was the youngest of 11 boys. He attended Providence schools and graduated from LaSalle High School, conducted by. the Christian Brothers.

He then went to Holy Cross College and St. Andrew's Minor Seminar, Rochester, N. and St. Bernard's Major Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood July 2, 1907, at Providence.

After ordination his ministry began in the diocese of Lincoln, which he reached by stagecoach. Father Fitzpatrick was loaned to the Diocese in 1912 and it his field of Portland. work. His first pastorate was at Benedicta. Later pastorates were at South Berwick, Peak's Island and Bar Harbor.

A golden jubilee celebration was held here in 1957 in honor of the 50th year of his ordination. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Gorman of Providence, R. and a nephew who is his namesake and a priest, The Rev. Edward F.

Fitzpatrick of Georgiaville, R. I. Other nephews and niece survive. The remains will lie in state at Holy Redeemer Church Thursday and Friday. A Solemn Pontifical High of Requiem will be.

celebrated at Holy Redeemer Church Saturday morning at 11 o'clock by The Most Rev. Daniel J. Feeney, D. Bishop of Portland. Burial Bar Harbor in Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Old Town OLD TOWN.

Dec. 3-A special meeting of Father Druillette Council, Knights of Columbus, will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in K. of C. hall for the purpose of reading and balloting on applications. Prior to the meeting, members of the New Year's Eve ball committee and the Christmas party for underprivileged children committee are requested to meet at the hall.

Cub Scouts of Pack 78 Den Mothers and committeemen are requested to meet Thursday eveing at 8 o'clock at the YMCA Community House to make plans for the annual Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ballou, of 446 South Main Street, Old Town, announce the birth of daughter, Kathryn Hope, on November 28 at the Eastern Maine General Hospital. More than 40 members attended the December meeting and Christmas party of the Ladies of St.

Ann held Monday evening at the rectory hall. Members exchanged gifts from a decorated Christmas tree and the evening was spent playing cards. Refreshments were served by the following committee. Mrs. Yvonne Roy, chairman, Mrs.

Cathryn Cates, Mrs. Celia Thibault, Mrs. Marion Thibodeau and Mrs. Roseanna Ste. Marie.

special meeting of Old Town chapter, No. 68, Royal Arch Masons, will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock with work in the Royal Arch degree at Masonic Temple, Old Town. St. Cecilia Circle, Daughters of Isabella, will meet Monday evening after church services for the December business meeting in Knights of Columbus hall. Applications for membership will be voted on and social committees for the year appointed.

All officers are requested to meet at a special session before the business meeting to make final plans for the Christmas charities. Game Night for children will be held at the Great Works Youth Center in the Lewis-Stairs school Friday evening from 6:30 to 8 o'clock. In addition to A there will be dancing and organized games. Refreshments will be served and fudge will be on sale Principal charge Irwin Campbell will be in of the evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Ludger Vigue of 3 Hilliard Street have returned from Oceanside. Long, Island, N. where they spent the Thanksgiving holiday with their son and wife, Mr. And Mrs.

Harvey Vigue and baby son, Brian. WOMEN- -Start now for big Christmas earnings as an Avon Representative. Write to Mrs. Edward Beckett, Avon District Sales Manager, Fort Fairfield, Maine. WOMAN Fifty, who needs, and wants, home, one adult, country, not farm.

Advertiser, Box Z-74, Bangor Daily News. CASH IN -On the big Fall and Christmas selling season representing Avon Cosmetics. Mrs. Edmond Lebrun, District Manager. Hampden Highlands, Maine or call Bangor 2-5689, Hampden 102.

WANTED Retired registered nurse or licensed practical nurse for very light duty at nursing home. Live in. Send inquiries to Advertiser Box D-74, Bangor Daily News. WANTED For part time survey work, that can be done in your own home. Openings in many towns, from Augusta to Fort Kent.

Write Advertiser, B-75, Bangor Daily News, stating free time and telephone number for further information. Help Wanted Male 17' CAB DRIVERS Wanted. Apply in' person 156 Washington street, Bangor. DRIVERS WANTED Expertenced. Apply at Checker Taxi 25 Franklin St.

MARRIED MAN WANTED 25- 35, with small family. Experience in dairy farming, capable to milk by hand and machine. 4 room house with all utilities. Pay cording to abilities. References.

John J. Davis, phone 2-0874. MEN WANTED To cut 4' hard wood. Edwin Sanborn, 14 Elm Street. Dover-Foxcroft, Maine.

MARRIED MAN On dairy farm. Only applicants fully experienced will be considered. Rent, heat. lights and milk furnished. Harold.

Fitts, Eastern avenue, Brewer. Maine. Phone 2-0367. BOOKKEEPER WANTED Between the ages 25 and 35. Must be experienced in bookkeeping and accounts ceivable.

Permanent position. For retail store. Good salary Advertiser, Box B-74, Bangor Daily News. WAITRESS WANTED For Full Time Work Must Be Experienced and Neat Appearing MILLER'S RESTAURANT 542 Main St. Bangor USE WANT ADS- More Readers Best Results FOR AS WORD PER DAY READERS LITTLE AS YOUR AD REACHES 300,000 DAILY LOCAL Classified Advertising COST CHART.

These rates are for consecutive insertions only. Other wise the one-time rate applies. Note greatly reduced rates for seven time orders. Ads may be celled after first insertion and charge will be adjusted according to rate earned. Liberal discounts when bills are paid within 10 days of expiration date- for cash in advance.

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The Bangor Daily News from Bangor, Maine (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6004

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.